Meeting Up With Captain Fujimiya Satoru

The husband stepped backward, baring his fangs at the bulky man who walked slowly towards him. He had no idea whether the man was another enemy or not.

Whichever the case, he didn't want to let his guard down since his family's lives were on the line here.

He was already exhausted enough as it was, but his wife and daughter were right behind him. There was no way he would allow the threat to approach them so carelessly like that.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The husband gritted his feet, trying to intimidate the Bulwark in front of him.

Although he was well aware that he was severely advantaged against a Bulwark, it should be mentioned that he was already exhausted after that fight against the Hound.

Of course, there's still a minuscule chance of winning, but after that... what then? Even if he won, he wouldn't be able to defend his wife and daughter against oncoming threats.