Ashley leans on Rick while he, Jonathan, and Evelyn run as fast as they can. The walls start to descend. "C'mon" yells Rick and pushes Jonathan a bit further. "Rick" moans Ashley. Blood pours over her hand once more. "I cannot... Go. Leave me" she whispers. "Never" groans Rick and lifts her. They race past the sinking pillars. They duck as they run into a descending doorway. "Go Ashley, you can do it" whispers Rick and helps her crouch and run into the treasure chamber. All four of them race past Benni who is panicked and running around. Evelyn stops a moment. She looks at all the treasures in amazement. Sand rains down on them. O'Connell grabs her again and quickly pulls her through the mounds of treasure towards a sinking doorway on the far side of the room. The sound of the sinking walls is deafening. Benni runs behind them as they run up the staircase. In a panic, he yells as they see that they make way for a descending doorway that is already half gone. Jonathan dives through the narrow gap as he reaches out for Evelyn. After Evelyn Rick follows. He stretches out his hand to Ashley but she gets stuck in the middle about to be cut in half. Rick yanks on her arm and pulls her through in the nick of time. Benni reaches through the narrowing gap with his hand. "O'Connell" he screams. Rick grabs his hand but it is too late. Benni yanks his hand back just as the wall comes down. "Bye bye Benni" whispers Rick and lifts Ashley once again. All the color is faded out of her face. "We need to get her to a hospital fast." "Let's make haste then," says Jonathan and leads them out of the catacombs. Hastily they pinch their eyes closed for the sudden burst of sunlight. They run to a safe distance and stop to catch their breath. Slowly they look around and look at the disappearing city. A pack of stray camels runs away as the temple collapses. The whole place rumbles ominously. A massive cloud of sand and dust bursts out. They stare off to the rumbling volcano of sand. "Well I guess we go home empty-handed," says Jonathan disappointed. Rick looks at Evelyn. "I wouldn't say that" he smirks. Jonathan looks at Ashley. Panting she leans against a rock. "Don't think about it" she grunts between her teeth and walks to a camel. While she climbs on Jonathan disappointed shakes his head and follows her on the camel. Evelyn returns the look. She wraps her arm around him and kisses him. "Tuk Tuk" yells Jonathan and leads the camels home.