Chapter 3

As the slave trader stepped away, the white-haired lady approached me, her eyes scanning my body with a critical gaze. She reached out, her fingers deftly tearing away the tattered cloth that barely covered my form. I couldn't help but feel a little tingle as she poked my chest, my half-succubus heritage causing my physique to be that of a girl.

She held out a parchment and placed it just below my breast, above my abdomen. Her hand glowed a brilliant white, and I felt my body freeze, unable to move as she pressed the parchment to my skin. The crest started to form, a soul-numbing pain engulfing me as I let out a painful, high-pitched scream.


I collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down my face as I writhed in pain. The lady simply looked on, her expression unreadable. The pain slowly dissipated, and I looked down at my fair white skin to see a black crest containing a symbol of a sword with wings covering it. My freedom was gone, and this mark would always serve as a reminder of my slave life. I glared up at the lady, hatred burning in my eyes.

As I stood there, my body wracked with pain, tears streaming down my face, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter hatred towards the lady who had just marked me as a slave. The crest, a black symbol of a sword with wings, burned into my skin just below my breast, felt like a constant reminder of my lost freedom. I couldn't bring myself to speak, my mind and body consumed by the soul-numbing pain. The lady simply looked at me with a detached curiosity before turning away, leaving me to suffer alone on the ground. It was at that moment that I knew, my life as a free individual was over, and my future was now forever tied to the will of my master. The crest that was now etched on my skin, a constant reminder of my new reality as a slave.


She soon returned to me, dealing with the final details of the transaction. Standing before me, her eyes met mine, filled with contempt and disdain. I could feel the weight of her gaze upon me, as if she was studying my every move, every expression.

"I like the look in your eyes," she said, her voice cold and disdainful. "I will enjoy breaking that spirit, and showing you your true place in this world."

With a swift kick to my gut, I doubled over in pain, gasping for air. The impact of her heel was strong, and merciless. And as I struggled to breathe, I felt the darkness creeping in, and I lost consciousness.


A few years had passed since that fateful day when I was sold into slavery and taken away by the white-haired lady, who I now knew to be the Duchess of the empire I was currently in. My name was Ellis,

The journey to the Duchess's mansion had been a blur, but I could still remember the overwhelming sense of fear and confusion that had consumed me at the time. was taken to a grand mansion where a plethora of servants were hard at work. The Duchess, who is the ruler of the empire or more specifically the dukedom we currently reside in, handed me over to a maid who cleaned me up and familiarized me with my new surroundings.

My memories of my previous life were hazy, but as I grew older, they began to come back to me. I remembered reading a novel set in a world not unlike the one I found myself in. The realization that I had been reincarnated in the world of the novel I had read was a shocking one. I couldn't help but wonder if this was all a cruel joke being played on me by fate.

As I was taken to the grand mansion of the Duchess, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The Duchess was a powerful and feared figure in this world, and I knew that my life would be forever changed by her. I was taken in by a maid and cleaned up, and I was informed about the world I was now a part of.

I learned that this was an empire, with only two dukedoms, one of which was the one I was currently in. The family that held this dukedom was known for their prestigious sword mastery. As I took in this information, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness. I knew that my fate was now tied to that of the Duchess and her family, and I could only pray that they would treat me kindly.

But as the days passed, it became clear that this was not to be. The Duchess was a cruel and ruthless woman, and she took pleasure in tormenting me. I was nothing more than a plaything to her, a possession to be used and abused at her will. I knew that my only hope was to somehow escape this life of servitude and reclaim my freedom.

Damnit! This world was definitely the world of the novel I read!

I had always been doubtful about this possibility, but now it seems to be true. I had been reincarnated in a world that I had only read about before. This realization was both terrifying and exhilarating. I knew that my life would be filled with danger and intrigue, but I also knew that I would have the opportunity to make a difference in this world.


It was a novel that captivated my imagination from the very first page. The story was set in a fantasy world where different races coexisted, but were not always in harmony. The heroine, a brave and determined young woman, embarked on a journey to unite these races and bring peace to the land. Despite facing many obstacles along the way, she remained steadfast in her determination to succeed. The novel was masterfully crafted, with intricate plot twists and fully developed characters that kept me engaged throughout. The art was equally impressive, with beautiful illustrations that brought the story to life. I found it particularly interesting because of the themes of unity and perseverance that were woven throughout the narrative. It was a novel that left a lasting impression on me, and one that I would recommend to anyone looking for an exciting and thought-provoking read.

The novel was a multi-faceted epic that delved into the complexities of a diverse world. It was not limited to just one central protagonist, but rather was divided into arcs that each featured a specific main heroine or hero whose story was the focus of that arc. The art was of the highest caliber, and the plot and character development were masterfully crafted. The world-building was rich and intricate, and the themes explored were thought-provoking and engaging. I found the novel to be a truly enjoyable and satisfying read, and it left a lasting impression on me. Overall, it was an excellent piece of literature that I highly recommend to any reader in my past life looking for an immersive and engaging experience.

The duchess was a formidable and malevolent character in the novel, a woman who held immense power and influence within the empire. She was known for her cunning and her ability to manipulate those around her to her own advantage. Her daughter, the main villainess of the story, was a reflection of her mother in many ways. She was arrogant, entitled, and had a penchant for cruelty and manipulation. She was a formidable opponent for the heroine, always standing in her way and causing her immense troubles throughout her journey. It was a daunting prospect to be bought and trained to serve such a woman, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as I was taken to the grand mansion of the duchess.

As I began my training as a personal maid for the villainess of the novel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. I knew that this was the same girl who had caused so much trouble for the heroine in the story, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of fate awaited me.

My training was harsh and grueling, as I was pushed to my limits both physically and mentally. The villainess was a demanding mistress as told to me, and she expected nothing but the best from her servants. I was made to work long hours with little rest, and I was constantly criticized and berated for my mistakes.

Not only was I learning the duties of a maid, but I was also being taught how to control my aura, a skill that was highly valued in this world. The head maid was a master of aura manipulation and she pushed me to my limits every day. I was forced to endure intense physical and mental training, and I was often left bruised and exhausted. But I knew that if I wanted to survive in this world, I had to push through the pain and hardship.

As time passed, I improved myself and became more skilled. My aura became more stable and I was able to control it with ease. But even as I improved, the head maid's cruel treatment continued. I was still beaten and punished for the slightest mistake, and I was often left with no food or water. But I never gave up.

The practice of Aura training is typically reserved for individuals who have reached a certain age, as the demands it places on the body can be detrimental to the health and well-being of younger individuals. Engaging in Aura training before the body is fully developed can lead to fatal complications, as well as cause significant damage to the aura vessels. Despite the potential risks, I was instructed to begin my Aura training at a young age, due to the specific demands and requirements of my service to the Duchess and her daughter, the main villainess of the novel.

I could only gnash my teeth at the lack of empathy and compassion from the duchess. She didn't care about my well-being or whether I lived or died, as long as I could be of use to her daughter in the future. She was willing to gamble with my life, not caring about the financial cost. She was so wealthy that the cost of my life meant nothing to her.

I had no choice but to comply due to the slave crest that marked me as her property.

And so, my aura training began.

I was trained by one of the knights in the dukedom, someone I had never even heard of in the novel, which meant he was insignificant.

But I also did my best to limit my growth as much as possible, as I absolutely did not want to damage my aura vessels. It was a constant battle between pushing myself to improve and preserving my own well-being.


As I delved deeper into the intricacies of the world, I discovered that the aura is present in every living and non-living thing. It is an energy that surrounds us all and is responsible for the natural phenomena that occur around us. The aura is further broken down into different elemental categories, such as fire, water, earth, and air, to name a few. It is an integral part of the world, and it is said that by mastering one's aura, one can achieve great things.

I also learned that every person has had an aura affinity since birth, which determines the type of aura that they are most attuned to, although it does not necessarily mean they could use aura, a specific threshold must be met. This affinity is unique to each individual, and it stays with them for their entire lives. It plays a significant role in determining the type of profession or path that one chooses to pursue. And to some point it also influences the individual's personality as well, for instance, those with a fire affinity are more inclined towards being more fierce in nature or more battle oriented....


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