Chapter 12

Even the smallest mistakes would result in brutal punishment. My body was constantly covered in bruises and red marks. It was just like before, during my training. She would give me impossible tasks, like one time she ordered me to cut the grass of the entire mansion without the aid of magic in one day, which was impossible. As a result, I didn't receive any food and had to go hungry that night. Another time, she ordered me to sew her a new dress overnight. I tried my best, even though my hands were bleeding, but when I presented it to her, she tore it apart and called it useless. She would compare it to professionally made dresses, and as a result, I was subjected to further punishment

She has become much bolder and has assaulted me sexually from time to time.

She would grope my chest, smack my butt, and make me stand nude in her room for hours just in underwear no matter how cold it was.

She seemed to enjoy this sexual harassment very much.

Today was as usual with her trying to find me a more shameful dressing style.

She was thinking hard about how to make it more shameful than how is it already.

She was thinking when the head maid came out of nowhere while giving a slight knock at the door.

"Young lady, if you are having difficulty, may I suggest you some ideas?"

"Oh? Head maid, huh…sure do suggest."

The head maid told her about how a slave should dress and my face went pale as I heard her ideas.

"Excellent! Order it right now."

"As you say, young lady."

The stuff was soon there and I saw that.

The dress was similar to the previous one but it seemed to be smaller and with a few other things, in addition, this time.

"Head maid, I entrust her to you."

"As you say, young lady."

The head maid dragged me to the changing room and made me wear the dress.

The dress was the same maid outfit but this time there was a black corset in it.

The head maid tightened the corset around my waist and it was so tight that I almost had difficulty breathing.

Wearing and removing the corset daily would be a difficult task.

The corset pushed my large breasts forward and held them in place firmly and further enhancing my figure shaping it like an hourglass.

Why does this all feel so weird…?

Why are they both so hell-bent on my outfit?

I thought as I saw their eyes buring with an unusual excitement.

I am sure if I wear this tight thing for a few months, I would obtain an hourglass figure.

After that was the maid dress which was not much different from the previous one except it hugged my body tightly and tugged it down, to hide my thighs and the area above was almost impossible now.

I have never experienced such embarrassment in my two lifetimes till now.

"Perfect, look for you…! And finally, wear this as the final touch."

She presented me with a black metallic collar reminding me of the one I used to wear before being bought…

She was treating me like a pet!

I was not moving at all, clearly showing my reluctance in wearing that thing.

"Wear it."

She ordered it so I had to wear it as well and I am sure that I must be looking quite pathetic now.

I would not want to even see the mirror right now.

Freya, the villainess came and inspected me by circling around me.

"Hmm, I truly made a masterpiece with this."

"Certainly, young miss."

The head maid praised her from behind as well.

'If only I didn't have this crest, I would have long….'

'No, no, no, what was I thinking….'


That night

I was walking towards my own room when she called for me suddenly.

It was almost her bedtime and usually, she wouldn't call for me.

So, I am rather curious about what was it

I knocked on her door

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in"

I entered and found milady sitting on a couch near her bed.

But wait….


What was she wearing!?

She was wearing black lingerie, a bodysuit, in particular which hugged her curvy body and offered her cleavage at full display.

Her above-average chest was further enhanced and the bodysuit outlined her perfectly round breasts.

If the bodysuit was a little down, her round supple breasts would be revealed fully but it just stopped and held in there.

The bodysuit came all the way down to her private place and just was enough to cover her crotch.

Her navel was visible through the translucent black nightgown.

She looked extremely erotic in that dress and I have never seen her wear such revealing clothes before.

"Ellis… I have called you here for an important task."

What… could she mean…

I wore a confused expression and noticing my confusion she said.

"You know, since you became my maid, I have been having some weird feelings inside me, my chest, my crotch would itch from time to time, and my body feels hot at night… I found that scratching myself would relieve me of it but a few days ago, I asked the head maid about it and you know what…."

"She told me it was called masturbation, I never knew about this thing… she told me that probably I was frustrated sexually and she said it was normal among people of age…"

"I asked her about what should be done and she told me that I should wait until I find myself someone suitable, till then I should just do it on my own."

"Well… obviously her advice was useless to me."

"But you see, I dug some more information about it from the other servants about this and found the best ways that I could relieve myself."

"SO, I called you here to pleasure me!"

She replied as a matter of fact.



I was utterly speechless by both her boldness and straightforwardness.

But to think….