Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Harley is more than just a typical noble; she is a control freak, always craving power and the ability to bend others to her will. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and her ruthless ambition and cunning have earned her both admiration and fear among her peers. But beneath her polished exterior lies darkness, a hunger for control that borders on obsession. Harley is not to be underestimated, for she will stop at nothing to get what she desires.

However, her thirst for control has grown into an unhealthy obsession, leading her to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She will stop at nothing to assert her dominance, no matter the cost. As she becomes more and more consumed by her obsession, darkness begins to take hold, threatening to consume her completely.

As she watched from afar, the object of her fascination moved about the academy grounds with a confidence and grace that captivated her. She had been observing her for weeks now, and each day her curiosity grew stronger. Finally, she could no longer resist the urge to follow her and see where she went.

Slipping out of sight, she trailed her through the winding corridors and hidden passages of the academy building, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. She had no idea what she would find, but she knew that she had to see it for herself.

As she followed her deeper into the academy, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was trespassing on something private, something that was not meant for her eyes. But she was consumed by her obsession and could not turn back.

But how did she become obsessed with Ellis?

It all started weeks ago when she had just enrolled here in the top class of first-year students.

As she watched her from afar in the classes and hallways, she couldn't help but feel drawn to her. Her every movement seemed to captivate her, and she found herself wanting to know more about her. She started following her wherever she went, watching her every move and studying her habits.

At first, it was just a passing curiosity. But as the days turned into weeks, her obsession only grew stronger. She found herself thinking about Ellis constantly, imagining what it would be like to be with her and to be a part of her life.

She started taking greater risks to be near her, following her into dangerous areas and even breaking into her home (dorm room) to learn more about her. She was consumed by her desire to know everything about her and being a woman who wanted everything under control, she would stop at nothing to satisfy her curiosity.

As her obsession reached its peak, she realized that she had become completely and utterly consumed by her desire for Ellis. She was willing to do anything to be with her, even if it meant putting herself in danger or causing harm to those around her and Ellis.

As the red-haired girl's obsession grew, she knew that she had to find a way to get closer to this person. And so, she began to plot and scheme, determined to find a way to make them hers.

But Harley was careful to keep her obsession hidden, knowing that revealing it could ruin her reputation and shatter the fragile political alliances that kept her family's power secure. So, she began to scheme and plot, seeking out ways to get close to Ellis without arousing suspicion.

She started by making small talk with her whenever their paths crossed, trying to get to know her better and build a connection. She even went so far as to ask her for help with her aura training and even help her during combat classes, knowing that it would give her an excuse to spend more time with Ellis.

She was aware Ellis was ignorant about meditation techniques and aura training, maybe better than average but in her eyes, she was far superior to Ellis in this field and it was not difficult for her to make up things to confuse Ellis and then help her out.


As she watched her from afar, the red-haired girl became more and more obsessed. She couldn't understand why Ellis didn't see her, why she didn't choose her. She was noble, beautiful, and powerful. What more could she want?

Determined to make Ellis hers, she began to hatch a plan. She would get close to her, become her friend, and then when the time was right, she would reveal her true feelings.

But as she started to execute her scheme, she quickly realized that there was already someone else in the picture. A woman, with long silver hair and piercing blue eyes, was always clinging to her arm, always by her side.

The red-haired girl seethed in jealousy. How dare this interloper tries to steal her prize? She would not be denied. She would do whatever it took to make Ellis hers, even if it meant getting rid of the competition.

With a cold, calculating smile, she set out to eliminate the silver-haired woman, using every trick and scheme in her arsenal. It was only a matter of time before her obsession would be rewarded, and the object of her desire would be hers alone.


The red-haired noble girl knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to get rid of the -haired princess who always seemed to be clinging to the woman whom she had become obsessed with. Being a control freak, she always wanted to be in control of every aspect of her life as well as Ellis's.

She began to hatch a plan, using all of her cunning and political savvy to try and manipulate the situation in her favor.

At first, she tried to get the silver-haired princess to fall for another man, hoping to distract her and take her focus off of Ellis whom the red-haired girl wanted all to herself. But the princess was no fool, and she saw right through the red-haired girl's schemes.

And then....

[Good news! An additional chapter has been uploaded today as I won't be able to upload until next Sunday due to a tight schedule. Enjoy!!]


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