CHAPTER - 2 { Angel's Eyes, Devil's Nature }

As crows begin to feed on the dead citizens of Shiganshina District, a religious man is frantically reciting words from his book.

Townsfolk are screaming and running as the Titans roam the district, and the man is eventually confronted and eaten by a Titan, his book falling to the ground.

A woman flees to a dark alley, covering her mouth, and is plucked from her spot, screaming.

The 12 years old boy ran towards the gate hurriedly. He knew that once he was late, he would face death.

No one wanted to get eat by a 6-7 meters tall humanoid dumb giant.

"Hurry up!"

On the walls just above the gate, multiple soldiers with special equipment on their waist hanged.

This omni-directional mobility gear, or simply ODM gear, is a type of equipment developed by humans that allows great mobility when facing the Titans in combat.

Although the equipment can grant a skilled user tremendous mobility, it is a demanding art that requires both strength and skill, both of which must be honed through constant practice.

The boy joined the crowd and exited the Shiganshina District successfully.

Taking a last look at the town, the boy bid farewell to it before taking a seat in one of the ships.

A Garrison soldier shepherds a group of survivors through the gate, and takes charge in defending the ships used to escape the district.

While he and his comrades fruitlessly defend the inner Wall, two officers debate whether they should close the gate and abandon their comrades, or leave them open for the comrades' retreat.

This debate was short-lived as loud noise of heavy footsteps was heard.

The boy saw many ripples on the water from the edge of the ship which were caused by the footsteps.

Over the other side, the soldiers gazed at the titan which was charging towards the gate.

This titan was different from the other normal titans, it had an all-encompassing layer of plated, armor-like segments of hardened skin protecting the titan body.

"Oi oi! You can't be serious! What is that thing!"

One of the soldiers spoke with horror in his voice. The other soldiers weren't any better.

"Shoot! Kill it! Kill it before it reaches here!"

The soldiers loaded the cannons and shot them at the huge armored titan.

But the cannonballs couldn't deal any damage to this titan, they were blocked by its hard skin.

"It's not working! Stop it!"

The soldiers panicked, they shot even more cannonballs but not a single one was dealing damage to that titan.

"Close the gate! Close it!"


The soldiers shouted loudly, the ones controlling the gate tensed up but did their best to close the gate.

Unfortunately, it was too late.


All the soldiers and citizens of Shiganshina District saw it, the sight of a huge armored titan breaking through the gate of Wall Maria.

On this day, the humans learned about the fear against titans again after many peaceful years in the walls.

* * *

All the survivors of Shiganshina District reached the nearest town after a few hours of traveling with the ships.

The boy walked down from the ship and looked around him. Everyone had their heads lowered.

Grief, pain, anger, sadness, and many more negative emotions were visible on their faces.

Only he, out of them, showed none of these emotions.

"Why are you all being like this?"

He was unable to understand their situation. No, he himself didn't understand him.

Not long ago, he lost his family and home. Yet, why wasn't he feeling similar to these people?


Questioned the boy as he walked the path where everyone was walking.

Soon they reached a food storehouse. It was very large, yet would be barely enough.

These were for them, the refugees, to live in temporarily.

And so, a few days passed.

It was morning time, the refugees were all leaving early to get their food rations.

The boy also did the same. Getting up, heading towards the direction of the stall where food rations were distributed.

The line was long, the boy had to wait for 3 hours before he could take his food ration.


The soldiers tasked to deliver the food rations, handed a loaf of bread in his hands.

'This...' The boy left the line but his eyes were on the loaf of bread the entire time.

"Don't cut in the line!"

"I haven't eaten the entire night!"

Two men were fighting among each other because one was trying to jump the queue.

The boy's eyes stared at the fight but then moved away towards a group of three kids.

Two boys and one girl, they were 10 years old each. One of them, the yellow haired, had brought the other two foods.

And just next to their group of three, a soldier with some blood spots on his uniform, grunted unhappily.

Suddenly, the boy saw some scenes flash through his eyes. It was like seeing a part of a movie from a first person perspective.

"Huh? What did I see just now?"

The boy was confused, he looked around him but there was nothing wrong.

"Was I daydreaming?"

The boy murmured but what happened next shocked him to his bones.

From the group of three, the blacked haired kid walked to the two soldiers not far from them.

"Now there's just that much food."

The soldier from before, said to the other soldier beside him.

The kid came and stopped before that soldier. He pulled his left leg and kicked the soldier.

"Ow! What are you doing, stupid kid!"

The soldier was furious as he punched the kid on his cheeks. The other soldier also kicked which caused the kid to land on the ground.

"You have no idea… You have never seen it!"

The kid glared at the two soldiers and said with anger in his voice. The surrounding refugees all looked at the commotion.

"You have never seen the way they eat people…"

With tears, the kid spoke. The boy wasn't stunned because of this, but because he had already seen it in the flash of scenes just not long ago.

"How could it be!"

The boy stumbled backwards in shock. His eyes continued to watch as everything happened exactly the same as he saw it.

The yellow haired kid steps in trying to control the situation while the girl pulls the black haired kid away.

The commotion stopped and everyone returned to what they were doing.

The boy, however, rushed out of the food storehouse and came to the river.

Looking at his own reflection, the boy saw his eyes had changed.

The light brown eyes, now were somewhat black with a few white lines.

As the boy tilted his neck, the reflection did the same.

"I see the glimpse of the future. Will it change if I interfere?"

The boy asked his reflection on the water, but obviously received no response.

"I can only find it out myself…"

Muttered the boy while he stood up. Things were becoming even more interesting for him.

'How will my life become...' The boy walked the way to the food storehouse alone under the sun.

Just the thought of it made the boy develop a smile on his indifferent face.

"It's so fun!"