Chapter 15

He needed to get away. He needed to be anywhere but in that room with Chajin. He ran, though it wasn't easy. He was so hard that it almost hurt now. 'Where can I go?' Callum saw a door that he knew led to a storage room. There wouldn't be anybody in there. He activated the door and stumbled inside. The door closed behind him. Callum went to the far wall and leaned against it. He was so hot. It felt like his skin was on fire. He pushed his suit down, freeing his arms and chest and tried taking deep breaths to calm down. It didn't work. It felt like he couldn't catch his breath no matter how he tried.

Images flashed through his brain and he couldn't stop them. Nita, naked with him out behind his house, reaching down and touching him. Valencia, undressing so that she could board Angra Mainyu for the first time, a hot flush of shame darkening her face. Yemoramato in her modified pilot's suit that left almost nothing to the imagination. Chajin, pressed up against him, her teeth sinking into his neck. Even Mikan, looking down at her toes with a blush on her face. Callum slammed his head into the wall. 'Get control of yourself!' I didn't do any good. Carefully, he pushed his pilot's suit down his thighs, exposing himself. He looked at his cock, more erect than he'd ever seen it, the head engorged and almost purple. He was afraid to touch it.

He heard the door open behind him and his heart tried to leap out of his chest. With an effort of will, he kept from spinning around. There was no way he could hide himself. Even though his backside was exposed, it was still better than anybody seeing what was happening in front. He glanced over his shoulder and was shocked and relieved to see Mikan stepping into the room. "Are you alright, Mister Callum?" she asked. She gasped when she saw him and stopped. But she was already in the room and the door whirred shut behind her. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't...I-I thought you were hurt!"

Callum was seeing her in a new light now, his head swimming with lust. She was small but undoubtedly a woman, her perky breasts and shapely hips being shown off to great effect by her jumpsuit. Before he quite knew what he was doing, he had crossed the room and pinned Mikan against the wall, just to the side of the closed door. He was a head and shoulders taller than her and loomed over her. She gazed up at him, arms drawn in, fear on her face. She seemed so sweet and vulnerable. Something in him wanted to devour her.

With a supreme effort of will, Callum pulled himself back from the brink. "You need to leave, Mikan, while I can still control myself." His arms were trembling and his voice was tight with the effort of holding himself back. "Chajin did something to me. She said she put me into heat. I don't know exactly what she meant but I feel like I am about to go crazy. You need to find Riley and get him to guard this door."

"Ch-Chajin did this to you?" Mikan asked with a mixture of confusion, fear and outrage.

Callum whimpered. "Mikan! You need to leave now. If you are here for very much longer, I don't know if I can stop myself from...from raping you." It was painful and humiliating to admit that.

Mikan glanced down, likely to look at her feet like she usually did. Instead, what she saw was Callum's erection about a hair's breadth from poking her in the stomach. "You want to" she asked, in a small, frightened voice.

"Want?" Callum laughed. It was on the edge of hysteria. "I don't want to. But every fiber of my being is telling me I need to. I feel like a starving man and you are a juicy, fried fish just sitting there waiting to be eaten." He deliberately made his metaphor as frightening and crude as he could. She needed to run away from him. Immediately.

Mikan almost looked down again but caught herself. Instead she stared straight forward at his chest. 'What is she doing?!' After a long second, she asked, "Are you in pain?"

"What? No." Callum didn't know what he was feeling. It might have been pain but he didn't want Mikan thinking she should bring someone to help him. "It's alright, Mikan. Whatever this is, it'll pass. But I can't fight it while you're here in front of me."

Mikan looked up at him. He could see fear in her eyes and she was trembling. He hadn't really noticed before because she rarely met his eyes, but her eyes were gorgeous. A deep, warm brown so big in her small, cute face. She had a little button nose and pouty lips. He moved to kiss her but caught himself just as he began to bend down. He dug his fingers into the wall, trying to use pain to distract himself and moved his arm up so she could duck under his arm. His sanity was hanging by a thread. If she didn't leave soon, he was going to do something he couldn't take back. "Mikan, I can't…" His voice came out as a pained whimper.

Mikan stood on tiptoe and pressed her mouth against his. The thread snapped and Callum's desperate grip on his self-control fled. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her deeply, savagely. He retained enough of himself to hold his strength in check so he didn't hurt her as he pressed her close. Distantly, he noticed that the power he'd gotten from Venus was flaring. Callum didn't understand that but at the moment, it was a distant, distant concern. Right now all he really cared about was Mikan. It was like he wanted to drink her in, become one with her.

He broke the kiss only because he couldn't hold his breath any longer. Mikan gasped and settled back on her heels. Callum could see that her nipples were stiff through the light fabric of the jumpsuit. He grasped the neck of her suit and peeled it down to her waist, baring her small, pert breasts and flat stomach. She freed her arms from the suit and gently wrapped them around his neck as he kissed down her neck and collarbone. He ran his tongue down the flawless, smooth skin of her chest. Mikan shuddered, her arms tightening on his neck. He moved lower and sucked one small nipple into his mouth. Mikan gasped, pulling him closer. His left hand came up and began to gently knead her other breast while his other hand ran up and down the smooth skin of her back. "Callum!" The husky pleasure in her voice sent a thrill of excitement through him.

Callum let her nipple go and fell to his knees. He kissed down her belly as his hands returned to her suit. He slid his hands inside, cupping her buttocks for a moment and then pushing down. He pushed the suit down to her knees, surprised to see strings of wetness clinging to the suit. Mikan's hands were resting gently on top of his head. "Don't look," she said shakily.

Callum couldn't stop looking. "You're beautiful." Her pubic hair was dark and baby-fine. He moved closer, so close that he knew she would be able to feel his warm breath. A spasm of lust shot through him and he almost pushed her down. But he held himself in check. He wouldn't hurt her. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he hurt her. Instead, he gently took her leg and pulled it out of her suit and then did the same with the other leg. He threw the suit away, leaving Mikan standing completely naked in front of him. The sight made his stomach clench.

There had never been much of a chance for Callum to learn much about sex. His father had died when he was too young and his surrogate father had probably been waiting for him to settled down with Valencia before speaking on the subject. Cat wouldn't have talked about it and probably knew little more than he did. That left the lewd jokes and stories he'd heard from the older miners. Most of it was likely useless but he had learned one or two things. Wet was good, he knew that. Wet meant the girl was enjoying it and Callum desperately wanted Mikan to enjoy it. He gently touched her sex and found that it was hot and wet. A lot more so than he'd expected. Either he'd underestimated how wet a woman got or Mikan was really enjoying what he was doing.

Some deep instinct told him that he needed to do more. It was her first time, after all. Callum lifted one of her legs and set it on his shoulder. "What are you doing?" Mikan asked nervously, leaning back against the wall. Callum answered by running his tongue all the way up her slit. Mikan cried out in surprise and pleasure. Callum pressed on, alternating between licking and trying to work his tongue as deep inside her as he could. He learned by her gasps and moans which places were especially pleasurable for her. He kept working, trying to open her up more. After his face was covered in her wetness, he carefully pressed one finger inside her and slowly slid it in and out. When that seemed to bring her nothing but pleasure, he inserted a second finger and increased the pace while he sucked and licked on the little nub of flesh at the top of her vagina. He'd noticed she was extra sensitive there.

Mikan moaned his name over and over, digging her hands so hard into his hair that it would have hurt if he wasn't distracted by so many other things. Then she gasped out, "Callum, something is happening. Something is coming!"

Callum pulled back and looked up at her. "Are you alright?"

"Don't stop!" she cried. "Please don't stop." Callum took her at her word. After a few more moments, she began to shudder even more and then all of her muscles tightened, pushing him so close that he couldn't breathe for a moment. A flood of wetness ran over his face, dripping down onto his chest.

When her muscles relaxed, they relaxed completely and Callum had to catch her and lower her gently to the ground. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing heavily. "Are you alright?" he asked, touching her face lightly with the tips of his fingers.

"I never knew I could feel like that," she said between gasps. "It was...that was…" She shook her head, evidently at a loss for words.

"It was good?" Callum asked, feeling relieved.

Mikan gave him a small smile and took the hand that was touching her face, turned the palm toward her lips and kissed him. His heart soared. "It's your turn, now, Callum. I know you must be hurting so much."

He was. And he wanted her so badly that he thought he might die but he had to ask, one last time, no matter what it cost him. "Are you sure you want this, Mikan?"

She blushed and hid her eyes behind his hand. But she nodded and said, "I want it, Callum. I want you."

That was it. They were beyond the point of no return now. He pulled her forward so that she was on her back, her thighs resting on his hips. He leaned over her, bracing himself with one hand and using the other to line himself up. Then he pushed forward into her wet, enveloping warmth. They both gasped. Callum only managed to slide a quarter of his length inside her before he had to stop. She was too tight. He pulled back and pushed in again, a fraction deeper this time. He wanted to be inside her. All the way. It became his sole focus for the next few moments.

His single-minded drive was broken when he saw blood on his shaft. He was in no pain so it had to be her. Even horrified, however, he couldn't bring himself to pull out of her. He looked her in the eyes. The tears in them made his heart clench. "I hurt you," he breathed, on the verge of tears himself.

"It's alright, Callum, it's alright." He ran a hand down his face. "My mother told me this would happen. It happens to every girl her first time."

Now that she said it, Callum vaguely remembered hearing jokes and references to a girl bleeding her first time. "Does it hurt?" he asked softly.

Mikan nodded but said, "It feels good, too. I don't want you to stop." Callum was conflicted. He heard her words but he wasn't sure he believed them. He couldn't pull away from her but he couldn't push into her either. Mikan reached up and pulled him down so their lips met. She kissed him and it let Callum know that she still wanted this. He pushed into her again.

Soon he was all the way inside with each thrust and he began to speed up. His face was buried in the curve of her neck and he could hear little moans of pleasure escaping her lips every time he thrust into her. Callum didn't last long. His orgasm hit him before he quite knew what was happening. A wave of pleasure ran up his legs and down his penis. He ejaculated deep inside her and almost fell on top of her. He managed to catch himself on his forearms and stayed above her breathing hard. Mikan took his face in her hands and kissed him gently, over and over.

Callum waited for the tension to drain away but it didn't. The lust wasn't gone and he wasn't going soft inside her. Everything he knew about sex suggested that the man was done after he spilled his seed. Callum pushed himself up and pulled free of Mikan. He was still as hard as it had been before. He stared down at his cock, covered in blood, semen and Mikan's juices, with confusion and despair. What was it going to take? A bad thought hit him. What if he needed to have sex with Chajin for it to go away? Was that why she hadn't cared that he'd run away?

Mikan sat up on her elbows, looking at him with concern. "What's wrong?"

"I'm still erect." His face flushed and he wondered why he was still embarrassed after what he'd just done with her. "I've made myself orgasm before," he said, face growing even hotter. "Every time I got soft afterward."

Mikan pushed herself up to her knees. Callum watched a glob of white semen roll down her inner thigh and his cock strained to get even harder. "It must be part of the poison," she said. "Maybe it forces you to be erect for a certain period of time or…" She blushed. "A certain number know."

"Maybe." He certainly liked those options better than behind forced to fuck Chajin. Mikan touched herself gently. Her vagina was red and puffy. "I'm not sure I am ready for anything more yet."

"You don't have to," Callum said as earnestly as he could. He hated the rush of disappointment that he felt.

Mikan moved closer to him, walking on her knees. "Lay back, Callum."

He shook his head. "I said you don't need to."

"Lay back. Please. It's alright." Callum somewhat reluctantly did. He lay on his back so his cock pointed straight up. Mikan moved close, settling near his hips. She reached out and wrapped soft fingers around his shaft. Even that felt good enough to make him hiss in pleasure. Her hand began to move up and down, sliding easily over the slick skin. Callum relaxed and closed his eyes. It wasn't like being inside her but it felt amazing all the same.

She paused and he opened his eyes to see her leaning forward. Mikan licked the underside of his penis from base to tip. He shuddered in pleasure. Her tongue swirled around the entirety of his cock. She took him inside her mouth and began to bop up and town. It lacked the tightness of her vagina or even her hand but she made up for it by flicking her tongue across the head of his penis every time she bobbed up. The ends of her soft hair tickled his hips with every bob. Her eyes looked up and met his and somehow that made him feel even better. Callum involuntarily thrust up with his hips and hit her in the back of the throat.

Mikan let him go and sat up coughing. "I'm sorry!" Callum said, attempting to sit up. Mikan stopped him before he could, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back down.

"It's alright," she said. "I'm alright." She coughed lightly one more time and then bent back down. She took his testicles into her mouth this time, running her tongue all the way down his scrotum. At the same time, she grasped his cock and began to pump it. Callum's fingers tried to dig into the ground. It wasn't long before he was on the brink again.

"Mikan, I'm going to come!" She let his testicles fall from her mouth and took the head of his penis inside instead. Her tongue swirled around it as her hand continued to work his shaft. Callum erupted and it didn't feel like any less than what he'd emptied into her before. Somehow, though, Mikan kept her lips sealed around him and took it all. When he was done, she sat up and swallowed it. Callum stared at her in amazement.

Then both of them looked at his still stiff cock. It began to flag. A thrill of relief ran through Callum. He looked back at Mikan and she grinned at him. Her raven hair was a mess and her skin was shiny with sweat and other fluids. His erection flared back to life. "Damn it!" he slammed a fist to the floor and then covered his eyes with his hands.

"What happened?" Mikan asked.

"I looked at you," he mumbled.


"It was going down but then I looked at you and it got hard again."


"I'm sorry.

He felt her lean over him and grasp one of his hands. She pulled it away so that he could see her face. She was smiling. "Don't be sorry about that. I can't believe it. I never thought that you would...see me that way."

Callum reached up and cupped her cheek. "What are you talking about? You're beautiful, Mikan."

She nuzzled his hand. "Maybe if we do it one more time…"

"Are you sure, Mikan?"

She nodded. "I'm ready now." Somehow, despite everything they'd just done together, her face flushed again. "And I want it."

Callum couldn't argue. He wanted it, too. Badly. Mikan straddled him and gripped his penis. Even though she was gentle, Callum almost winced. He was so damn sensitive now. She rubbed the head of his cock on the lips of her vagina and then slid him inside. It was easier to slide in this time and Mikan slid all the way down until he was completely inside of her. "Oh, god," she moaned. Her eyes were closed and her hands were tense on his chest.

"Mikan?" Callum asked.

"You're so deep inside me," she groaned. "You're hitting something."

"Does it hurt?"

She shook her head and opened her eyes. "It feels...ahh! feels incredible." She pushed herself up so that he almost slid free of her and then slowly lowered herself back down. She repeated that again and again, so slowly that Callum began to think he might go crazy. When he could stand it no longer, he sat up, wrapping his arms around her and taking control. She hugged him back and pressed her mouth into his. They kissed, sloppily and hungrily, their tongues invading each other's mouths as they bucked against each other. They moved faster and faster with complete abandon. Mikan broke the kiss and pressed her face into the hollow of his shoulder, moaning his name over and over again. Then she said, "It's coming again. Callum, it's coming again!"

His own orgasm was approaching as well. He hugged her tighter, breathing in her scent. She came first and the feel of her muscles spasming and tightening caused him to follow right behind. He pulled her down and pushed himself as deep inside her as he could go before he ejaculated. The feeling was so intense that his vision seemed to go for a moment and he lost sense of everything but the sensation of being inside her.

Slowly, the orgasmic bliss began to recede and Callum came back to himself. He could feel his erection beginning to flag and deflate. He knew it was over for certain this time because the overpowering lust was gone and replaced by a tiredness like he'd never felt. He fell onto his back and Mikan fell with him, her head on his shoulder. Callum was still inside her but he was soft now. He turned to look at her and brushed her hair away from her face. There was an emotion in her dark eyes that he didn't quite understand. Callum wanted to ask but his mind felt like it was drifting away from him. The best he could do was smile at her before sleep dragged him under.