Chapter 29

They entered the garish building. Inside it was even worse, a motley of bright colors and posters and holograms of all manner of different clothes. A plump woman with curls of bright red hair sat behind the counter. She squealed as soon as they entered and practically vaulted over the counter. Her heavy skirts didn't seem to impede her in the least as she rushed across the floor. "Bel! Sweet child!" She scooped up Bel and twirled around. Bel laughed. "It has been too long," the woman said. "How come you never come to see many anymore?"

Bel sighed as the woman sat her down, "I am atrociously busy anymore, Jina. Perhaps now that Yemoramato has been found, I will have more time."

"It's no good working yourself to death, child," Jina chided. "And your clothes must be dreadfully out of fashion by now. Look at this dress! It is becoming, of course, but too simple. You should be in--" She stopped, seeming to suddenly be aware of the three humans in her store. "You've brought...friends?"

"Yes," Bel said. "You have heard of the humans we have invited aboard Shimayasumota?" Jina nodded, her face expressionless. Was she unhappy about the humans? Callum wondered why. Were others? "These are the pilots. Callum, Mikan and Valencia," Bel said, gesturing to each one in turn. "They faced twenty times their number in the carcha and managed to survive until we rescued them. Unfortunately, all they have is dreadful carcha clothing and a few other things we scrounged up. We have come to the best store on the ship to get them a whole new wardrobe."

Jina's temperament did a complete one-eighty. "An entire wardrobe!" she said, her pink and yellow eyes going wide. She clapped her hands together. "How lovely." She rushed over to them and said to Mikan and Valencia, "What delicate little flowers you are! I had no notion that humans could be so beautiful. Look at this hair!" she said, lifting a lock of Mikan's raven tresses. "I've never seen so dark on other than a carcha but of course you are so much lovelier! And your eyes!" she said, cupping Valencia's cheek and tipping her head back. "So blue! So very blue!" Her gaze swept to Callum and her eyes somehow went even wider. "And you. Just look at those shoulders and those arms. My goodness, you seem about to burst right out of that sweater. Oh, my." She took a step back and began to fan herself.

Bel took her arm gently and said, "Why don't I get them started while you come up with some ideas for them?" Jina nodded, her eyes still on Callum. Bel steered her to the counter and sat her down. Then she returned and said, "This way." Bel took them to the back of the store where there were six small rectangular rooms. "Head inside and strip down," she said. "We need to take your measurements." Callum glanced at her in surprise but after a moment of thought, he supposed it made sense. The last time he'd received new clothes, the carcha handing them out had merely given him the biggest robe they had.

He strode to the room, taking off his shoes when Bel told him to, and stepped into the room. It was small enough that he could touch both sides at the same time easily. There was a virtual display on the wall opposite the door. Callum took a breath and stripped out of his sweater and trousers, tossing them in a pile in one corner. Then he waited. And waited. Was something supposed to be happening? "Will I know when it has taken my measurements?" he called out.

"You need to activate it," Bel said.

Callum frowned at the display. There were a bunch of swirly letters on it that meant nothing to him. "And how do I do that?" he asked.

"On the bottom, the left I think, there should be a way to change to the carcha language," Bel said.

Callum glanced down and did see a line with jagged letters. "That doesn't really help. I can read carcha anymore than I can read fie."

"I can't either," Mikan said.

"You think the carcha taught us to read?" Valencia asked with a touch of scorn.

"I'm sorry," Bel said. "I should have realized." She sounded angry. But her voice brightened up instantly. "Well, that's alright. I'll help you."

Callum waited, wondering what she was going to do, and then bit back a yelp and quickly turned around, covering himself as Bel pulled open the door to his little room and stepped inside. He tried to protest but he couldn't get a word out. Worse, he was completely erect now and having trouble keeping it behind his hands. Apparently taking no notice, Bel stepped up behind him and then leaned around him to start poking the display. She pressed up against him and he could feel her warmth and her softness and smell that strange, sweet scent. It was starting to hurt.

"Here. This should do it," Bel said softly. Her voice made him shudder. "That," she said, "I will just have to take care of later." Callum glanced at her in shock, thinking he must have misunderstood, but Bel was staring right down at his cock. She glanced up at him with her eyes half-lidded and a cheeky smile on her face. "Stand straight up with your legs shoulder-width apart and your arms loose at your sides." She turned and slapped him lightly on the ass as she left.

Callum stared straight ahead and unconsciously adopted the stance as instructed. Was she just teasing him? She must have been. But Callum had never expected that out of her. Maybe it was just a fie thing? 'No, if Yemoramato thought I had an erection because of her, she would probably try to snap it off.' The image in his mind deflated him a bit. But thinking about Bel against him stiffened him again. What if she wasn't joking? What would he do? What should he do?

A light played over his body, evidently what was taking his measurements. A yelp from Valencia in the next room over told him that Bel had just walked in on her as well. That did have to be a fie thing. Even Yemoramato seemed completely unconcerned about showing skin. The light died away after a few sweeps across his body and Callum decided to pull his clothes on once he was fairly sure it was done. It was uncomfortable but he hoped being fully clothed would dampen his ardor somewhat. Then he waited, unsure if he should leave the room or not. He tried thinking about mechs.

Bel eventually returned and stepped inside the little room. She glanced at him and said, with mock-disappointment, "Your pants are back on." At least he thought it was mock. She giggled and said, "We'll let Jina create most of your wardrobe. Trust me, her taste is impeccable. But why don't we pick something for you to go home in?" She steered him back toward the display, evidently taking his agreement for granted, and said, "What kind of clothing do you like?"

"I never really thought about it. I was just happy when I got a robe that fit me right."

Bel clucked her tongue in annoyance. "I've always found it disgusting the way carcha try and force everyone to dress like them." Callum said nothing. He found that among the least objectionable of carcha behavior. "Well, let's start with the basics. Do you like pants or skirts better?" She brought up examples of each.

"Pants, I suppose." He'd always worn bottoms with two distinct legs before now. I would feel a little odd to just be hanging out there.

"How about colors? Do you have colors that you like?"

"I," he said, gazing down at her hair.

She arched an eyebrow at her. "A bold color on a man," she murmured. Callum blushed. That had been stupid. Of course she meant what colors he liked to wear. The trouble was that he had no color preference.

"I don't want to be too...I don't know...bright, I guess?" He'd never had to come up with a word for it before.

She nodded and bent back toward the display. She was so close. Callum suppressed a groan. This was like torture. Torture he never wanted to end. She pulled up a few articles of clothing. Asking him what he thought. He accented to all of them, not really paying attention. He couldn't have cared less about clothes. He was paying more attention to the way her fingers moved across the display.

"Alright," she said when they were finished. "Now we just press the 'order complete' button and your clothes should be ready in a few minutes."

Callum snapped out of his reverie. He glanced back toward the front of the store. "Somebody is going to make them that fast?" He'd seen his sister work with needle and thread to try and let out his robe as he grew too big for it and it did not seem easy.

Bel laughed. "No, of course not. We have machines to make clothes." Callum just shook his head. He should have guessed. His own carcha clothes had probably originally been made by a machine, after all. It was just hard to get used to how...automated everything was off Ragrun.

They stepped out of the room and Bel immediately went to join Valencia. Callum found a small padded bench to sit down on. Even though he was about as deep in the store as he could be, he could still see out the big windows in the front to the people streaming by outside. It was still wild to see all of them. His eyes met Jina behind the counter and the woman leaned over it and waved, waggling her fingers. Callum gave her a polite smile and a return wave. She seemed like a nice woman. Most of the people he'd met aboard Shimayasumota had been nice. It was hard to believe they were all rebels. He wondered suddenly the carcha were after Bel. They probably were. 'I won't let them take her.' He almost laughed at himself as soon as he had the thought. It wasn't like she needed his protection.

Jina came up to him holding a white box. "Your clothes," she said. Then she winked. "Very good taste. You will look just delectable."

Callum blushed. He stood and took the box. "Thank you. It was mostly Bel that picked them out." Jina's smile slipped and her head tilted a little. Callum instantly realized why. Bel and Jina had been speaking fie the entire time but he'd just spoken carcha. The language of the enemy. There was nothing else he could have done though.

"Well, Bel has impeccable taste. She might have been a model or designer if things were...different." Jina bowed. "I hope you find the clothes fit well." She backed away and then turned and walked back to her counter, back stiff. Callum held up a hand but what could he say that wouldn't make things worse?

"You have your clothes!" Bel said. Callum turned to see her and Valencia emerging from the small room. Bel's face fell instantly when she saw his own and she asked, "What's wrong?" Her eyes darted to Jina and back to him and the light of understanding came into them. "You spoke to Jina?" She shook her head. "I should have thought about that. I'm sorry. I don't know what she said to you but don't take it personally. Jina's husband and both of her sons were killed by carcha. It was pure foolishness on my part not to warn her."

"She didn't say anything rude to me," Callum said. "But I could tell she was upset to hear me speaking carcha."

Bel nodded glumly. "Well, I'll make it up to her." She touched his arm. "But you should go get dressed. Nothing makes Jina happier these days than seeing someone look good in some of her clothing." Callum nodded and made his way to his little room. Bel went to Mikan and Valencia took his place on the bench.

Inside, Callum set the box down and undressed. He pulled out the clothes and dressed in what he thought was the proper order. The first was a very short pair of shorts. Unlike the ones he was used to, they fit very loosely on his legs, though they were snug on the hips. They were also incredibly soft. Over them went a loose pair of beige trousers. Like the shorts, they were loose around the legs but snug on the hips. He kicked a couple of times, still not used to having something billowing around his ankles. The pants were smooth and comfortable, though. His shirt was a thin, white garment with short sleeves that only hung down a little past the waistband of his pants. It fit close but not tight. Over that went a soft long-sleeved coat with three big buttons. It was pale pink and had a similar weave as the other top he'd been wearing but thinner. Callum let the coat hang open. The fie sure seemed to like layers.

The only thing left in the box were a pair of shoes. They were closed-toe and ankle-high. Even though he'd been told to take his shoes off before entering the little room, he figured that was because they were dirty from outside. He picked one up and examined it. The sole and inside were white but there was pink along the side and the top. It had no laces and was made of a softer material than he was used to in shoes. He set them down and slipped them on. Even though they went on with no struggle, they felt secure and snug on his foot. Fie were very good at that. Callum took a couple of standing steps. They were very comfortable. Nothing like the first time he'd tried on a pair of mining boots. His feet had ached for weeks until he broke them in.

All and all, Callum wasn't sure he felt 'delectable,' as Jina had said, but he felt comfortable. The clothes were very nice. 'I wonder what the girls will think.' With just a bit of trepidation, he stepped out. Bel was still with Mikan so it was only Valencia. He took a couple of steps and then lifted up his arms. "What do you think?" he asked.

Valencia studied him for a moment and then stood up and stepped up to him. She reached out and took the hem of his coat, feeling it between thumb and forefinger. "So soft," she murmured. She glanced up at him and said, "I'm not sure what to say. I never thought about what kind of clothes look good before." Callum nodded. Why would she, when every person she'd ever met had been dressed the same? "You look very...cozy, though. Very…" Suddenly she blushed and looked away. Callum cocked his head. He couldn't imagine what she was blushing about. He would have thought he'd have some understanding of her, considering they all but melded minds when piloting Angra Mainyu, but she was still as confusing as ever.

Jina interrupted their awkward moment by coming with a white box for Valencia. Cognizant of what Bel had said, they both just smiled and bowed in thanks. Jina smiled tightly and left them without a word. Callum and Valencia stood together silently. Callum tried desperately to think of something to say. Had talking with Valencia been this hard before?

"Oh!" Bel said from behind them, making both of them jump. "You look so good!" She hurried over and did a circle around him, inspecting every inch. "Yes, very nice." She reached up and touched his hair and then his face. "A shave and a trim and you'll have to run away from all the women who will be after you," she laughed. Callum touched his cheek where he could still feel the lingering warmth from her fingers. He did need to shave. He didn't think he needed a haircut, though. Bel spun to Valencia. "And you have your clothes! What are you waiting for? Go on! You're going to knock him cross-eyed!"

Valencia hesitated for a moment and then went to her changing room. Callum watched her go and then glanced at Mikan's room. Her head was poking out of the door but as soon as their eyes met, she ducked back inside. "What was that about?" Callum muttered.

Bel grinned. "She's a funny girl." Callum supposed that was one way of putting it. Callum racked his brain for something to say to Bel. Something that made him seem interesting. But Bel spoke first. "So what's your relationship with those two? I asked them but Mikan just went silent and Valencia told me it was none of my business." The amusement in her tone said she had taken no offense.

Callum blinked, wondering why she was curious about that. He hesitated a long moment before answering, partially because he was going over the implications of the answer and partially because he honestly wasn't too sure what his relationship with them was. "Complicated," he said finally. And wasn't that the straight truth. "It's complicated."

Bel smirked at him. "I had already deduced that much."

That was all she had time to say because Valencia stepped out of her room the next moment. Callum stared at her. She was wearing a thick, loose-fitting top with long sleeves. It was white with a picture of a black fuzzy-faced creature with long whiskers and pointy ears emblazoned across it. Her shorts were also black and so short they barely peaked out of the hem of the long top. He wondered why he was having trouble keeping his eyes away from her bared legs. It wasn't like the jumpsuit she wore while piloting left anything about them to the imagination. Hell, even her normal carcha robe and tight shorts showed almost as much. And yet...there was something sexy about the tiny shorts and bulky top combination. Her shoes were white and thick-soled, stopping just under the ankle. They seemed to be made of the same material as his and had no laces.

"Not bad, not bad!" Bel said. "You certainly have the legs for the look."

Valencia blushed and stepped closer to them. "What do you think?" she asked Callum.

He coughed and forced his eyes up to meet hers. He was expecting maybe amusement or irritation but what he got was vulnerability. "You look good," he said honestly. "It's nice to see you in something different." Valencia blushed harder and looked down. Bel nudged him gently in the ribs and he glanced down at her. She nodded and mouthed 'nice.'

Jina came with the box for Mikan and Bel took it. "I'll go help her get into these," she said, scampering off for all the world like a kid about to pull a prank. Callum wondered how old she was. She had to be older than him by at least a few years unless fie aging was significantly different from humans.

He was alone again with Valencia. "Can you believe we're actually here?" he asked, proud of himself for coming up with something so quickly.

Valencia glanced up and her blush faded, replaced with an excited joy. "It still seems surreal to me. I used to imagine escaping Ragrun when I was little. When I heard the stories Father would tell. I never thought it would actually happen though." She tugged at her top. "This creature is called a cat. They are one of the only native creatures of Earth to make it off-planet besides us humans. They are popular pets, even with aliens. Isn't it cute? Bel said there might be a few aboard the ship!"

"That comes from Earth?" he asked. That was fascinating. He had never thought about all of the other lifeforms that probably called Earth home. "I would like to see one."

"Right?" Valencia grinned widely. "We should try and find one." They chatted a little longer about things they might like to do now that they were free of Ragrun. Callum was relieved by how easy the conversation came. Maybe things weren't so different between them.

Then they heard the door open and Bel came out, with Mikan trailing behind her, almost hiding behind her. Bel wasn't having it and steered Mikan around her so that they could see her completely. Her top was sleeveless and pale pink, worn loose and falling just below her hips. Her flared skirt was dark purple and surprisingly short, ending well above her knees. Her shoes were open-toed with short square heels adding a bit to her height. They were white and had little bows on the strap over the top of her foot.

Callum drank in the sight of her while trying not to openly gape at her. That would likely get him in trouble with Valencia and send Mikan running. But it was hard not to. She was cute. Incredibly cute. And yet erotic at the same time. She was both innocent and enticing. It made him want to do bad things to her. 'Oh, God, what am I thinking?!' He shook his head slightly and glanced at Bel. "Did you pick this out for her?" he asked. He had trouble believing that Mikan would pick out an outfit that showed so much skin.

Bel shook her head with a grin. "Nope. I only helped her out a little. Of the three of you, Mikan had the clearest idea of what she wanted to try wearing." Mikan's blush rose all the way to her hairline and she stared fixedly at her toes.

Callum's eyes widened. Mikan was confusing. All women were, he supposed, but Mikan most of all. But he didn't want her to think he disapproved. "It's very nice," he said. "You look good. That's why I thought that Bel picked it out for you...because it looks so good." He was floundering. "Don't you think it looks good, Valencia?"

"Sure," Valencia said. Callum glanced at her and found her face utterly blank.

Bel was grinning, her eyes flicking between the three of them. Callum wondered if he knew what was going on because he certainly didn't. "Alright," she said. "Now that we're all dressed, let's head to our next location. We have a lot to do yet."

"What about the clothes we came in with?" Valencia asked.

Bel's nose wrinkled slightly. "Those were just some old things we dug up so you would have some emergency clothing. Trust me, they're better used as recycling. Jina will take care of it."

"What-what about my pilot suit?" Mikan piped up.

Bel stuck out her tongue. "We'll get you a better one. No need to hang on to that carcha trash." Mikan seemed hesitant for some reason. Callum couldn't understand why. The carcha jumpsuits seemed incredibly embarrassing for women and fie jumpsuits seemed much nicer anyway. Bel wasn't the type to be stymied by Mikan's weak resistance, however. With a hand on her back, she steered Mikan back to the front of the store. Callum and Valencia followed along. "Jina, thank you so much!" Bel said when they reached her. "Your fashions are the best on Shimayasumota, as always. Why don't you send me five new outfits as well. Whatever you like!" Jina's face lit up in pleasure. "I'll see you again soon!" They bustled outside.

Valencia stopped once they were outside and said, "Wait. Didn't you say we had to use this money to get things?"

Bel nodded. "That's right. That's why we stopped for your identity chips before we went anywhere. But don't worry, Lady Tsyirinsaku will be covering our expenses for today. Think of it as a welcoming present."

Callum wasn't sure what to think of that. He hoped he had a chance to thank her at least. He thought back to his one and only meeting with her. She was a very intense woman with a gaze that seemed like it should be able to physically burn something. 'Maybe I'll just ask Bel to thank her for me.'