Chapter 45

Mikan glanced at Valencia. The blonde woman shook her head. "I can't wait until this is over." She followed the woman out of the room. Mikan sighed and trailed after her. Maybe this really was a bad idea.

Out in the hall, the girl opened Callum's door without any sort of warning. Fortunately, Callum was dressed. Mikan drank in the sight of him. He was wearing a loose white shirt that showed a great deal of his chest and very tight black pants. If Bel was the one that picked the clothes for him, she would have to remember to thank her. Callum ran a hand through his thick hair. 'It's getting long.' "Are we ready to go then?" Callum asked. If the girl was glaring at him, he didn't have any noticeable reaction.

"Oh, good," the small woman said sarcastically. "You look like a real fuckboy. That's bound to get that desperate old prick riled up. I can hardly fucking wait." She turned and walked out, brushing past Valencia as if she wasn't there. Then walked a little ways down the hall and then glanced over her shoulder. "Well, come on. What the fuck are you waiting for? Let's get this over with."

Mikan joined Callum and Valencia in hurrying to follow. She trailed behind them, letting them shield her from the wrathful little girl. Russell did the opposite. He wove his way between them and sprinted to catch up to the girl. "Hold on, young thing!" he shouted as he caught up to her. "What's your hurry? You haven't even introduced yourself!"

"I'm in a hurry because I want to get this over with," she snapped without slowing. "This is all pointless. He'll string you along until he can fuck both girls." She glanced over her shoulder. "Which by the looks of things, should at least be pretty fucking quick. But since Fuckboy there is along, he's going to want to prove he has the bigger dick so who knows what he'll do?" The girl was quiet for a moment and then suddenly swore, "That whore! Why can't she just leave me out of shit like this?"

"Easy there, honey," Russell said. "There's no reason to get so upset." Mikan was suddenly glad he was along. She didn't know if any of the rest of them would have had the guts to talk to the furious woman.

She stopped, her back ramrod straight and her fists clenched. "Do not call me that," she hissed.

"Well, give me a name, then. Shit." Russell didn't seem intimidated in the least.

The girl was quiet for a long time but eventually muttered, "Taka."

"Good to meetcha, Taka," Russell said, slapping her on the back of her leg. Mikan winced. "I'm Russell Jones." He drew himself up and Mikan braced for the full Russell Jones introduction but something in Taka's demeanor managed to wilt even Russell's normally indefatigable spirit. "The fuckboy there is Callum," he said, gesturing at the man, "and the ladies are Mikan and Valencia."

"Can somebody tell me what a fuckboy is?" Callum asked.

"You are!" Russell shouted. "You fuckboy, you!" Then he laughed loudly. "But, seriously, Taka Taka, don't let their clothes fool you. They're from as close to nowhere as someone can possibly be. The fie dressed them up. So don't be too rough on 'em!"

Taka glanced back at them. Her expression was considering, which was a big step up from hateful. She looked away and snapped, "Don't say my name twice like that." Then she continued walking.

"But it's a fun-ass name! Taka Taka Taka!" Russell shouted in staccato.

They continued to verbally spar all the way down the hall. Somehow Taka didn't grow any angrier despite Russell needling her the way he did everybody. Mikan wished she had a tenth of Russell's ability to talk to people. She soon stopped really listening to their conversation and began to focus on the way Callum's shoulders moved under his loose shirt and the way his tight pants gripped his ass. 'God, he's hot.' Mikan started to feel warmth in her middle.

After a little while longer, Taka activated a door that didn't seem any different from the dozens they had already passed and stepped inside. She took two steps and stopped short. "Fucking Christ," Taka hissed but almost too softly to hear. Her fist clenched so tightly that it had to hurt. She glanced at the three of them. "Well, come on. Come see what you've come to deal with."

Valencia and Callum glanced at each other and then stepped inside. They both stopped immediately. Russell squirmed through their legs and then whistled. Mikan pushed her way around Callum and peeked into the room. Her eyes shot open wide. She hadn't known what to expect but she never would have guessed what was happening.

Wu Jingsi was standing next to an ornate desk, wearing only a black robe patterned with gold and matching slippers. The robe was gaping open, revealing everything underneath. Mikan had to admit that he looked a lot better than she expected. She'd seen pictures, of course, but she'd assumed they were all from his youth. He was supposed to be sixty-six years old. Mikan had only met two men in her entire life who were that old and they had both been decrepit husks. One hadn't been able to leave his bed and the other could only manage a tortuous shuffle. Wu still looked powerful, standing straight easily. His long arms and legs were corded with thick muscle and his stomach was flat. There was white at the roots of his long, black hair but it didn't make him seem old. There were wrinkles around his eyes and mouth but they didn't lessen the startling masculinity of his face.

And, of course, with his robe gaping open, there was his penis. It was gargantuan. There was no other word for it. It was bigger than Callum's. Almost bigger than a dobed's. Mikan hadn't even known a human cock could be that big. She couldn't imagine something like that going inside of her. It was fully erect, standing straight and proud, and being lovingly attended to by a nude woman. Mikan thought the woman was probably a few years older than herself, with lustrous brown hair and bronze skin. She didn't seem perturbed in the least at being walked in, sucking and licking at Wu's cock as if it were the most important thing in the world.

Wu's black eyes slowly swept over the new arrivals and he clapped a hand to his forehead and said, "Oh damn, is it already time for you to be here?" The question was so disingenuous that even Mikan saw through it easily. He wasn't actually trying to convince them, which Mikan found strange. 'Why'd he say that then?' "My bad," he said, putting a hand to the back of neck and laughing. "I lost track of time. Easy to do, with young Carmen here." Mikan noticed he was leering at Callum more than anyone else. 'So Taka was right about him having a problem with Callum.' "Hang one second while I finish up real quick. Are you ready, Carmen?"

Carmen managed to detach her lips from his cock long enough to give a breathless, "Always."

Wu reached down and picked up Carmen easily. He lifted her up and she spread her legs wide. Wu lined himself up and thrust inside Carmen. Something like an electric shock ran through Mikan. She couldn't believe the woman was able to take all of that inside her, much less in one stroke! It was insane. Mikan couldn't take her eyes off his cock slamming in and out of her. What did it feel like? From the way Carmen was screaming and clutching at Wu, it had to be overwhelming. Mikan's entire body felt like it was on fire and her eyes and throat were dry. She didn't think she would have been able to look away, even if the ship had suddenly started exploding.

Wu had an easy smile on his face but Mikan noticed him frequently shooting glances at Callum. Every time he did, his gaze sharpened and lost some of its humor. After a few more minutes, he pulled Carmen down so he was inside her as deeply as possible and shouted, "Here it comes!" Carmen clutched at him trembling violently. When it was over, they clung to each other breathing raggedly. A sheen of sweat covered both their bodies. Mikan was also drenched in sweat, even though she'd done nothing but stand and watch. Wu let her slip down slowly off his cock and she landed softly on her knees before slumping to the side. Mikan watched cum drain out of her pussy and down her leg. Mikan's eyes flicked back to Wu's wet, slowly deflating cock. She thought that she probably should look away but couldn't make herself do it.

Wu stood there for what seemed like forever before abruptly breaking the spell by flaring his robe out and then drawing it around himself and tying it closed. He walked away from Carmen, who wasn't stirring. Her deep breathing made Mikan wonder if she was asleep. Did Wu fuck her to exhaustion? Mikan unconsciously ran her hands up and down her ribcage.

Wu sat down at his desk and smiled. "Wow," said, pushing his sweat-soaked bangs away from his eyes. "That was fun. Sorry about ignoring you guys for a minute there. I'm Wu Jingsi. Carmen normally handles the introductions but she's a little…" he laughed, glancing at her. Then settled back, smiling lazily.

It was Callum who eventually ventured, "My name is Callum. This is Valencia and Mikan," Callum said, gesturing toward each of them, "and this is Russell Jones. We were sent by Princess Tsyirinsaku."

"Oh, right!" Wu said, cutting Callum off and surging to his feet. "The Ice Princess." He turned slightly and put his chin in the crook of his forefinger and thumb. "You know, I asked her to come here herself next time. It's really too bad. I wonder what's underneath that icy exterior?" He laughed again and then turned to them. "So, why did she send you?"

"She was hoping you might be more willing to talk to humans," Callum said.

"Does she think I'm some kind of human supremacist or something?" He looked offended. "I'm willing to talk to any creature in this galaxy if it wants to talk to me."

Callum looked around as if searching for help. Mikan didn't have the guts to make eye contact. Valencia shook her head and Russell was staring intensely at Wu but kept silent. "The Princess rescued us and hundreds of other humans from slavery," Callum finally said. "I think she was hoping you would reconsider allying with her because of that."

Wu once again made a noise of disgust. "She thinks I turned her down because of that?" He sighed. "So that's what she thinks of me. It makes me wonder about her." He eyed Callum meaningfully but Mikan wasn't sure what he was trying to convey.

"So why did you?" Russell asked, surprising everyone.

Wu took a long look at him. "What are you supposed to be?" he asked.

Russell stepped forward. Mikan couldn't remember him ever seeming so serious and grave before. "I used to be what you should be now. The torchbearer! The rallying point for humanity! You're powerful. I can tell. You've seen the Lady Venus. You have a ship. You have mechs. Why aren't you fighting?!"

"Fighting? Against what?" Wu seemed genuinely puzzled. "Who…or what…are you, little man?"

"Russell Jones." He didn't follow with any of his usual theatricality. He just stared straight at Wu.

And, shockingly, Wu actually seemed taken aback. Did he recognize the name? Has Russell really been telling the truth about himself? But Wu was only wrong-footed for a moment. "Russell Jones, eh? Funny, I never heard of him being one foot five." Mikan started. That meant he had heard of him. 'Has Russell been telling the truth?' Wu sighed and swept his eyes over the group. "This is weird. You say you're former slaves but arrive in mechs, one of them like nothing I've ever seen before. You say the Last Princess of the Fie saved you. I've never heard of her doing anything like that before. You have a sophisticated android that claims to be Russell Jones of all things and another that looks like one of the Zalm androids. Very strange company for slaves."

"We are former slaves," Callum said, stepping forward. "Half a year ago all three of us were working in the mines on Ragrun."

"There was some kind of disturbance on Ragrun around that time." Mikan nearly jumped out of her skin as Carmen climbed to her feet and spoke. "After picking through the censorship, it seems like an entire training cadre was wiped out." Mikan watched with saucer eyes as Carmen slowly sauntered over to pick up a short robe that was pooled near Wu's desk. She was in no hurry and completely unconcerned about her nudity. And why should she be? Carmen's body was just about perfect. Dark, flawless skin, big but perky breasts, narrow waist, wide hips and round ass. 'I wonder it would be like to kiss her?' Mikan breathed in sharply and mentally castigated herself for thinking something so random and debauched. She couldn't stop staring at Carmen's tits, though.

"A training cadre wiped out by slaves." Wu threw back his head and laughed. "Now that is interesting." Wu wiped a tear from his eye. "And the little one mentioned Venus. So, young man," he said, crossing his arms and looking at Callum. "That means you must be powerful enough to commune with her. Considering you were a slave, you must have had a massive spark."

"It's not just me," Callum said. "Mikan can speak to her, too."

Wu's eyebrows climbed into his hair. "Is that true?" Mikan nodded, hardly daring to breathe, much less speak. "Two of you? Well, well. Still doesn't explain a whole training cadre, though. Hmm." He glanced at Carmen. "What have we got going on tomorrow evening?" he asked.

"Dinner with Morant," Carmen replied instantly. She had pulled on her short robe and was standing just behind and to the side of Wu.

"Can't miss that." Wu seemed displeased. "Night after?"

"Li Mei's birthday."

"Perfect!" Wu threw his arms out wide. "You'll come and we'll talk more. I want to know exactly what happened on that little slave planet of yours."

"Wait," Callum said, "you want us to wait two days before we can even talk more? I thought we were negotiating tonight."

"Don't be in such a hurry, boy," Wu said with an easy smile. "There is a process to this kind of thing. I don't know you at all yet, do I? Don't worry, there is plenty to keep you busy on the Celestial Dragon. And Li Mei's birthday party will be a blast!"

"I didn't come here to have fun," Callum said. "Princess Tsyirinsaku sent me here to–"

Wu cut him off, leaning forward and with one hand on his desk. "Boy, are you saying my hospitality isn't good enough for you?" All of the humor was gone from him and Mikan was starting to have trouble breathing. His presence was overwhelming.

Callum flushed, though Mikan wasn't sure if it was embarrassment or anger. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before he managed to get any words out. "I'm sorry. I was a mining slave until just a few months ago. I don't know anything about this kind of thing. I am...grateful for your hospitality." He grinned suddenly and Mikan wondered if there was anybody with a hard enough heart not to forgive anything for that smile. "I've never even been to a birthday party."

Wu's anger melted away so fast that Mikan wondered if it was a feigned. "Great! Until then, enjoy the Tianlong. Taka, why don't you show them around?"

"Fuck no."

Mikan blinked in surprise. She had almost forgotten about Taka as the girl drifted to the back of the room during Wu's display. Wu's shoulders slumped and his expression was long-suffering. "Taka…"

"Sorry but I have an appointment with my toilet to puke up everything I've ever eaten."

"Taka, don't be like this…"

"What should I be like then? An obedient little slave like Li Mei? Fuck you. Fuck her. Fuck this. And fuck you again. I'm out." She pushed herself away from the wall and strode toward the door.

"Taka!" Wu shouted, seeming more wounded than angry.

"Do the universe a favor and drop dead!" she fired back without even looking back.

After she was gone, a very uncomfortable silence descended on the room. Mikan tried to look anywhere but at the sad-faced Wu. In doing so, she took in the room, which she hadn't really noticed before. There were thick rugs of different patterns covering most of the cold, steel floor. There were banners and flags on all of the walls. At least that's what she thought they were. There were also two tall glass cases full of all sorts of things. Little statues and medals and things Mikan didn't recognize.

Wu stared after Taka for a long time and then sat down heavily in chair. He tapped irritably on a button on one of the arms. "Joan," he sighed. "I need somebody to show our new guests around."

"What about Taka?" Joan asked.

"She decided she had better things to do," Wu said lightly.

Joan sighed loudly and for a long time and then said, "Fine, I'll be there in a minute." As they waited, Mikan feeling like she'd rather be anywhere else, Carmen bent down and spoke softly into Wu's ear. He seemed to ignore her, glowering sulkily, until she flicked his ear. Wu roared and clapped a hand to his ear, turning to glare at her. Carmen glared right back and it was Wu who looked away first.

Joan showed up a few moments later, wearing the same green dress she'd had on before, though Mikan noticed her red hair was tousled as if she'd been sleeping. She paused a couple of steps into the room and put her hands on her hips. "So she just ran off, then?" she demanded.

"Taka is at a difficult age," Wu sighed. "I wasn't so different when I was her age."

"You're too easy on her. If I talked to my father the way she talks to you, I would have been beaten black and blue!" Father? So Taka was Wu's daughter. Mikan supposed that made sense. She certainly hadn't seemed like a lover or anything. It was shocking that she could tell her father to drop dead, though. Mikan couldn't ever imagine saying something like that to her own father. 'Then again, I can't imagine my father having sex in front of me…or having sex at all.'

"Joan, she's trying to find her way," Wu said. "Just leave it alone, okay?"

Joan huffed another ostentatious sigh and then glanced at Mikan's group. "Alright, let's go, come on." She waved for them to follow and then strode out of the room. I wonder how she can move that fast in heels, Mikan wondered as she hurried to follow. "This wing of the ship is where the permanent residents have their quarters. You won't really need to come here unless you're meeting Wu or someone else who can give you directions so I won't bother explaining the layout." After a few more turns they came to a cross corridor.

"That way leads back to the guest cabins," she said, pointing to the right. "That way leads to engineering, weapons bays and such," she said, pointing to the left. "It's closed off to you and all other guests. If you get lost, someone will point you in the right direction. If you persistently try to enter that area of the ship, you will be asked to leave the ship." She continued walking forward. "And this way leads to our accommodations." She stopped at the next room they came to and opened the door. Mikan, Valencia and Callum all peered inside. It was a strange place, very spacious with rugs covering most of the floor. There were several soft-looking chairs and several rows of shelves full of rectangular objects.

"Are those books?" Russell asked. "Actual books?"

"Yes. Laotouzi likes them for some reason. The amount of money he's spent on some of them…" Joan shook her head.

"What are they?" Valencia asked Callum softly. Callum just shrugged.

"You can read them if you like but if you damage any of them, you might as well give up on any kind of alliance." She giggled at her own joke. "You could also just use the ship's net in there. It's a strangely calming place. Anyway." She led them to where the corridor split off again. "Down this way is the gym. We have exercise machines, weights, sparring rooms, a pool, a sauna. The works! You don't usually see anything like that on less than a capital ship." Mikan nodded. That, at least, she understood, since she'd been to one on the Shimayasumota.

Joan pointed down the other way and said, "That way leads to the mess. We always have a few different cooks on duty. They'll post what meals are available. We always try to make sure we have standard kind of cuisines for different species. By the way, don't try any icke food unless you want your guts destroyed." Mikan clutched her stomach at the thought. "And down this way," Joan said, leading them forward, "we have the best part"

She took them through another door into a large room with several round tables, about half of which were occupied. There was a long bar along one wall with dozens, maybe hundreds, of bottles behind it. "Our saloon!" Joan said. "We have more varieties of alcohol here than anywhere I've ever seen." She glanced at them a bit reproachfully. "By the way, it's normally common courtesy to bring us a bottle when you come to stay on our ship."

Callum jerked. "I'm sorry. I have something the Princess wanted me to give you with my things. I just forgot about it. She said it was from Earth."

Joan raised an eyebrow. "From Earth? Interesting. I've never heard of it. Not a lot comes out of Earth these days. Except for carcha dreck of course. I wonder if it's old. Maybe I'll stop by and pick it up," she said with a wink.

"I can bring it to the birthday," Callum said, apparently not noticing the suggestiveness in Joan's tone. Valencia drew closer to him.

Mikan had been feeling vibration under her feet and hearing vague noise. "Is…is there music somewhere?" she asked.

"Yes, the last stop on our brief tour. Follow me." Joan threaded her way through the tables. The people she passed by, mostly men and not all of them human, called out greetings to her as she passed by. Some of them were quite lascivious and one even groped Joan's bottom. She just laughed. One of the men called out to Mikan that her "ass looked like a piece of heaven." She was so surprised that she almost tripped over her own feet. Her face flushed with embarrassment but she had to admit it was a little gratifying. She didn't have the guts to turn around and see who had made the comment.

Joan opened a door to the next room and sound overwhelmed Mikan. It was different from what she'd heard in the fie club. The music was raw and ragged. Joan ushered them inside and Mikan took it all in. The room was large and dark but with a lower ceiling that made it feel claustrophobic with the large amount of people and aliens writhing in a mass around a tiny elevated stage. A lone man stood on stage, not quite singing but not quite talking either. His voice was projected through the room, somehow heard over the pounding music. The words were fast and furious and Mikan couldn't understand any of them. They moved something inside her, though, filling her with excitement.

"Pretty cool, right?!" Joan practically had to scream to be heard over the music. Mikan nodded dumbly and Russell started bobbing his head to the beat. Mikan noticed that Callum and Valencia seemed uncomfortable, though. "Well, that's it! I've got things to do, so I'll see y'all later!" Without even waiting for them to respond, Joan disappeared back through the door.

Mikan's eyes went back to the man on the stage. He was human, she thought, with dark skin and a bald head even though he seemed young. He was naked except for a tight pair of red, shimmering shorts but he did have jewelry all over his body. A few different chunky necklaces, rings, anklets, armlets, dozens of piercings and a ruby visor that went all the way around his head. His look and the way he writhed and cavorted on stage made it hard for Mikan to look away. She did notice Valencia speaking to Callum out of the corner of her eye, however.

Callum nodded. He stepped forward and spoke directly into Mikan's ear. His breath tickled her and a shiver ran down her spine. "Me and Valencia are going to get something to eat and then go back to our rooms probably. Are you coming with?"

Mikan glanced at the crowd of people dancing around the small stage and, after a moment of hesitation, said, "I think I'm going to stay. Just for a little bit!"

"What?" Callum asked, shouting to be heard over the music.

"I'm going…going to stay!" Mikan shouted.

Callum stared at her with evident confusion. "You're going to stay here?" Mikan nodded. Callum glanced at Valencia, who shrugged. She seemed puzzled too. "Are you sure?"

Mikan nodded again. "Yeah! Just for a bit!"

Callum studied her for a moment and then said, "Okay. Be careful!" Mikan nodded. Callum hesitated for a second longer and then brightened. "Keep Myna with you, just in case."

That threw Mikan for a loop. She wasn't sure what to say. The android had been so quiet, she'd forgotten she was even there. Mikan supposed it seemed like a good idea to keep her around but she was resistant to it for some reason. Russell came to her rescue. "Ah, don't crimp the kid's style. Let her have some fun. Come on!" He tugged Callum away from her and ushered him back out the door. Callum threw one last concerned look her way before he left, Valencia and Myna following. Mikan's heart was warmed by how worried Callum was but she was also a little relieved he had left. 'Too bad he didn't want to stay and dance with me.' Of course, that would never happen with Valencia here.

Mikan turned back to the crowd and suddenly felt very nervous. Is it okay to just dive right in? 'Maybe I should get a drink first…'