Chapter 47

Mikan had realized that she loved to dance. It wasn't something she would have expected. She had hated the thanksgiving dance they did whenever the carcha brought them food. It was all about smoothly fitting into a group, which she was bad at. But the kind of dancing the fie did, the kind of dancing the humans on Tianlong did; that, she liked. It was all about moving your body the way you wanted. There was no fitting in, there was no doing it wrong. And within the mass of people, she was anonymous. It had taken two drinks to work up the courage to enter the writhing throng but once she did, she thought she might as well have been invisible. It was amazing.

She completely lost herself in the dark, violet music until at some point she realized her feet and legs were aching and her throat was parched. The flashy man on the small center stage had been replaced by an older, rough hewn man with a huge, bushy, black beard who sang in a deep, guttural voice. Mikan hadn't even noticed the switch. She threaded her way through the crowd, her usual feelings of anxiety suddenly creeping in as she bumped and dodged her way free.

She returned to the saloon and sat down at the bar. The same man was working behind it, so at least she hadn't lost track of an insane amount of time. He was tall and slender with short black hair and a handsome face. Now that Mikan thought about it, he kind of looked like Wu. "What can get you?" he asked politely.

"Do you have water?" she asked. Her voice was hoarse.

"Of course." He set out a tall glass and filled it up with water from a bottle stored beneath the bar. Mikan's tongue shriveled as she watched. When he slid the glass down to her, she drained it all in one go and passed it back to him for another round. After the second glass, she felt much better. And sitting had given her legs some time to recover. 'I wonder if I can dance a little longer.' She had no idea what they were going to be doing tomorrow or, in fact, what time it even was in relation to the ship.

"Can I buy you a drink?" The voice was soft and sibilant, speaking carcha much more accurately than a human could. Mikan almost leapt off her stool in surprise as a man sat down next to her. It wasn't a human man or a carcha man. His skin was a pale orange with a spray of brown freckles covering his hairless head. His huge eyes were a slightly brighter orange with black, diamond pupils. He had a somewhat flat face with a pointy nose and wide mouth. When he smiled, she saw that it was filled with a multitude of tiny, sharp teeth. He was wearing a brown vest with yellow patterns and she saw that his chest also had several brown freckles. Two necklaces hung beneath the vest, one gold and the other of a blue-green metal.

"Oh, um…" Mikan stuttered.

"Her drinks are on the house," the bartender said flatly. "She's a diplomat."

"Really?" The bridge over the alien's eyes wriggled slightly. Then he laughed. At least, that's what Mikan assumed the hissing sound was. "Maybe you can get me a drink then. The prices here are outrageous."

"Um, um." Mikan took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She glanced at the bartender. "Is that allowed?"

He shrugged. "If you order two drinks, it's none of my business what you do with them."

"Okay." Mikan turned back to the alien. "What did you want?"

He sat down on the stool next to her. Mikan was surprised that he was only a little taller than she was. His frame was so slender that he seemed longer than he actually was. When he set his hands on the bar, Mikan noticed his fingers were very long. "A number thirty-one igsh. Thanks!"

Mikan nodded. "Can we have two thirty-one igshs, please?"

The bartender glowered at the alien and Mikan wondered if he had done something wrong. But he poured a bright red liquid into two small glasses and passed them over. The alien picked up his and held it out toward her. Mikan picked hers up and touched it to his as she'd seen some others do. The alien tipped back the glass, draining the thing in one go. Mikan followed suit. It felt like somebody kicked her in the head. She grabbed the bar, afraid that she would fall off her stool if she didn't. The alien laughed. "Good stuff, right?" Mikan very carefully nodded. It hadn't tasted like much of anything to her. "By the way, my name is…" he laughed lightly. "Well, I've noticed humans have trouble with it, so you can just call me Deni."

"Mikan," Mikan said. "My name is Mikan." She was starting to feel a little more steady but her head felt like it was floating.

"So you're a diplomat? I didn't know humans had any diplomats."

"From…from the fie. The Princess sent us."

"Princess? Of the fie." Deni's ridge wiggled again. "Y'know, I do I think I remember seeing a story about something like that. Weird." He laughed again.

"S-so what are you?" Mikan instantly wished he hadn't phrased the question so bluntly but Deni didn't seem offended.

"An icke. Yeah, we're not too common in this part of the galaxy."

"Are you a diplomat, too?" Even as she asked Mikan realized that he obviously wasn't and wondered why she was such an idiot.

Deni laughed but it didn't seem mocking. "Hell no. I'm the last person my government would want representing them." He laughed again.

"Oh, I see." Mikan thought furiously, trying to come up with something to say.

Deni spoke before she could think of anything. "I saw you out on the dance floor. Not many humans can move with that kind of fluid grace." Mikan stared at him. He thought she was graceful? Her? "I was mesmerized. To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a human quite as pretty as you either."

Mikan flushed. Pretty and graceful? The icke certainly had strange notions of beauty. But Mikan could help feeling pleased. She studied Deni. He wasn't exactly handsome but there was something kind of attractive about his slender face and big eyes. "You must not have seen very many humans."

"On the contrary, I've been on Crusher's ship for a while now and he's supposed to have the most beautiful human women in the galaxy at his beck and call, right?" Crusher. Mikan remembered that was one of Wu's nicknames. Mikan considered his statement. Joan was very pretty and Carmen was absolutely breathtaking. Did he really think she was prettier than those two? That was insane. Icke must have had really weird taste in women. She blushed heavily and wanted to thank him but found that she was tongue-tied. "Would you like to dance?" he asked. He held out his hand to her. Mikan took it, her face feeling like it was on fire.

He guided her back to the dance floor, where there was another new person singing. It was a pale woman wearing very little clothing, whose voice was somehow even more violent and angry than either of the mens' had been. Deni pulled her close. Mikan had seen how the other couples had been dancing together and even though she was frightened and nervous, she was also excited. He pressed his body into hers, moving in time with the beat and she responded, almost unconsciously. She danced almost the same way she had been before, only now there was another person matching her movements and keeping as close to her as he could. Her heart was in her throat.

Soon Deni grew bolder. His hands seemed to be everywhere, those long fingers touching and caressing. He started with her back and arms and face but she didn't protest, he moved to her thighs and butt and breasts. Mikan followed his lead. She slid her hands underneath his vest and found his skin surprisingly rough and hot. He was slender but she could feel how powerful the corded muscles of his arms and legs were.

Deni got more daring. He grasped her buttocks and pulled her in, teasing up her dress as he did so. Mikan noticed a wicked smile on his face. Soon the hem of her dress was up around her waist. The only thing protecting her ass from any gaze in the room was the little piece of string that made up the back of her underwear. Mikan gasped and blushed but didn't fight him. One of his fingers slid underneath her panties and lightly stroked her slit. Mikan shuddered. "I fucking love how warm and wet you humans get," Deni whispered into her ear.

His grip slackened on her and Mikan was able to take a step back. She hurriedly tugged down the hem of her dress. She knew it was time to leave. If there had been any doubt before, Mikan now knew exactly what Deni wanted from her. All of her good sense was telling her to run for it before she was in too deep. Instead, she continued to dance with him, letting him paw at her and pawing at him in turn. He spun her around and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his face into the top of her head. He sniffed her audibly. 'I guess he does have a nose.'

While he was doing that, his deft fingers somehow undid the back of her dress and it slid down to her waist. Mikan gasped and instinctively tried to cover up her exposed breasts but Deni restrained her. Not hard but just enough for her to stop her for a moment. Mikan noticed a human man giving her an appraising look. He winked when he caught her gaze. It was embarrassing but exciting. She liked the heat in her stomach and the chill running up her spine. Instead of covering up, she decided to spin around so she was facing Deni again. She wasn't as exposed this way but she kept the feeling alive.

Deni grinned in approval and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her close and kissed her. Mikan opened her mouth to the kiss and his tongue snaked into her mouth. It was strange, a little scaly and surprisingly hot but also long and active. She liked it. Her naked breasts pressed up against his rough skin and her nipples were so hard she felt like they were trying to escape her body. More pulled back from the kiss and whispered, "Do you want to go upstairs?"

"Um…alright." An increasingly distant voice was screaming at her to stop all of this now but it couldn't overpower her intoxication and arousal. Deni took her by the hand and led her up to the balcony circling the dance floor. Mikan tried to keep her other hand over her breasts but knew she wasn't doing a particularly good job and didn't particularly care. Her eyes widened in shock as they passed by some of the couples and groups in the dimly lit booths. Most were just making out and groping each other but a few had gone farther and one couple, both humans, were blatantly fucking.

Deni slid into an empty semi-circular booth and pulled her down beside him. They instantly went back to making out, their hands all over the other's body. Mikan found she really liked playing her tongue over his small sharp teeth. He focused on groping her naked breasts for a while and then pulled her up so that she was half lying on the bench. He reached around and pulled up the back of her dress, then his long finger began to stroke and play with her pussy underneath the flimsy material of her panties. She moaned into his mouth. Deni grasped her wrist with his other hand to gently but firmly pull her hand down to the bulge in his pants.

Mikan didn't resist. She'd been feeling his cock bump into her for much of the night and was curious what it looked like. She undid the fasteners on Deni's trousers and pulled his cock out. It was definitely different than a human penis, though not wildly so. It was long and cylindrical, narrower at the base than the top with no discernible head. The skin was pink and much softer and spongier than the rest of his skin. The top of his penis was actually concave rather than rounded and Mikan couldn't see any opening in the dim light. Does his species cum?

She grasped his cock gently and began to run her hand up and down. It felt good in her hand. Deni sighed and leaned back, still stroking her pussy with those long fingers. Mikan adjusted herself so that she was fully lying on the bench with her head in his lap and gave his cock a long slow lick. It didn't really taste like anything but she liked the texture. "Good girl," Deni sighed. Two of his fingers slid inside her and he pistoned them in and out almost tortuously slowly. Mikan continued to kiss and lick his cock while she jerked him off.

Deni came suddenly and without warning. Instead of one jet of cum, his semen seemed to well up from the entirety of the concave head of his cock. The white goop ran down over her hand and the sides of his penis. A little got into her mouth. It was almost completely tasteless and she couldn't quite place the bit of flavor that it had. Deni had stopped finger-fucking her when he orgasmed and Mikan pushed herself up a little. She felt disappointed. But the moment she felt that, a voice in her head started screaming at her. 'Disappointed? Because you didn't get to fuck him? You've already gone way too far, you stupid slut. What the hell were you thinking?'

Deni must have noticed her expression because he touched her cheek and turned her head so that she was looking at him. He was grinning. "I've seen that look before. I guess human men are usually only good for one shot. Not us icke. We need three or four shots at least before we go down." He leaned back, spreading his arms across the back of the bench, his invitation clear.

Mikan stared at his erection, her mouth dry and her stomach doing backflips. The voice telling her she was wrong abruptly ceased. Almost in a trance, she got up on her knees and pulled her panties down and off, dropping them carelessly on the ground behind her. She pulled off her shoes and then straddled his lap. Mikan's remaining clothing consisted only of her dress, which was now bunched up at her waist. She lined his cock up and sank down on it.

She moaned softly as she slid all the way to the hilt in one go. Mikan hadn't had anything bigger than a finger inside her since the first–and last–time she'd had sex with Callum. It felt incredible to have a real cock inside her again. She didn't move for a long moment, just enjoying the feeling of fullness but eventually Deni's attempts to hump her started her along. She used her hips and her ass to thrust herself up and down, wanting to keep most of his cock inside her body.

Deni's head lolled back and he moaned, "Oh, I love human women. You're so warm and wet and soft." Then he lapsed into a different language that she couldn't understand, presumably his native tongue.

Mikan worked feverishly. After weeks and weeks of no sex and all of the teasing leading up to this moment, she wanted to cum so badly she could barely think of anything else. She changed up the angle and speed of her motions, driving herself closer and closer. The way Deni started crying out and jerking, she thought he must have cum again but he was hard as ever. Mikan started going faster, hoping he wasn't just bragging about being able to stay erect through three orgasms.

A noise behind her made Mikan glance over her shoulder. A young human couple had stopped to watch her. Mikan didn't even pause. Two strangers were watching her fuck. They could see every curve of her body, see her desperate desire to cum. How many more could see her now? How many more had passed by her in the last few minutes. How many strangers had seen Mikan fucking an alien's cock like her life depended on it?

The orgasm that ripped through Mikan was like nothing she'd ever experienced before. She lost all track of time as eclectic bolts ran from her center all the way to her finger and toes. Her spine arched and her head flew back. She grasped onto the front of Deni's vest like it was all that kept from being swept away by the torrent that ran through her again and again. When it was finally over, she slumped forward onto Deni, both of them gasping for air.

Mikan had no idea how long she rested on Deni's chest but eventually he started shifting under her, making it clear without words that he wanted her to get up. Her legs trembled as she stood up on the bench. The moment that his cock left her vagina, a deluge of semen spilled out, running down her legs and into his lap. "Ah, fuck," Deni said, sounding more surprised than genuinely upset. Mikan stepped carefully over him and then sat down heavily on the edge of the bench. A carcha female and human male passed by, eyeing her. The carcha whispered something and the human laughed. Mikan straightened out her dress. It didn't feel quite as amazing to be seen nude now that it was all over.

"That was incredible, girl," Deni said. "Mind-blowing. You're the sexiest human I've ever met. Nah, fuck that. The sexiest woman, period."

"Um, thanks." Mikan was feeling too dazed to even know what to do with that. She was starting to feel kind of nauseous as well. "I think I'm going to go." She got to her feet. Her legs were still weak but they weren't trembling anymore at least.

"Can I get your information at least?"

"Y-yeah." She activated her hand screen and did what Jaluadecen had shown her if she wanted to trade information with somebody. Deni had no visible screen but one of his eyes lit up.

"Awesome! I'll be sure to hit you up."

"O-okay. See you later." Mikan picked up her panties and shoes, deciding just to carry them. Semen had trickled all the way down to her feet. Mikan made her way carefully down the steps and out of the dance hall. She tried not to look at anyone in the saloon as she passed through it. She took a couple of turns in the hallways of the ship, trying to remember what Joan had said but before too long she realized she was lost. She leaned against the wall, on the verge of tears.

"Do you need assistance?"

Mikan jumped, dropping her shoes and just barely held in a scream. She spun around to find Myna standing a few steps away. "Where did you come from?"

"I was asked by Callum to seek you out if you did not return in approximately two hours and make sure you 'were alright.'"

'Callum asked her to do that?' Mikan was starting to feel sicker. "How did you find me?" she asked.

"I returned to the place where I had last seen you. You were mingling with the crowd and did not seem to be in any danger. I decided that the most appropriate way to follow my instructions would be to monitor you until you returned to your quarters."

"Oh." Mikan closed her eyes for a moment and then they shot open. "Wait. Does that mean you saw me and…and…" Myna stared at her blankly. "Deni?" Still nothing. "The…icke…male?"

"The one you had sexual congress with?" There was something just so wrong with how bland Myna's voice was when she uttered the words.

Mikan laid a hand over her eyes. So she had been seen. 'By Myna and like fifty other people! What were you thinking?' "Could you please keep that to yourself?"

Myna blinked slowly. Mikan wondered if that was just an affectation. "Your relations with the icke male?"

"Yes," Mikan said, a bit testily.

"I do not believe that would conflict with any of my orders."

"Is that a yes?"


"Good. Thank you." Myna just looked at her. "Do you know the way back to our rooms?"

"I do."

"Will you take me there?"

"I will." Myna walked past her. Mikan quickly scooped up her shoes and hurried to follow. They walked down a few very similar looking hallways and Mikan soon gave up trying to keep track. How did anybody find their way through this stupid ship? Myna eventually stopped at a door that looked like just about every other. 'I would have walked right past without even realizing.'

Mikan went inside and tossed her shoes and panties near her luggage. She wanted to fall into bed but not while covered in sweat and semen. She carefully shucked her dress and looked it over. She couldn't see too much evidence of her deed but she would just bet that Jaluadecen would figure it out. 'I wonder if I can get it cleaned somewhere on Tianlong?' She carefully folded it and set it on top of her bag. Then she trudged to the shower. She scrubbed her legs down then carefully cleaned out her vagina. It was a bit sore, though nothing like the first time with Callum.

After her shower, Mikan slumped over to the bed, still naked. She fell face first into the bed and lay there with her face pressed into the mattress. Then it hit her. She pushed herself up and turned to Myna, who was standing in the corner of the room. "Where is Valencia?"

"She went to Callum's room shortly after we returned. She has not returned. I presume she remains there though I am not able to verify it with hundred percent certainty."

"What? Hundred…what? She went to Callum's room? How long ago?"

"Four hours and six minutes ago."

"What?!" Mikan yelped. Mikan couldn't believe it. She'd accepted whatever had been going on between Callum and Nita because Nita was pretty much Mikan's superior in every single way. And Bel…well Bel was the most gorgeous woman Mikan had ever seen. She wasn't sure exactly what was happening between them but whatever it was, she couldn't be mad about it. But Valencia? Now he was fucking Valencia? And had sent a stupid android out to find her rather than come himself. 'If he wanted to have sex, why didn't he come find me?!' Mikan punched the mattress. She had been secretly hoping that this little mission away from the fie would give her a chance to get closer to Callum but since Valencia was along she didn't want to push it. What a mistake. "Fuck." She hit the mattress again. She glared at Myna, who was looking at her from her corner. "Stop staring at me," she snapped.

"I apologize," Myna said, altering her gaze fractionally.

Mikan clenched her fists. Then she dropped face-first into her pillow with a groan. Why? Why hadn't he come to get her himself? He was supposed to have sensed it. To come to her rescue. Now it was ruined and wrecked. Mikan curled into a ball, clutching her pillow. Emotion surged through her body with no outlet. She wanted to scream or punch something but she was too damn tired. What would she say the next time she saw him? Would he know?

She rolled on to her back and pressed her heels into her eyes hard. "Switch lives with me, Myna."

"Could you clarify your request, please?"

Despite everything, that made Mikan laugh. She dropped her hands so her arms were splayed out over the bed. "Oh, God, Mikan," she muttered. "What have you done?"