Chapter 51

She stopped short when she got her first look at his living space. It was large--surprisingly so considering the cramped conditions of the ship--yet mostly empty. There was a single table made of some shiny black stone with a few chairs off to one side, a long bar on the back wall, a few paintings and holograms and, most strangely, a small stream of water. She walked up the small stream. It started its flow from a small opening about halfway up one wall and then worked its way down a ramp of varying steepness until it hit the floor and flowed out another opening on a perpendicular wall. It was strange to see. Was it merely decorative? Mikan didn't know what to think of that. She came from a world with no natural water. Even bathing had to be highly regulated. 

"Do you like it?" Mikan jumped and spun around. For such a large man, he was incredibly quiet. Wu stood just a little ways behind her, arms crossed, leaning against a wall. He was wearing black shorts and a gold robe that hung open. "When I was just a punk from the gutters of Eusel, one of the city bosses called me in for a meeting…wanted my shitty gang for meat in an upcoming war. He had a fountain like that and I always wanted one. His was better, sadly." Wu laughed. 

"Um. Uh." Mikan's mind seemed to shut down. "It's pretty." 

He grinned. "You don't have to be so nervous around me, Mikan." 

"I'm like that with everyone…" she said softly, glancing away. 

He nodded. "You're not the only person I've met like that. I've learned it just means you think more deeply about things than most." Mikan wasn't sure that was the truth but she appreciated hearing it. "Would you like a drink?"

"Yes!" Mikan winced at how eager she sounded but Wu just chuckled. He went behind the bar and took out two glasses. He poured a pale pink liquid into each one and then walked them over to Mikan. When she took a sip, she found it deliciously sweet. 

"I hope you don't mind it," Wu said. "I have a bit of a sweet-tooth when it comes to drinks." 

"N-not at all. It's yummy." Wu snorted a laugh into his drink and Mikan wished she could disappear. 'Yummy? Am I five?' 

"I'm glad you like it," Wu said, once he had regained control of himself. 

Mikan cast about for something to talk about and blurted out, "So you were in a gang when you were young?" She knew that already. It was part of the dossier the fie had given her but it came to mind, since he'd mentioned it earlier. 

"Mm. Not a lot of options for a human where I came from. And I was always fucking great in a fight." He grinned. "Didn't know why until later." He scratched the bridge of his nose with his ring finger. "That life gets to you after a while, though. It's a constant battle to stay alive and on top." 

'That's right. He became the most powerful crime lord on his planet but gave it all up for this ship.' She didn't really get it but she supposed she was missing a lot of context. In truth, she found it hard to imagine what a crime boss even did. But Wu didn't strike her as a coward or somebody who quit when things were tough. "Is-is it alright if I ask you something?" Mikan asked. 

Wu spread his arms out wide. "Go ahead. I'm an open book." 

Mikan took her time, trying to figure out how to ask her question without making him angry. "I don't agree with everything Russell said but now that I've seen how powerful you are, I do wonder why you don't fight the carcha. You seem like you're pretty much invincible." 

Wu barked a laugh. "If only that were true. Nobody's invincible." Wu sighed and returned to the bar, refilling their glasses. He brought her the glass back. "You haven't seen very much of the universe yet. The carcha…first of all, there are more carcha pilots then there are humans in the galaxy. I might have seemed invincible fighting you two but if I had to deal with wave after wave of mechs? Hundreds? Thousands? Eventually my endurance would give out. Not to mention, powerful as I am, there are carcha just as strong or stronger. The Emperor's bodyguards are legendary. I've heard that they've all killed at least a hundred enemy pilots. Then you have their special forces, the Blue Rings. Each one of them is a bonafide psychopath and born murderer. I might be able to beat one but two? Three?" Wu took a gulp of his drink. Mikan took a drink of hers, too. She'd been too enraptured to drink before. "I don't know where you found that little android but he's feeding you a grand delusion if he is telling you taking down the carcha is possible." Wu shook his head and seemed genuinely sad about what he was saying. 

"I see." Mikan drank the rest of the sweet alcohol. 'So I'm going to be on the run for the rest of my life…' Suddenly it seemed more imperative than ever to become as powerful as she could be. "D-do you want to move the bedroom?" she asked, flushing. 

"You don't want to do it right here?" Wu asked with a mocking grin. "I heard you didn't have a problem getting down wherever." Mikan blushed harder and Wu laughed. "You're cute." He took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

It was almost as empty as the living room had been. A bed with ornate golden sheets dominated. Mikan had never seen a larger one. The floor was carpeted in a soft gray and looked very soft. There were two paintings on opposite walls. One was of a blue and gray planet and the other was of a nude woman reclining on a blue pillow. Mikan thought the latter painting was kind of strange to see. It wasn't as well done as the ones in the other room had been. 'I wonder if he did it himself.' 

Wu sat on the bed, throwing his robe back. Mikan admired how muscular his legs and torso were. She was used to muscular men, having grown up with miners, but there was something more sculpted about Wu's body that made it more beautiful. "Take off your clothes," he said peremptorily. Heat rushed through Mikan. A mixture of offense, embarrassment and arousal. At the same time that she wondered how he could be so arrogant, she found his casual assumption of control attractive. 

Mikan didn't hesitate. For some reason, she felt a little more confident in a way she almost never did in other social situations. She still felt nervous as hell but she didn't feel like she was messing up as badly as she normally did. It still shocked her to think back on how successful her encounters with Callum and Deni had been. Relatively speaking. She lifted her shirt and dropped it on the ground next to her. She hadn't worn a bra, so she was naked from the waist up. Wu gazed at her steadily, very intensely. Her nipples hardened. She lifted one leg and then the other, taking off her shoes and tossing them away. The carpet was as soft as it looked. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her skirt, pulled it down and kicked it aside. That left only one barrier. She was already so wet that her panties stuck to her as she pulled them down and stepped out of them. 

She could see that Wu was hard underneath his boxers. It thrilled her to know that she had made him that way. 'How many gorgeous women has he seen naked?' "Come here," he commanded. Mikan padded over but decided to stop just short of him. He cocked an eyebrow and she smiled at him. Wu barked a laugh and then moved faster than she could react. He leaned forward and reached out a long arm, grasping her forearm in a vice grip and then pulling her on top of him. She giggled as she straddled him and he pulled her down into a fierce kiss that left her breathless and her blood replaced with lava. She had never been kissed like that before. Never even known a kiss could be like that. 

Wu shrugged out of his robe while she caught her breath on his chest. When she was ready, Mikan slid down his body and curled her fingers under the top of his shorts. The material was smooth and cool. She pulled them down to his ankles and then rose back up to look at the cock she'd freed. It seemed to be even bigger than she remembered, nearly the size of her forearm. She gasped it with both hands and started to lick and kiss it, almost worshipfully. 'Will this really fit in me?' Mikan wanted to find out. She was wet enough and he was hard enough that there was really no need for foreplay. Mikan straddled him once more and slipped his head inside her. She slid down until she felt like she was as full as she could be. When she looked down, she noted with a mixture of distress and excitement that there was still plenty of cock to go. "I don't think you can fit," she gasped. 

"I can," he said confidently. She was pleased to see he was a touch breathless as well. "But take it slow." Mikan did as she was told, slowly rocking her hips back and forth so that she sank down bit by bit. When her pelvis hit his, he also hit something deep inside that made her gasp aloud. "Are you alright?" he asked, instantly concerned. His hands went to her hips, prepared to pull her up.

"I-I don't know. You hit something inside. I haven't felt that before." 

"I probably hit your cervix," he said. "How does it feel?" 

"It kind of hurts but it also feels kind of good?" Mikan said, she shifted her hips and hissed. She was actually right on the brink of orgasm. 

Wu smiled wide. "I knew it. You're a born freak."

"W-what?" Mikan moved her hips again. The sensations running through her were almost too powerful. 

"You're body is built for fucking," Wu said. "I've fucked a lot of women and the majority of them can't stand it when I hit their cervix. The ones that like it, though, are the best. The kinkiest bitches. Pain sluts, squirters, and women that have orgasm after orgasm and keep going. Sex will be amazing with you. And for you." Mikan didn't respond. That was a lot of information and she had no idea how she should react to it, especially in her current position. Apparently it didn't bother Wu too much. He kept talking, though Mikan was having trouble following his words. She was distracted by the way his hands moved across her ass, kneading and squeezing. 'Is he going to move me?' She was half-scared and half-desperate for him to do so. She couldn't seem to move herself.

Then he spanked her. 

An orgasm that almost made her white out blasted through Mikan. It felt like a bolt of lightning zapping every one of her nerves at once. Her legs began to shake uncontrollably and she had to brace her hands on his chest to stay upright. When she finally came down and could think again, she found herself staring at a big, smug grin on Wu's face. She could almost resent him, if he hadn't just given her one of the best orgasm of her young life. "Think you could get me off now?" he asked. 

"F-fuck," Mikan gasped. Her legs still felt weak but at least they weren't spasming anymore. She gathered them under her and started to slide up and down his cock. She squeezed with her vagina, wanting to overwhelm him with pleasure the way he had her. His heavy breathing and the fierce way he clutched at her told her she was succeeding but she didn't know how long she could last either. The brutal pleasure of his cock penetrating so deeply was close to sending her over the edge again. 

In the end, she won. He orgasmed first and, with a roar, pulled her down hard, thrusting as deep inside her as he could. This sparked another orgasm for her, almost as violent as her first one. It exhausted her and she slumped forward onto his chest. They lay together for a while, both gasping for air. Wu's erection deflated much quicker than Callum's or Deni's had and he slipped out of her pussy. A wash of warm liquid ran down her thighs. 

'That was incredible.' Mikan hadn't known sex could be like that. It had been so much more violent than it had been with her other partners, yet she couldn't deny that she had liked it that way. 'What's happening to me?' Was it Venus? That demon of lust? Maybe. But Mikan couldn't deny it. Her stomach was burning in anticipation of more. This would probably be the only time she ever had sex with Wu. She couldn't leave it here. She needed the experience of his cock at least one more time. 

Mikan pushed herself back until she was on her knees in between his legs and began to fondle and lick his cock. It was covered with his semen and her juices and Mikan found she enjoyed the taste. She took his balls in her mouth and sucked him while she jacked him off and then licked the area behind them. She switched back to his cock and forced as much as she could into her mouth until she gagged. It wasn't much. She worked and stroked and sucked relentlessly until he was back to full strength. 

When she climbed back on top of him, she found him laying back with his hands behind his head, that smug grin on his face. He glanced at her. "Couldn't wait for another go around, could you?" 

She scowled. "Shut up and fuck me." The moment the words were out of her mouth, a wave of shock ran through her. She didn't think she'd ever said anything so rude before in her life. But her honest thoughts had somehow just popped out of her. 

Wu threw his head back and roared with laughter, so relief washed through her. "Fine but I'm an old man. My all night fucking days are over. We'll need to make this one count." He sat up and shimmied out from under her. "Hands and knees," he said, pointing at the center of the bed. "I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are." The words humiliated Mikan and also aroused her. She did as he ordered without protest. She felt the heat of him as he positioned himself behind her and her stomach tightened up. The thrust into and thrust all the breath out of her. This was a new position for her and it hit her in a new way. 

Wu didn't ease into it. He immediately began slamming into her hard. Mikan felt overwelmed. He was increasing the pain and pleasure mix to nearly unbearable levels. He also started talking, almost incessantly. "Take it you dirty slut. You fucking love it. It's like you were designed to be a fucktoy." Mikan wasn't sure what to think about that. It was hard to think about anything beyond the sensations. "What a filthy bitch you are. Fucking an old man you just met. Fucking an alien in public. You like being watched? You like being used? You know you do. You were born for this." Mikan tuned him out. 

She focused on what she was feeling and just when she was wondering how much more she could take, he spanked her. Then he did it again. And again and again. The slaps were perfect. Hard enough to hurt, but not too much. Each one sent a jolt of pleasure through her. After a few more, Mikan came again. If Wu noticed, he didn't let up for a moment. Her next orgasm–her fourth–came right on the heels of her third. It curled her toes, bowed her back and left her dazed. When it was over, she collapsed face first onto the bed. 

Wu followed right along, draping himself over her and continuing to thrust in. Mikan was almost numb after the overpowering sensation of two orgasms back to back. Especially since they had come in such a violent manner. She didn't even notice that Wu had cum until he pulled himself free and rolled over. A gush of warmth spread down her thighs. "God damn, girl," Wu said. "God fucking damn." 

Mikan didn't answer. Her face was pressed down into a pillow. She wanted to move, since it was wet with her drool, tears and sweat but couldn't find the energy to do it. After a while, she felt Wu leave the bed. Her attempt to turn to see where he went began and ended with her flopping one arm up in an abortive attempt to push herself up. She heard him come back and felt him sit on the bed again. He took her by the shoulders and helped her roll over and sit up. He was incredibly gentle for someone who had been spanking her senseless just a few minutes ago. He picked up a glass and shoved into her hands. "Drink. You just lost a lot of water." Mikan did. For some reason, just moving had seemed to give her a little extra strength. The water was wonderful and she drained the entire glass. 

"Th-thanks," she said, handing him back the glass.

Wu laughed. "You still avoid looking me directly in the eyes, even after all of that." 

Mikan jerked. It was true. She usually avoided looking anyone in the eyes. She was surprised Wu had noticed. But it did seem kind of silly. 'Come on. You were assertive enough to come here and fuck him. You can look him in the eyes.' With a deliberate effort, Mikan looked him in the eyes and said, "Thank you for the water." 

Wu grinned. "No problem. I have some food coming, too." He canted his head to the side slightly and with a knowing smirk asked, "So did you have fun?" 

"You're really good at that." 

"What? Fucking?" 

Mikan nodded. "I never knew sex could be like that." 

"Well, I've had a lot of practice at it." And didn't he sound pleased as all hell about it? "So I've developed a pretty good sense of what different women like. You'll get good at it, too. Especially since men are usually a little easier to please." Mikan nodded before full comprehension of what he said set in. Did he think she was going to sleep around enough to have a lot of practice? 'Well, you are up to three already…'

She heard the hiss of a door opening and a few moments later a man walked in pushing a small cart in front of him. Wu didn't seem concerned at all, standing up and walking toward the man without bothering to cover up. The stranger also didn't seem perturbed. Though a part of her was telling her to cover up, Mikan just couldn't spare the effort. She'd already given him the full show anyway. He kept flicking glances toward her. Mikan surprised herself by grinning at him. Apparently it surprised him, too, from the way he coughed. 

"Alright, what have we got?" Wu asked, rubbing his hands together. 

"Today's usual, sir," the man said in a surprisingly deep voice. "A pizza, half peppers and sausage, half ryn and leinsis, a large salad with garlic vinaigrette, noodles in white sauce with tricoso slices and a mini five spice cake."

"Excellent," Wu tracked the man's gaze to Mikan. He smirked but said, "We can take it from here. I'll call when we're finished." 

"Of course," the man gave a small bow and backed out of the room. Mikan thought his demeanor was odd. Forced and fake but to what end? She surprised herself again by waving at him as he left. It wasn't a flirty wave but the man smiled and Mikan thought there was a predatory cast to it. A shiver ran up her spine that wasn't entirely fear or disgust. 'Get ahold of yourself!' 

Wu fixed two plates. He put some of everything but the cake on hers but only took a large slice of the pie-looking thing for himself. That had to be the pizza, since she knew what salad and noodles were. Wu handed her the plate and then sat down beside her. She looked at it and then up at him. "Well?" he said. "Eat up. You just burned a lot of calories." Mikan hesitantly poked at her noodles with her fork. Wu sat closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" 

"Um, well, this. You're being so nice to me." 

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked, sounding a little offended. "I'm a nice guy." 

"But before…when we were…you were so rough and mean. You called me names." 

"Did you not like that? My mouth tends to run when I'm fucking. Helps juice me up, I guess. Honestly, I don't even know what I'm saying half the time." 

"No, I-I didn't mind. I'm just confused, I guess. You were one way when we were doing it and you're completely different now." 

Wu was silent for a few moments and then sighed. "Mikan, look at me." She turned her head and forced herself to look him in the eyes again. He seemed as serious as she'd ever seen him. "I need you to take this to heart because I've seen a lot of women fall into this trap and you've grown up in a very sheltered environment…" Mikan's heart started beating hard. "I degraded you and fucked you rough because it got us both off but that was sexual roleplay." 


"Yes. It wasn't real. It wasn't what I really think of you. Or, I guess, it was an exaggeration. If any man treats you like that out of the bedroom, it is because he thinks you're good for nothing more than being his bitch. Get that man out of your life. If he won't take no, beat the shit out of him. Trust me, once you get a handle on your power, the only human in the galaxy that will be able to beat you is me." He grinned. Mikan didn't grin back. Roleplay? Different treatment when having sex and not? Was that a thing? Callum and Deni hadn't treated her any differently during the act. But I did like what Wu did? 'Would I like it if he threw me around and insulted me all the time?' She knew she wouldn't, so why would she like it when having sex? It didn't make any sense. Mikan had to think about all of that when she wasn't so tired. 

And hungry. For some reason, the tight feeling in her stomach had gone away and was replaced by hunger. She tried a bite of salad. The dressing was too pungent for her taste but she had eaten worse. Ragrun didn't allow for wasted food. The noodles in white sauce with some kind of gray meat was better and the pizza was best of all. Mikan couldn't believe how savory it was. She had seconds of that and half the mini-cake, which was so sweet and delicious it brought tears to her eyes. She'd never imagined there were so many delicious foods in the galaxy. It was worth it to escape Ragrun just for that. 

When she was finished, Mikan lay back on the bed with her hands laced over her almost too full belly. She tried to think about the things that Wu had said and what had happened with him but her mind wouldn't focus. She drifted off to sleep just a few moments after her head hit the pillow.