
Mystic Falls~Georgia~United States of America

01 September 2017

~ Everything changes but beauty remains

The morning sun crept slowly across the horizon. Its warmth caressed the green treetops and reflected the most beautiful colors onto the clear blue lake. The first leaves slowly fell over the still deserted streets, signaling that autumn was coming. A gentle breeze wafted over the tall grasses that lined the river's edge.

All was still quiet in the small village. There had been no sign of life since the day had just begun.

Deep in the heart of Mystic Falls, just outside of its busy village core, stood a white family home.

Its dark gray spotless roof tiles. Bright white walls, dark blue window shutters, and heavy brown front door make this a house like many in this village. Nothing makes this house stand out from the other townhomes.

And yet, this lovely home was just that little bit different. Not for its contemporary looks. Nay, because of the family that called this building; Home.

The Gilbert family lived in this house. A well-respected family. A family name that returned with regularity to the most important village events. A family that came further from one of the most important founding fathers of this village. And like their grandfather, Jonathan Gilbert, this generation also knew of their deep griefs, their traumas and their severe misfortunes. Little did they know that their toughest ordeal... still awaited.

The family, who were processing their latest trauma, seemed like a simple family to the naked eye. No different to many. There were no oddities, no weirdness... But that will all change today...

Our story begins in this house. With this family. In the fourth bedroom, to be exact. The cozy teenage bedroom, with the best view of the beautiful green garden. It was just a simple teenage bedroom like most teenagers would have. Dark wooden floor, beige walls and ceiling. A black king sized bed, decorated with a black canopy, fell down on the bed from the ceiling. Inside were 50 warm light bubbles hidden. A wine-red two-person sofa with two personalized pillows, a black desk and a big mirror with lights around it, a big fluffy white carpet and, of course... A collage of photos taped to the wall.

But it was not the furniture, not the decoration which made this room special. It was the person who claimed this room as hers, that's what makes this special... And that is where our story begins, on a morning like many before. Little did they know that this could be their last normal morning....

Four red figures light up the dark room. A soft click breaks the silence as the numbers change;


A loud sound immediately echoes from the alarm clock. Good Fucking music~Solence

The song continues while the young girl, hidden in the thick layer of blankets, growls deeply. She conjures her slender arm from the blanket layer and taps out the alarm.

Slowly, she sits up straight between the Egyptian silk sheets. Dazed, she stares ahead. The time had really come. Today was the day...

She takes a white string, hanging against her wall in her hand and clicks on the ceiling light.

Her long black hair hangs wildly beside her slender oval face. Her black arched eyebrows are neatly trimmed as if drawn on her face. Her almond-shaped Shamrock-green eyes seemed to give light to the warm yellow artificial light. Her fine cap nose is adorned by light freckles, which dance criss-cross on her face. Her round pink lips were a bit plump and in her left corner.. Was a kiss hiding. Her fine hourglass-shaped body is dressed in an oversized t-shirt with a large print of Ior.

Suddenly hurried, she stands up and walks to the bathroom.

She can't believe that today is already the first day of school.... Why do vacations go by so fast every time?

Lost in thought, she dresses her limestone-colored body in a black sports bra, a loose black tank top, and tight sweatpants. She ties her long hair into a high ponytail and walks back into her room where she puts on a pair of running shoes. She looks at the picture taped to her mirror. A young couple with their three children, all grinning broadly and smiling. "The first day of school without you" she whispers softly and rubs the photo.

She shakes her head and takes out her iPod. As she pushes in the earbuds, she encourages herself:

"Today is going to be different Kayla, it has to be. This will be different. I will smile, and it will be believable. My smile will say, "I'm fine, thank you." "Yes, I feel much better. I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh and be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through."

Silent as a mouse, Kayla sneaks out of the house. Everyone was still deeply asleep. Kayla was used to it by now. Every day she woke up an hour before everyone else. She took that extra time to jog. To be alone with her thoughts and her music. She needed that moment...

The fresh air in her lungs, the burning pain in her calves. Distracting her from her daily problems just long enough.

Deafening by the band, Solence echoed loudly in her ears as she ran along the neat footpaths of her village. The cold wind caresses her naked arms. It was getting colder every day. It was clearer by the day; summer was coming to an end.

Kayla did not mind this. She loved autumn. Its beautiful colors, the leaves crunching under your feet. The pumpkin fields and Halloween. Oh yes, she was ready for it. She longed for autumn. Oversized hoodies, pumping spiced laté... God she wished it was October already.

She took a deep breath before walking back into her house.

Her Aunt Jenna looks up and smiles happily. "Good morning Kayla" she greets, but Kayla ignores her. She walks up the stairs without looking.

Jenna's smile abruptly disappears from her face. Sitting next to her aunt is her oldest sister, Elena. A cup of coffee between her hands and a chocolate bun in front of her face. "Don't worry about it, Jenna" sighs Elena. "As always, Kayla had music in her ears so she didn't hear you." Jenna nods, sighing.

Kayla removes her sweaty clothes and steps into the shower. The warmth of her steamy shower soothes her completely.

Kayla was so different from her family. They loved parties, going out and being together. Kayla liked being more alone with her drawing pad and her music. Sometimes it felt like she didn't belong in this family at all. Let alone this village! She doubted even if she belonged somewhere.

She looks at her reflection in the mirror as she dries herself. Her hairless skin shows an old scar here and there. Memories of a time when she and her older brother, Jeremy, still spent time together. Images of them together, playing dance before her eyes. Climbing trees together or making camps, practicing with his skateboard or racing their bikes.... It all seemed like centuries ago. All he cares about now is his girlfriend... Vickie. She grits her teeth at the thought of her. She is horrible to Jeremy. Everything he had and could do was being taken away by her. She is destroying him. If only he realized that too....

Elena looked sternly at Kayla as she walked down the stairs.

She was dressed in black ripped skinny jeans, a pair of all-star sneakers, and a black tank top. Over her full chest with round breasts, she wears a black open hoodie with a wide hood. Around her bright green eyes with long curved lashes is black eyeliner.

She takes an apple from the fruit bowl and puts it in her black shoulder bag. No textbooks adorn her bag, just a drawing pad and a bag with some pencils.

Jenna walks towards the kitchen closets like a possessed animal. "God" she curses. "It is your first day of school, and I am totally unprepared. Lunch money" "It's all about the coffee aunt Jenna" answers Elena and looks at Kayla, as she puts a bottle of water in her bag. Jenna growls. She removes Kayla's earbuds. "Hey" says Kayla. "I was talking to you" groans Jenna. Kayla sighed.

"You need to work on your grades, remember?" Kayla nods. "Jenna, don't you have a big presentation today?" asks Elena. "I'm meeting with my thesis advisor, at...now. Crap!" "It's okay, Jenna," says Elena, and looks at Jeremy, who walks down. "Then go. We'll be fine. Are you okay?" "Don't start" sighs Jeremy, and walks out. As usual, he ignores Kayla. Kayla takes a deep sigh and leaves the house behind Jeremy. She looks at her brother in front of her, he just walks away like always. Ever since their parents died, he decided it was best to ignore the leftover family he had.

A silver-colored Toyota is parked in front of the door. The car honks twice, to which Elena smiles. "Are you coming?" she asks Jeremy. Jeremy looks up. "No I'm good" he says, and walks further. Elena sighs. "You come" she says to Kayla. "What" asks Kayla. "No, I'm walking." "Come on Kayla, it's a thirty minute walk. Bonnie doesn't bite. You ride with her!" "Seriously, he gets to walk and I don't?!" Elena sighs and pushes her into the car. Sighing, Kayla drops down and closes the door. The car smells like sage and lavender.

"Oh my God Elena!! Kayla!!" Bonnie greets and hugs Elena. "Hey" says Kayla Soft. "I made her join," says Elena Soft. "Thank you," whispers Bonnie. Bonnie, her long dark hair is tied neatly in a curled plaît.

As the two girls in the front bicker about the news, future predictions and her grandmother, Kayla looks out the window, lost deep in thought. She didn't really care about the news, nor about what Bonnie believed to be: superstitious. She just wanted a silent, normal life.

"So predict my future. Or Kayla's", Elena says suddenly. "Please don't" mutters Kayla. "Bonnie" smiles and looks at Kayla in the mirror. "I see" she begins,

But her sentence is abruptly interrupted by a short scream from Elena. Kayla closes her eyes fearfully and holds herself against the railing of Elena's chair. She tries to breathe calmly and swallows. Bonnie's car turns screeching and finally comes to a stop. Kayla bites her lip. She moves the hair out of her face and looks out of the window. Her heart beats in her throat. She spots the silhouette of a young man dressed in black, standing at the corner of the Burger King restaurant next to them. He just stands there, watching, and observing them. As soon as he feels her eyes burning on him, he disappears from the restaurant. Kayla swallows. Her stomach twists and turns.

"Oh my god, Kayla..Elena. I am so so so so sorry" shouts Bonnie. She looked at Elena, who pushed herself against the dashboard. It was a bird or something. It came out of nowhere. You guys okay? I'm really so sorry." Elena shakes her head while Kayla just nods. "It's nothing, I can't stay scared in cars forever." Bonnie swallows. She turns to Elena and Kayla.

"I see, this year is going to be amazing. You're going to have so much fun, make wonderful new moments and memories. You are even going to find a new love. This year is going to be the best. For both of you." Elena grins contentedly.

Kayla exits the car as soon as they are parked at school without saying anything to Bonnie or her sister. She makes a quick path to her locker, hoping no one will bother her anymore. But alas... that hope was quickly lost. The teenagers around her are hugging and happy to see each other. Others are talking, staring down at each other... Kayla wanted nothing of that.

"Oh my God" she heard loudly down the hallway. Kayla growls and rolls her eyes, wishing she could hide in her locker.

"Kayla Gilbert" asks the blonde in a high-pitched voice. "Dear Kayla" she says, and embraces the girl without warning.

Caroline Forbes, the sheriff's daughter, was not exactly Kayla's bestie. But, of course, the blonde had to come and 'comfort' her anyway.

Kayla, are you okay? Everything okay with you? Anything I can do?" Caroline talks so fast that Kayla can't get a word in edgewise. "It's so good to see you!" "Hey Car, I'm okay. Really." "Oh you poor thing", Caroline says and hugs Kayla. Kayla sighs. "If there is anything I can do, say it" she says, and hugs her again before walking away. Kayla sighed.

So far, on a quiet first day, she thinks angrily and closes her locker.

"Jesus" curses Kayla, startled and jumps backwards.

The boy who startled her so much is leaning against the lockers with a smirk on his face. None other than Tyler Lockwood. One would think you wouldn't be so startled by your own boyfriend, right?

He holds up his hands and chuckles. "Sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you." Kayla smiles and shakes her head. "Jerk" she scoffs and slaps her hands on his chest. "You scared the shit out of me!"

Tyler takes her in his arms as she tries to check her heart rate again. He kisses her lovingly and places his thumbs on her jaws.

"Sorry babe" he says sultry, and looks into her eyes. Kayla smiles softly. "Are you okay?" Kayla nods. "I'm okay" she lies. "Good because... I have a present for you" he says, and pulls out a red-colored box from his backpack. A gold bow adorns the box. "What's this? And what is the occasion?" asks Kayla, mockingly. "Can't I give my sweetheart anything without some occasion" asks Tyler mockingly and kisses her head. Kayla smiles. "I missed you", he whispers, and kisses her again. Kayla looks into his deep eyes. "I missed you too," she says.

"I saw this in an antique store a few days ago and it just called out your name". "Tyler lockwood shops in an antique store", Kayla asks mockingly and exaggeratingly. Tyler shrugs his shoulders. "Psh, my mom... you know her" he says. Kayla chuckles and opens the box.

A beautiful bohemian-style bracelet adorns the box. A black leather braided strap holds a silver compass. The bracelet, decorated with a silver pearl strap, a red strap with colored aztec-style drawings on it, and a brown beaded strap come together in a brown leather strap, and thin black leather straps form the beautiful bracelet.

It was probably the most beautiful bracelet Kayla had ever seen. It almost looked like it was made for her. "I have no words for it Ty, it's really beautiful." Tyler chuckles. "Whew, am I glad you like it." Kayla smiles contentedly.

"May I?" Tyler asks and takes hold of her slender hand. Kayla chuckles. "Of course" she replies, and rests her wrist on his strong hand.

A sharp pain pricks her wrist when Tyler attaches the bracelet around her wrist. "Ouch" she whimpers, and pulls her hand back. "What is it? Did I hurt you?" asks Tyler, worried to death. "No Ty, it's okay there was probably something in the ropes or something that stung me a little". Tyler looked at her wrist. "I bet it was! You're bleeding! Just leave this damn thing", he says, and makes a motion to remove the bracelet from her arm. "Fuck this, I'll give you another gift" he growls. "No Tyler" says Kayla hastily and grabs his hand. "It's okay, really. It's nothing." Tyler bites the inside of his jaw. "Are you sure?" Kayla nods. Tyler sighs and ties the bracelet under her wrist. Pearl's red blood drips from her wrist onto the bracelet's dark ropes. A cool, ominous breeze blows through her hair and down the school hallway.