"Well, Hello there"

"Sshh... You might piss somebody off." Critical acclaim Avenged sevenfold

The song echoes loudly in her ears as she hums along. She walks home, alone. As always and still.. Something feels off today. Today's walk has a different vibe. As if something or someone is watching her.

Her hair flies up in the wind while Kol watches around. "Of course, you live in Mystic Falls? What else could be expected" sighs Kol. "The town that will never change," says Kol, remembering his old life. Kayla, her heart skips a beat when a black crow races by before her sight. Its wings almost touched her head. "Darn what is it with those birds today" blows Kayla and rubs her head. "Kayla" yells Kol uselessly. Startled, Kayla lets out a cry, after which she falls down on her buttocks after colliding with the unknown man who appeared right in front of her. She squeezes her eyes to slits and looks up at the handsome young man in front of her.

"Well, hello there" says the young man proudly. On his face rests a smirk. His calm voice calmed Kayla immediately. "You shouldn't count on me for help darling" smiles Kol amusingly and crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm so so so so so so sorry" says Kayla, embarrassed. "No, no it was my fault," says the man hastily. He points his chin down slightly and bends his head slightly so he can look into her eyes. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay..." "Kayla" says Kayla hurriedly and shakes her head slightly. "Smooth" scoffs Kol. "Damon Salvatore" he says politely and kisses the back of her hand. "Nice ring" jokes Kayla. Damon laughs. "Yeah, an old family heirloom, you know, I'm kind of stuck with it." Kayla chuckles. "Well, there are rings and there are these," she jokes. Damon smiles. "Are you one of the Mary Sue vampires?" asks Kol, amused. "Did you hurt yourself?" "No, not really, thank you for asking. I'm really sorry." Damon upholds his hand. "It is no problem. But I feel like I should buy you a drink at least." Kayla smiles. "I'm going to take a rain check for that, I um.. have to go home." Damon nods. "I'll see you around Kayla", he smiles and walks away. Kayla nods."You better be careful darling, you people forget who you need to fear.", Kol scoffs and looks backward to Damon, who has disappeared. He knew exactly who she had bumped into... or better, said. What..

With a deep sigh, Kayla opened the door. She walks into her house and drops her keys in the glass bowl next to her front door. Kol hesitates to step inside. Finally, he hesitantly steps over the threshold. "Interesting" he smirks and walks into the house. "That's a handful of handiness to know. Still, something positive about being a ghost" he chuckles. "Kayla" greets Jenna cheerfully. Kayla fakes a smile and nods to Jenna. She places her shoulder bag down. "How was your first day of school" asks Jenna. "Eh, you know school" she says. Kol scoffs. "Emo teenager" he says, annoyed. Jenna gives her a comforting smile.

"Kayla, I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill." Kol's mouth literally falls open. He observes every detail of Elena. Her hair, her lips, her eyes.... "Impossible" he mutters. "Wait until my brother sees you" chuckles Kol. Kayla ignores Elena and bites into an apple.

"You come with me." "Finally, someone who knows how to have fun" grins Kol. "What, do I have a choice" grumbles Kayla. "Nope" replies Elena. Kayla took a deep sigh. "Come on, let's get out of here. It will be good for you." Kayla sighs, to which she finally nods. "Wait, I know this," says Jenna and walks over to the duo. "It's a school night. Don't make it too late." "Well done, Aunt Jenna", says Elena, amused. Kayla leaves a deep sigh and nods briefly to Jenna. Before leaving, she kisses Jenna on the cheek. She opens the door, whereupon she takes a startled step backward. The blonde new boy from her class is standing in front of the door. "Oh bloody hell, don't we ever get rid of you now" sighs Kol. "Forgive me, I meant to knock," says Stefan. "It's okay" stammers Kayla. "I... um, am here for Elena." "Oh, sorry" says Kayla, and takes a step aside. Elena smiles. "It's okay Stefan" stutters Elena. This is my little sister. Kayla." "Hey" greets Stefan shyly. Kayla fakes a smile.

"I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it was...strange." "No worries. I get it, blood makes you squeamish." "Um, something like that. How's your leg?" "Oh, it's fine. Just a scratch, barely. How did you know where I lived?" "It's a small town. I asked the first person I saw." "Psh right you did" scoffs Kol. "Um, I thought you might want this back." He hands her a diary. "Oh, I must have dropped it. I--thank you." "Don't worry, I didn't...read it." Kayla bites her lip when she spots the same ring on Stefan's hand. "No? Why not? Most people would have." "Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine." "You keep a journal," asks Elena and Kayla at the same time. "Yeah, if I don't write it down, I forget it. Memories are very important." "Yeah. I'm just going...umm, you don't have to stay out there." "Stefan looked over to Kayla. It looks like he wants to go inside but he just can't. "Poor choice of the words love," jokes Kol, and sticks his tongue out at Kayla.

"I'm fine. Sorry, were you going somewhere?" "Yes, my sister and I are meeting some friends. Do you...Do you want to come?" Kayla swallows. "Oh just great. Sure as hell I need entertainment, but Stefan Salvatore isn't part of that" groans Kol. But since no one can hear the young vampire ghost, he has to accept that Stefan Salvatore is part of his "fun." Kayla smiles at Stefan when he opens the car door for her. "Trying to impress the sister now are we" jokes Kol and gets inside the car; Stefan is a little nervous while he places himself in the passenger seat. "Thanks for helping me out earlier in class," says Kayla to break the silence. Stefan smiled at her. "No problem at all, I saw you were drawing. It's pretty good." "Thanks," she says, puzzled. "Sneaky sneaky," says Kol.

Groaning, Kayla turns her head around when she sees Caroline walking over to their table. "Awkward" she whispers to Elena. Elena swallows annoyed. She knew why Caroline wanted to join them. New flesh in town...

"Hi, I'm Matt, nice to meet you," said Matt, who walked alongside Caroline." "I'm Stefan" answered Stefan and answered his handshake. Matt nodded. "Welcome to Mystic Falls". "Thanks," says Stefan. "Kayla" greets Matt happily grinning, and kisses her jaw. He wraps his arms around her slender body. Kayla smiles softly and caresses his back. With great interest, Kol observes all the people in the girl's life with interest. Since he is stuck with her, he better get to know her. In that way, he knows who to chop up first when he gets that dagger out of his body. He was going to make her pay for this. Wearing his bracelet, making him stick on her. Was she some kind of a witch? How could she control him like that? Did she know she had powers?

It wasn't long before Caroline and Bonnie joined them. And it also doesn't take long before Caroline reveals her only purpose... Questioning Stefan.

"So, place of birth? Is it Mystic falls?" "Mm-hmm. And moved when I was still young." "Parents?" "My parents passed away." Bonnie looks slowly at Kayla and Elena. Kayla swallows and grits her teeth. She knows that feeling all too well. Kol looks amused at Kayla. "I sense that your personal issues have something to do with parents, have they not?" "I'm sorry. Any siblings" asked Elena, to change the subject. "None that I talk to. I live with my uncle." Caroline grins. "So, Stefan, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow." Kayla groans. "Party? I'm always in the mood for a good party" says Kol, enthusiastically. "It's a back-to-school thing at the falls." Stefan looks at Elena. "Are you going?" "Of course she is," says Bonnie, grinning. "And so is Kayla" "Say what," asks Kayla. Apparently, this makes her friends laugh. Kayla looks over at Elena. "Apparently we are going," she says with a smile. Kayla groans. "That's my luck again" she sighs.

Focused, Kol tries to lift the beer bottle. "That's just my hell again, stuck with teenagers in a bar and not able to get a drink. Can't I just kill you and get this over with?" He looks at the girl he is stuck with. Suddenly he doesn't remember what he wanted to say. His sentence gets stuck in his throat. He can't explain it, but he feels overwhelmed all of a sudden. Like he sees her for the very first time. He doesn't even know what feeling this is.

The yellow light warms her face gently. A soft smile rests on her lips. And still... He sees it in her eyes. There is sadness, pain, and suffering. The smile isn't honest. Small black plugs adorn her ears. Not big enough to stretch, but too big to not get any attention. Around her neck hangs a silver chain with a ring attached. It looks like a man's wedding ring. Her fathers? His bracelet hangs a little bit lose around her slender wrist. Her nails are short but taken care of. A colorless polish shines softly on them in the light. A smile curled around his lips. A drop of her diet coke is resting on her full lips. Maybe it was a lesson for him instead of some kind of punishment... being stuck with her? He swallows and looks up. "Okay, lesson learned. It's good now. I would rather be on the other side," he yells, but no response comes. He grunts and drops his chin at his fist. This could be a long night...