Sly Hooded Bastard [2/3]

"Are these the only information we have?" Jean asked the other captains of Ordo Favonius.

The Ordo Favonius has a total of ten captains, each having their own company to look at.

Currently, four of those ten seats are taken.

Kaeya (Cavalry Captain & Quartermaster), Eula(Captain of the Reconnaissance Company, and Hertha(Captain of the Logistics Company & Coordinator)

Varka sought to promote Lisa to Captain of the 8th Company, but this notion was opposed by its Field Officer, Nymph. After a field test, Lisa took on the position of Librarian instead so she wouldn't have the responsibilities of captaincy.

Inside a spacious room, there was a long table that had a cloth with the Ordo Favonius' symbol on it, on the sides, five seats were present.

However, Eula was not able to attend as she was busy patrolling.

"Unfortunately, this is all we have." Albedo said. "The Assassin's tactics are very similar to the DarkNight Hero, but at the same time, different."

"The Assassin likes to deal with bandits and monsters playfully and spares their lives, whereas the DarkNight Hero mercilessly eliminates his enemies, assuring their death." Albedo explained as he placed down his research papers.

"He's good, isn't he?" Varka whispered to Jean.

Formerly a captain, Jean has been now officially made a Master of Knights. Together with Varka, she and some knights are planning to root out corrupt officials that were colluding with Eroch and deal with the abyssal monsters inside Mondstadt's borders.

"Yes." Jean nodded with a smile. "Miss Alice notified me of Albedo's intelligence and I figured to use him in investigations."

"As a result..." Both of them looked at him still speaking. "He found out a lot of information in less than two days."

"Ahem." Albedo made a loud cough as he looked at Jean and Varka.

"Forgive us. Please, continue." Varka apologized with a wry smile.

Albedo nodded without changing his expression. "In conclusion, even though these two individuals have different ways of handling their affairs— ultimately, they are still protecting Mondstadt."

"One is a hooded assassin and the other is a dark vigilante." Albedo said with a stoic expression. "It's quite... Novelesque."

"I see, is that all?" Varka asked.

"Yes." Albedo nodded. "Other than the Ordo Favonius, no one else knows that these two individuals exist."

"The DarkNight Hero, an unofficial name given by Grandmaster Varka," Albedo looked at Varka. "And The Hooded Assassin, yet another unofficial name given by Knights Master Jean."

"Hold on." Just then, another voice was heard. Everyone turned their head and looked at where the source was.

"I believe I have some good information all of you would like to hear." It was the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya.

"Well, come on in." Kaeya said with a slightly loud voice.

The door then opened and a person entered. It was a woman.

"Rosaria?" Varka recognized who it was. "Does she know something?"

"Oh yes." Kaeya smiled. "My friend here gave me a very interesting piece of information regarding The Assassin."

When Jean heard this, she subconsciously got interested. She did make an oath that she will bring justice to the person that killed Eroch, after all. And since "The Assassin" was the one that killed Eroch, her target shifted to him.

Varka looked at Rosaria with solemn eyes. "It's been a while since we met, Rosaria, but it seems like the situation is not the right time for us to talk about our meeting."

"Indeed." Rosaria nodded. "I'll cut to the chase. I found out something about your so-called Hooded Assassin."

Everyone in the room heard this and did not say anything. They stayed silent but listened carefully and did not interrupt her one bit.

Seeing that all of their eyes were on her, Rosaria started talking. "First of all, I want to say that I found two things about The Assassin."

"Firstly, he has a name." She said with a serious expression. "I first met him in the Favonius Church and he introduced himself as Ezio Auditore."


"Ezio, huh?" Varka said. "Can't say I've heard that name before."

He then turned his head to the others. "How about you all?"

"Unfortunately, no." Albedo shook his head.

"It's the first I've heard this name," Jean said while putting her finger on her chin.

"Never heard of it." Kaeya merely shrugged.

"No names like that both here and Dornman Port." Hertha said.

"Hmm... Could it be a fake name?" Jean said.

"No." Rosaria quickly denied it. "The way he said it was too confidently. Moreover, I managed to find something with his last name, Auditore."

"This type of last name can be found in Fontaine." Albedo said. "Right?"

"Yes." Rosaria nodded.


"Huh... So our Assassin came all the way from Fontaine to here, huh?" Kaeya said with a smile. "What could he possibly want here?"

"That brings me to my second finding." Rosaria slammed her hands down on the table. "Their 'brotherhood'."

"Brotherhood?" All of them asked.

Rosaria nodded. "I found out that he came from a secret organization known only as 'The Brotherhood', and that a Grandmaster known as Altaïr is his teacher. Possibly sent him here too."


"Brotherhood, you say?" Kaeya said with interest. "Does this brotherhood... Have any connections to the Fatui?"

"How would I know?" Rosaria shrugged. "I haven't even heard of it until Ezio told me."

"Then, what about their Grandmaster, Altaïr?" Kaeya added.

"I believe that someone who is capable of training an assassin like this Ezio is surely an infamous person if I'm correct?" Albedo said. "Regardless, if one were to connect Rosaria's points..."

"It all adds up together." He said with seriousness.

"I agree." Varka nodded. "It seems like this Brotherhood of theirs is planning to expand..."

"Then... That brings the question, is Ezio here as an enemy or an ally?" Jean said.


"..." The room turned silent.

"It doesn't matter," Kaeya spoke. "Ultimately, he's still a vigilante. Even if he is part of this brotherhood, it is still our responsibility to capture him, no?"

There was a moment of silence before everyone all nodded their heads.

"Thank you for sharing this, Rosaria." Varka turned his head over to her.

"No problem," Rosaria replied as she crossed her arms. "After all, this just quickens the time he'll get captured."

'And for me to personally get my vengeance.' She still remembered how the "Ezio" went easy on her and merely knocked her out instead of killing her.

Her grip on her arm then tightened. 'Sly hooded Bastard...'

* * *

"Huff." Albert puffed as he tapped his stomach.

'Draff's Pepper-Roasted Chicken with honey is actually good.' He thought with a satisfied smile.

Just as Draff challenged him to do; he managed to hunt down some boars before lunch, and as such, he was able to eat some of Draff's cooking.

Right now, he was sitting right next to Cider Lake, overlooking the waters surrounding Mondstadt.

Splashes of water could be heard echoing as he sat down in peace.

Just then, multiple notification windows appeared in front of him, greatly shocking him.


[+10 FP]


[+20 FP]


[+20 FP]


'What the?!' Albert thought wide-eyed as he looked at all the fame points he just earned. 'I haven't even done any...'

'Oh.' He then realized where the sudden amount of Fame Points came from.

A sly smile then formed on his face. 'Rosaria must be doing a great job spreading my bullshit.'

All according to plan.

* * *

A/N: We're gonna pretend that I didn't mention Collei in the previous chapter, okay? Okay.

Also, join the discord. We're trying to convince Adam that Ohio doesn't exist.