Basic knowledge of Mahabhart

Treta Yug : Middle time period of the age of God's. This also also time period where lord Vishnu taken his 7th Avtar.

(Yug means time period)

Dwarpar Yug : This Yug our story will take place. This is at the end of the age of God's. This is also The time when worlds deadliest war happend.

Kalyug: This is the current time period, After the age of God's. All the evil and big sins happend in this period. This also is the end of periods. It's said at the end of it 10th Avtar of lord vishnu will take avatar to clean the world and again start the kalcharka (Wheel of time, Kal=Time, Chakra=Wheel.)

Fun Fact: Kalyug also known as kaliyug sometime because of the demon named kali. Who said to be responsible for the raise of the sinners.


Karan: This is a boy who died I kalguy with only wish to live his life fully not like he lived in the kalyug. Who later got the more then what he asked for.

(Karan name is originated from the karna. Both meaning ears or ear.)

Karna: The unsung anti-hero of the mahabhart. It's know for his golden heart. He is son of the sun of Surya, Who born from the boon given to unmarried madian princess kunti, Who in curiosity provoked Devine mantra(Chant), While looking at sun.

He was born with the Devine armor and earing( Kavch kundal, Kavch= Armor, Kundal= earrings), Which said to be impenetrable. There is no weapon in this world that penetrate that armor. This armor also soaked in Nector of immortality (Amrit), This is the reason what it's said that as he was waeing this armor he was immortal.

But he donated this armor and earrings to king of god indra who came in disguise of the bhraman (Equivalent to priesthood.) He later killed by arjun because of God's decite and curses.

He got many name and titles throughout his life, ex.


●Radheya (The son of the Radha) : This is name he himself given to him because his love and devotion towards his mother.

●Adhirati : Like Radheya this means son of Adhirata, His adopted father.

●Suryaputra: The son of the Surya (The Sun God)

●Vasusen: This name his adopted parents given to him.

●Karna: By this name everybody know him but reason behind the same is very sad. This means peeler of skin. This name given to him after he donated his armor to indra by peeling his own skin because that armor connect to him, Also he had to cut his ears to take put his earrings(kundals).


● Vrisha: Vrisha means the one who is truthful in speech, engaged in penances, kept his vows, and remains kind to enemies. Karna is the epitome (प्रतीक) of all these qualities. That's why he is known as Vrisha.

●Digvijayi: The conquer of the world or 10 directions.

●Danveer: The one who give anything in alms.

●Anga-Raj( Raja=King): The king of Anga(State in India(Aryavart) of that time.

●Vijaydhari: The one who wields the bow Vijaya. This bow is gift karna received from his Guru(Teacher). ]

Radha: She was wife of chariot driver adhiratha. She and her husband adopted karna when they saw him floating in the river Ganga in the basket. She was very loving and caring woman.

Adiratha: Adopted father of the Kanra. He was though strick but caring towards karna.

Kuti: She was princess in the kingdom of kuntobhoje. She got Devine mantra (Chant) from sage that she can get son from any God she wanted. Her personality appear to be soft and caring mother but for her, Her reputation is everything.

Yudhister, Bheem and arjun are the Children's she given birth to using Devine mantra (Chant)

Pandu: He was 2nd brother out of his three brother but because his older brother blind he get the right of throne. He had 2 wife's but because he killed sage and got cursed, He leave everything and go in Vanvas(Live in forest). Curse was that anytime he had sexual relationship with his wife. He will die.

Madari: She was 2nd wife of pandu, Who he married just after few days after getting to kunti in political marriage to stop a war. She with kunti accompany pandu in vanvas. Later after years pandu couldn't help it and sleep with her and died after that, Because of guilt she also jumped into fire of husband cremation.

She borrowed mantra of kunti and given birth to twins Nakul and Shadev.

Yudhisters : He is the oldest pandvas( Son of pandu) and his godly father was God of death and Dharma Yama. He known for his dhamra( Moral way.) He is Exale at spare

Bheem: He is the second oldest son of kunti, 2nd pandava. His father was God of might and wind Vayu. He had immense strength in him from birth.

His personality was hot headed and little muscle brained. He didn't care what and who he was talking to in rage. He also had biggest appetite. He was good at gada(Mace).

Arjun: He was 3rd known son of kuti and king pandu, Who also born with help of boon. His godly father of king of God's indra.

His personality was arrogant and jealous. He was good at bow and arrow.

Nakul : He was 4th pandava and oldest twin born to madari. He in people known to be most handsome man in Aryavart (india) at that time. Because cause of this he had narcissistic personality. He didn't liked anyone being handsome then him. His and his little brother father were gods of medicine Ashwini Kumar. He was good at sword.

Shadev: He was 5th and last pandava and also smartest pandva. He was good at astrology and prediction. His godly father were avinanu(Twin brother of ashwini kumar) god of health. He was god at Axe.

Gandhari : One of the most kind and soft hearted woman in that period of time. She was mother of 100 sons and 1 daugther. Her sons also called kauravas. Just becuase her husband was blind, She also blindfloded herself to feel pain of her husband. she one of the biggest devoted of lord shiva.

Dhritarashtra : He was elder brother of pandu. After pandu gone to vanvas he was give duty to take care of kingdome. He was blind from birth and later also know as blind king. Though disable but he was no were weak. He himself was stronger then adult bheem. Who was son of god of might.

Lord bhrama: Know as god of creation. He was the one who created everything.

Vishnu: God of preserver. It's his duty to take care of creation until lord shiva destroy it. He is also trickest job to deal with. He was hated by rakshas (Demons) and also called mayavi (illusionist/ Trickster) by them.

Lord Shiva: God of destruction. It's said that he will the one who end this world to create new one. He was most easy to please and soft hearted god. He don't discriminate against anyone no matter Naga(Snake tribe people), Rakshasa(Demon), Yaksha (Spirit) etc. Also anything you can give to him he will accept it no matter what it is, This the reason why he also knows as bholenaat (Lord of simplicity).

Trimurti : Bhrama, Vishnu, Mahesh( lord shiva other name) combine known as Trimurti (Tri=3, Murti= Sculpture or Figure).