48. Spider Web

The whole room became suddenly quiet from the words of Karna, Pandavas' side looking at him like they were seeing a fool except for the one boy whose eyes now revealed fear.

Bhishma too became quite turning gears in his mind but still couldn't come up with what Karna was trying to say but Vidur standing by his side had a white face, As if all his blood drained hearing Karna's words.

Kaurava's side is also quite sceptical as to how can Karna accuse someone like Vidur of treachery, This man worked for this kingdom all his life and even part of it, There is no way Vidur would be a traitor in Karna's mouth.

But there was someone also in this group to see through the web Karna had woven for Vidur,  Well there are two people who saw through it one was Vikram, While the other was Middle aged but handsome man, Who at first glance looked like a royal birth.