63. Lonely Chaos

"You are not permitted to be here, Or you want to break the accord?"

The man ignored the trio who at this point kneeled in the air and just looked at the dark cloud and with his eternal soothing voice he said to it, There was no hate or anger in its voice, rather it was like the figure talking to a friend, not the force like chaos.

Well this is just a vision not the real power of chaos but it holds the same kinda power of chaos and is controlled by it, So it's not bad to assume it is a part of chaos.

"I do not come here by my free will, a vision is provoked by someone here, I had to come and do my duties, It was you who come here fully prepared for the battle, It was not the end of the world yet, So there is no need be in Nataraja form, O' Lord Shiva."