73. Tale Of Taste Of Milk

"Mata (Mother) Mata, Can I ask you something?"

An excited and hesitant childish voice rang in the old hunt as a 7-8 years old toddler came running towards the mature women working in the kitchen on the stone wooden stove.

The boy that came running towards her quickly reached her and pulled the end of her Sari to get the attention of his mother with wanting in his eyes.

Women turned around by his action and looked at him, her one and only son.

He had a dusky complexion like a rainy cloud, His long spiral-shaped hair was flowing down on his wide shoulders, His eyes were dark brown, a tall nose and plum lips accompanied by soft cheeks, His height was around 7ft as he was surrounded by a divine aura.

His mere presence felt comforting and when there is a small smile on his face it just looked too breathtakingly beautiful but no one will pay much attention to his out of this world's beauty.