82. Start Of New Journey

Ashwatthama made a mistake and decided to bring the puppy to the village of his, Where he knows the puppy can be safe from the wild animals unaware of the fact that humans are the ones who he should be most afraid of.

It's easy to predict what wild animals are going to do as they are true to their nature but humans are the only species that show things on the surface and do another when they are alone.

Not knowing what he was doing, He allow the puppy to follow him as he bring it to the village, He felt it would be a safe area for the puppy as there are people who will feed the little guy and there is also safety in the village area.

So after paying for a while, Ashwatthana decided to leave but the puppy also followed him and wanted to come with him. Ashwatthama though wanted to bring this puppy home but he knew no one would agree at home to allow this puppy to stay with them.