86. The One Everyone Afraid Of

"Soldier, Is the sky torn apart or earth has shattered? If this is not the case then why are you not following the etiquette of the royal assembly?"

Gandhrai was quite angry at the behaviour of the soldier, She is soft-hearted but that doesn't mean that one can walk all over her anymore, She now has the temper and aura of a queen..No, A Empress should have.

"Forgive me for my offence the great queen, I did not intend to stain the or disrespect the rules of assembly, But I can't help it the situation is like this, Yes the sky is not torn apart or the earth has not shattered but it would not far from happening.

That is because the Rishi Durvasa is here asking to meet with you right now, He doesn't look happy. Please give him permission to enter here as we are not able to hold him any longer."