99. Lord Ganesha

"Huh? It's not possible for Niyati to change. Even my father can only bend, twist or turn it around but can't change it. The thing that is written will always happen, One way or another."

That handsome man looked at the Ved Vyas and spoke up as he once again put the piece of sweet in his mouth enjoying his time as he no longer had to sit and write through all that the without being able to eat his favourite sweets.

After a closer look at his appearance, it's understandable why he was not much concerned about it, His body to little on the chubby side as he has a big belly, Which also led to him being called Lambodara* (having a huge belly) but unlike that being an insult it is used to praise him.

Other than that all his other body parts are worthy for any mighty legendary warrior except one, His head, Well technically not his head but right now he has the head of an elephant.