113. Asura Feild

"What do you think about it, Arya? He is best candidate for Sushala, Right?"

Gandhari spoke up in the excitement and mild anxiety to her husband Dhritarashtra, Who was sitting on the bed carefully listening to her words while rubbing his eyes.

She wanted to bring this subject last night but her husband was too tired because of the official he fell asleep before she get a chance to bring this subject with him.

So she just wait for him to wake up and when he was up she started bombarding her idea on him. From why Karna is a good husband for Sushala to how it can help the kingdom, She was prepared reasons for everything from emotional to political.

"Gandhari, Priye, I just woke up. Can you just give me a second to catch up? Let's start from why you think he is good for our Sushala?"

Dhritarashtra had to stop his excited wife and ask her to start from the beginning as he didn't get a thing she was babbling about.