118. Hypothesis

"O'Great King, O'Respected Queen, Please come in my humble household, But King if there was something, You should have commanded me for my presence, You don't have to come all the way here."

Adiratha reached the front door and bowed to greet the King and Queen who already washed their hands and feet and was about to enter the house.

This throws Adiratha off, He his loyal servant of the kingdom there is no doubt that if his King asked him to come if there is something important to talk about, He would have not missed a beat and gone to the king and done what he will be commanded.

So the King and the Queen themselves coming to him was not expected by him, He did not understand what could be so important that they have to come to him personally.

The first thought he had in his mind was that Karna did something. He knows how mischievous his son is. Last time he and his group of 4 were about to set one poor guy's pants on fire.