124. Need A Bow

"Hey stupid fox wher- Oh!!! How much gold is here?"

Karna entered in the treasury after the fox and was stunned seeing the mountains of golds in it, Whole area was glowing golden in that aura. There were gold coins, various precious jewellery, multi-

coloured beautiful gems etc.

But that was just a tip of it, After Karna walked in he saw even more blizzard things. There were some ordinary-looking tools, Which Karna can tell that were far from the ordinary then they looked.

There were also things like clothes, armors and all but Karna ignored them and was just glad that his fox did not eat these things. He walked ahead-searching for her and entered a deeper area of the treasury.

Unlike outside there were not too many things but looking at how carefully the things here are stored says that the things here can't be measured in mere wealth.