166. Child Like Curiosity

"But swami didn't Spirits Of Damned only attack living things? So why did Asura Guru Shukracharya bring them out against Nightmares?"

Devi Chhaya chimed in as she asked in curiosity, She couldn't help it. She was born this way, All necessary knowledge was present in her since birth but that is the reason why she was so fascinated by the new information.

She wanted to learn more, know more. That child-like curiosity was still present in her even after getting the godhood, so even if it is time of life and death she can't help but to be curious.

"That is because Nightmares are not totally dead creatures. When the warriors die their strong willpower protects the some part of the soul in them, Which corrupts that soul but it also makes sure that there is some essence of life remaining in them.

That life essence is vulnerable to the force of death, So you can say that Soul Of Damned can be considered a natural predator of Nightmares."