168. The Pure Raw Power Of Infinite Strength VS The Immense Power Of Infinte Knowledge

Whole area suddenly lit up. A Lot of patterns emerged from the light covering the whole place in very beautiful sight, but it was tempting for eyes only, The soul of the present being shaken in terror.

A lot of unknown symbols started to appear and started to move around Rudra suspended in the air in a fraction of second as they were born.

After which rest of the array also relied many thing, There were some chains, a shower of swords, arrow, mace etc were thrown towards the Rudra, In hindsight many books also emerged flowing around Sukracharya.

As the books appeared they one by one started to come in front of Sukracharya and helped him to cast the spells, His frail stature also changed, Right now he looked super healthy, there was not even a need for him to use the cran of his to walk.