181. The Missing Parshu

The Bhagwaan Parsurama woke up along with both of Rishi Durvasa and Asura Guru Sukracharya and after clearing his mind he stood up.

As usual, he turned around to look for his Pershu, That weapon is an integrated part of him, That is a gift his Lord and Guru gave to him, So he love and revere that axe of his.

Normally that axe itself comes back to him when he is asleep, But this time he could not find it, He tried to sense it but he was not able to locate where is Pershu.

But he didn't think much of it, There was power turbulence in the air, Which might be the reason he was not able to sense it, So he decided to look around thinking of fighting it would have fallen here.

"It should be around here somewhere, It can't fall too far away."