Boss Slayer's journey

[Fiora village]

Boss Slayer and four of his men made their way to the Fiora on foot, Rizaha and Fiora ain't far from one another, so with speed, it's more like a three-hour journey.

Once they arrived at Rizaha the first thing they caught a glimpse of was the new wall encircling the village.

"Boss look!" One of his men shouted as he pointed at the big gate in front of them.

Boss slayer smirked at the sight, "Looks like they've spotted us." He muttered.

Multiple guards were hurrying out of the gates while some stood at the top of the two monumental towers arranged at both sides of the gate.

Boss Slayer was about to reach for his blade till he recollected Zeno's orders not to fight if possible.

"Ah damn it." He murmured before setting loose his grip on his blade and standing firm in front of his men.

Yui, Dazai's personal assistant, stepped out of the gate with two women following behind her.