The Demon of Greed.




Zeno and Memmon kept exchanging blows while they ran around the area at lightning speed.

They were moving so fast, everything around them was exploding on themselves, and the demon was enjoying every second of it.

Zeno landed a punch on Memmon's stomach, which sent him flying and crashing into one of the buildings.

Memmon collided with the building and it instantly collapsed to the ground, leaving a fog of dust after.

Zeno, breathing heavily as he walked slowly toward the building, his eyes were glowing red and his body had the same glowing streak with little red lightning sparks around.

Just as Zeno was closing in, Memmon immediately whooshed out of the rubbles while holding a huge pillar of the building.

"Fight me you mortal!"

Memmon yelled before swinging the pillar at Zeno, the pillar broke into pieces right after sending Zeno crashing a few feet to the ground.