Chapter 6

" It's not even like that!" I yell frantically in the air, as I'm pushing Bethany in the buggy.

The wind kisses our faces on this cold August night.

" It so is," Mattie is screaming in the buggy, another one of our best friends. He's being pushed by Sapnap and we're probably going to be racing by the end of the night.

Which is what happened.

" Changing the subject, which is another thing that has been happening, Bethany and snapnap got into probaseball." I holler Out, desperately trying to change the subject.

Screams were tossed about, in the air, as we turn the corner, racing our way towards the finish line, which is the car.

" You know I'm not even surprised that it was you, Dream."

I laugh, " Did I not even change the subject?"

"I'm just saying, like I was shocked I shouldn't have even been. You talk to everybody."

I'm almost to the car with Bethany, " Except for you know, majority of the residents."

We're at the car and out of breath. Mattie puts the buggies up and we get into the car. I and Sap nap get into the back, as Bethany and Mattie get into the front.

" It's too bad you can't play on the guys' team, Beth, Sap Nap would love to have you."

Before she takes off, she's scrolling on her phone, "It Is what it is, I guess."

Blinding Lights by the weekend shifts through the stereo system. Lights go out, as Bethany takes off.

" So what's your next move?" Matty asks.

" Yeah Dream, what's your next move on "getting Georgie" Sapnap decides to ask?

" Why did you have to make that sounds So romantic ?" I ask

"Because it's funny."

On full blast, At Last by Etta James starts plays.

My face heats up by the words.

" Guys," I laugh out loud, "it's not funny." I desperately try and grab Bethany's phone, but she wouldn't let me, So it results in me scrounging up in the back seat while crunching my knees back to my chest.

I hide my hot face in the middle of my knees.

" Awe Dreamy weamy has a crushy wushy."

" Never thought I see the day, not gonna lie." Sap Nap saids.

" Can we please not talk about my non existent love life, please?" I plead with them.

With the 3 of them laughing, We continue listening to at last by Etta James. Me and Bethany trade spots, as we drop her off.

To be honest, I'm glad that I made the decision of visiting.

After 5 minutes going by arguing about the blankets, and who goes where we finally settle down into the blankets. Matty is passed out. I'm awake, and I'm pretty sure that I have a feeling that Sapnap is too.

Silence minutes go by.

The quiet fan goes through our ears.

" Hey are you awake?"

" No I'm sleeping, shhh."

He faces me, " Hush, Clay."

I snort and I see him, as he's trying not to laugh. " You thought you said something funny."

" I did if I got you crying."

" I'm not even laughing that hard."

I laugh a little bit, "Hush Sap nap."

He broke into a laugh, "Shut up, Dream."

We calm down, as once again silence passes through us. I feel like there's something That hes wanting to say. I would wait, but I'm not that patient.

"Spit it out."

"hush, I'm trying," He looks to be in concentration mode.

Quiet. Then he speaks, " Why do you have to go?"

My friend's sentence makes my heart crack.

" Because I can't live in a place where people constantly talk about me behind my back."

"They talk about you?"

"You hear the whispers."

His lips goes into a thin line, " I hear the whispers." He closes his eyes.

A few minutes has passed, as I'm pretty sure that he's fallen asleep; I grab my earbud and my phone. I search up something to listen to.

Dancing with my phone by H YB S seems fine and I grab the Gummy worms from under the bed that seems fine still in the package.


I snort, "Hush."

When he's asleep, I look at the clock. 12:00 p.m.

I will admit that, yes, half of this is my fault. The reason why I can't go into the store without half of them looking at me.

Everyone, except for my friends, shouldn't even know about the lie. For the ones that don't know, however, so what I put someone's dog in a tree. One time. So what if I put a gigantic spider in that lady's hair which is now dyed purple?

And there's nothing With the art of colography. Even if it was on someone's house.

That however we scrubbed off. And apologized surprisingly.

I never asked to be called the "leader of the Misfits."

These were childish pranks. Most of the real stuff was right before I left.


2 girls, in a store, subtly fighting.

Finishing stocking , I grow curious, so I check it out.

"I have had it. You need to keep what's yours with what's yours and what's mine with what's mine. I'm about ready to throw you across this store."

I intervene, " Ladies ladies, who's throwing who across this store?" I regret the words that just came out of my mouth. Cringe, it's to much.

" You know," I regretfully speak again, " sharing is caring."

This was the time before I had left as I wish I didn't get into that stupid argument, all to just play around. If I hadn't have gotten involved, then this kid by the age of 14 wouldn't have notice me. Him, along with his friends.

" Hey isn't that guy gay?"

" How would you know, Benny?"

" I don't know, man, but I heard from someone that he was kind of gay." "Benny" speaks.

They snicker and they leave, leaving me kind of irritated.

And that my friends, is how it went downhill.

I didn't even know how to fix it.

So I left.

My home, my mother, and my friends.

1:00 a.m.

"Ma, you asleep yet?"

I slipped out of bed, leaving my phone, my gummy bears, and my earbud, in the bed next to Sap nap, to go run to my mom.

" I'm getting in beside you is that ok?"

A light OK was heard.

Georgie crosses my mind.

"So, I've been thinking." She cuts me off, " At 1 AM in the morning?"

Rolling my eyes, I speak "Yes, Ma, at 1 am in the morning."

I shuffle underneath, trying to keep myself warm.

She's turned away from me, and I shuffle closer, trying to get close to my mother.

A silence has passed as I'm trying to form my question.

" Would you want me to come back?"

She yawns, "Of course my son. you're always welcome here." She says tiredly.

"I mean, obviously I am definitely not moving back."

she nods, "Obviously."

"then you know, avoid everyone, obviously,"

She says, "Obviously."

"Because for some reason, people just like want to BURN you, but you know it is fine."

"So come back then."

"Is it really that easy?"

She turns over while tilting her head from side to the side," I mean you're now here aren't you?"

" It wasn't easy."

" Yet your here."

She yawns, while turning over, " I believe you'll do the right thing my son."

I stare at the now creased ceiling.

Silence passes. 1:30 a.m. Quiet snores escape my mother.

I close my eyes, "Good-night Ma."