Chapter 9

When we were teenagers, before we became famous, everyone called each other nicknames in the ball club.

He is frustrated, Jiang Yang is a thief, Wu Wei is indifferent, Fan Wencong is a peddler, Lin Lin is the boss, Chen Anan is called Anmei because her name looks like a girl... and so on. There are several teachers in the ball club, and they are all taught by different teachers. He and Jiang Yang are the most talented among He Lao's apprentices. It is often said that Mr. He found six apprentices, and finally found two children with good aptitude when he closed the mountain. Among them, Lin Yiyang was the most talented, and he found them by himself.

Everyone likes to compete in domestic professional competitions at the age of thirteen.

After that, if they get the rankings, especially the champion and runner-up, they will joke with each other and call them "Master".

Jiang Yang won the championship first, it was Yang Ye. When it came to Lin Yiyang, I had no choice but to condescend to add the word "small", who made the last word of the two senior brothers have the same pronunciation and different characters?

"Why do you play nine balls?" Lin Yiyang asked.

Jiang Yang is a snooker player. It is a bit strange to teach a group of apprentices to play nine balls.

"It's my apprentice, but Anmei is teaching. Anmei has turned nine balls a few years ago. This time, there is something at home, so I can't come early. Let me bring the children over earlier."

"Isn't it April?" Lin Yiyang remembered correctly, Wu Wei and Yin Guo played at that time.

"Junior and youth groups are in March." Wu Wei answered for Jiang Yang.

"Oh." Lin Yiyang continued to drink beer.

The children on the sofa are eagerly looking forward to chatting with the little uncle.

"You guys are talking, I'm going down to eat."

Lin Yiyang returned to the room, put on his winter clothes, put on sneakers on his bare feet, took the keys and wallet, and walked straight through the living room. It's just that at the end, when he saw the children staring at him, he couldn't bear it too much, and waved his hand as a farewell.

The door was closed.

He was in the corridor, slowly, walking downstairs.

Two minutes after leaving the house, it was still the ramen restaurant. He had a very good memory, remembering the noodles that Yin Guo ate that night and what ingredients were added. At this time, there were not too many people, the boss was free and sat opposite Lin Yiyang.

They have known each other for a year.

Lin Yiyang can speak Japanese, and the boss can speak English. They complement each other and have a very happy chat every time.

"The girl you brought last night is very beautiful." The boss said.

Lin Yiyang picked up the noodles with chopsticks and smiled.

"She is the person you want to know when you first meet." The boss is in his forties and has experienced it.

He didn't deny it.

"When was it? I mean, when did we meet?" the boss asked.

"That night, the night I slept here."

The boss immediately recalled: "Blizzard."

That night, the city was full of blizzards.

He sent her back to the hotel, and then back to Wu Wei's apartment, only to find that he left in a hurry and didn't bring the key to the apartment. The two sisters in the apartment were trapped on the other side of the city and never came back.

So the kind boss took him in before closing and let him sleep all night here, in the store in the front hall.

A girl that he wanted to know at first sight, the only one in twenty-seven years.

That night, he helped Meng Xiaotian carry the suitcase to the hotel gate, Yin Guo bowed to him seriously and thanked him, that look was so cute. That night, he slept in this ramen restaurant, and the image of her bowing and thanking was repeated in his mind.

The circle of friends is really a good thing.

What Yin Guo didn't know was that when she applied to add him as a friend on WeChat, Lin Yiyang had just entered the subway platform and was about to rush to the train station.

Seeing that the first thing she posted on Moments was the registration introduction for the Open, he realized that the cue on the three suitcases did not belong to his younger brother, but to his older sister. He was afraid that there was no signal in the subway and he would not be able to get out, so he stayed at the entrance for a full hour. During that hour, he saw more information in her circle of friends.

What she didn't even know was how many of her game reports and videos he watched on the bus from Washington back to New York in the following time.

A... how to describe it?

If Lin Yiyang himself is a follower type player, Wu Wei is a performance type player, and Jiang Yang upstairs is an offensive player, then Yin Guo is a master of stability who doesn't make any mistakes and seems to lose his personal emotions as soon as he goes on stage .

Lin Yiyang carefully studied one of her championship matches.

The right to serve belonged to the opponent, and Yin Guo lost the opportunity. After the opponent won four games in a row, he finally waited for an opportunity when the opponent made a mistake and got back the right to serve.

Then? She just won.

With four games behind, she caught up head-on with zero turnovers, absolutely zero turnovers. Lin Yiyang really admires such a stable psychological quality even though he is not yet a professional player.

How many times has this been broken in exchange for the game?

He could even imagine her daily training, being suppressed by masters and repeatedly training her psychological quality.

In the past, Lin Yiyang has always been called a talented player by the teachers of the ball club.

But in fact, what he likes most in his heart is people like Yin Guo.

You know she has talent, but you can see more how much work she has put into it. No matter where this kind of player goes, they will be given the warmest applause because they are "worth it".

This is like when studying, the child who won the first place with his proud talent will always be envied and envied. But when a bright and hard-working child wins the first prize, everyone will sincerely congratulate him, because he deserves it.

for ten long days.

He read all the introductions to her sports career.

Until yesterday, the agreed day to gamble.

He changed the ticket three times before he finally found a suitable time to invite Meng Xiaotian to that cafe for coffee. But I really saw Yin Guo pushing the door and entering, but I didn't know how to start.

I can't say, I've watched all your games, from childhood to adulthood, and even read all the posts of fans gossip.

It can't be said that you have two games that are as exciting as the highlights of the big competitions. In that state, if you replace your opponent with me, I dare not say that I can win you.

Not to mention, your brother Meng Xiaodong and I met many times in the arena, and each won and lost, so he was considered a natural enemy. You ask him, he must remember me.

In the end, Lin Yiyang didn't say anything, just watched her walk into the cafe from the sunlight.

Seeing her stop in surprise, watching her stabilize her mind, she walked slowly to the coffee table, hung her backpack obliquely on the back of the chair, watched her take a seat, and then pushed over a menu: "Look what you want to eat What?"

It's easier to ask her to eat than to chat.


"Last night, you were here, and you didn't even say a few words to her." The boss said with a smile.

"I used to... talk with a knife and hurt a lot of people. Especially when I use a mobile phone, I can't see my face when I speak, and I'm afraid there will be more misunderstandings."

Of course, face-to-face isn't much better.

The conversation on the subway last night was like a scene of a blind date that was forcibly introduced.

"Actually, I just met, and I don't understand yet," he added.

To put it bluntly, Yin Guo didn't understand him.

Past, present, and future.

"My wife is my high school classmate. For a long time, I didn't learn to talk to her normally. Later, she told me that she was wronged and thought I hated her," the boss took from the man. A plate of wasabi octopus was placed in front of Lin Yiyang's noodle bowl: "If you tell the truth, she will feel it."


Yin Guo is in the ball room, practicing with Su Wei.

She missed one after another today, and was teased by Su Wei, did she spend the spring night with the person who won the regional championship last night, so that she lost her energy. At first, Yin Guo still smiled and said nothing, because she was ridiculed more times, she had to explain that the relationship between Lin Yiyang and herself was not that good. Even, before last night, I hated myself a little bit.

Su Wei didn't believe it.

In order to prove this fact, Yin Guo showed her their WeChat chat.

Clean and clean.

In all the chat records, she has a good temper. She introduces herself in long paragraphs, shows her favor frequently, and tries to make friends with her. But all the conversations ended with Lin Yiyang's cold reply, either "You're welcome", or "It's easy to say", or just threw an emoji to end the conversation.

Especially in Washington, she thanked him for entertaining her cousin with a cold expression of "easy to say". She was really hurt at the time. After ten long days, we didn't exchange a single word.

If you can pretend to be affectionate in this way, and think that people are interested in you, then you will feel too good about yourself...

"I take back what I said before." Su Wei handed her the phone, "Have you offended him?"

It's also thanks to Yin Guo's good temper, if Su Wei herself, she would have given up.

Yin Guo smiled helplessly: "I offended you a little that night when we first met."

Su Wei suggested to rest for ten minutes as she was not in good condition.

Yin Guo was sitting on the billiard chair, flipping through WeChat idly, and suddenly thought that he hadn't seen his Moments yet.

She opened it quietly——

Nothing at all? None have been posted.


Lin Yiyang leaned against the wall of the ramen shop, took out his mobile phone, and opened Yin Guo's WeChat window.

Carefully read the conversation between the two, from adding friends to watching it last night. What should I say? He pressed a finger on the empty decanter and turned it round and round, thinking.

Outside the door, Jiang Yang, who was wearing a black padded jacket, walked to the edge of the steps, squatted down, and waved to Lin Yiyang who was in the store. Through a glass door, the boss is asking: "Looking for you?"

"Yes," Lin Yiyang put his mobile phone in his pocket, put down the meal fee, put on his coat hastily, and pushed the door out.

In the cold wind, he jumped up two steps.

"I asked the coach to come and take the kids back to the hotel first." Jiang Yang tilted his head and pointed to the right. "It doesn't matter. There is a ball room nearby. Let's go and start a game. When brothers and sisters meet, there must be a meeting." look."

Lin Yiyang wanted to refuse.

But for some reason, maybe he was thinking about how to send a message to Yin Guo just now, which caused him to be in a good mood, at least much better than when he woke up in the morning.

He nodded without saying a word, and walked shoulder to shoulder with Jiang Yang to the block on the right.

Jiang Yang took out an electronic cigarette, opened the lid, inserted a small cigarette in it, heated it up, and took a deep breath: "To be honest, you have admired me since I was a child. Among our group, only Wu Wei It's okay to study alone, it's no surprise that he can study until now, but no one expected you to survive until today."

Jiang Yang smiled: "Back then, we both counted backwards, right? There are almost forty people in the class, can you rank thirty?"

"Junior high school? Almost." He recalled.

There are very few children in the ball club who have good grades. At that time, some of them couldn't go to school. Parents opened it and chose another way to send it to the ball club. And the environment, directly into the industry. Lin Yiyang himself did not do well in junior high school.

After quitting the ball club in high school, he was stimulated and studied day and night. In addition to making money is reading, suffering is really suffering.

Including the past three years when he came to study abroad, what kind of work has he not done?

In the first year, I was not allowed to work, so I just followed the Chinese bus and worked|illegal work everywhere to make money...

Making money is not easy, even Wu Wei talked about him, it would be great to go to a cheap school, but he insisted on going to an expensive school, but he muttered twice and stopped talking. Because Wu Wei also knew that this was part of his anger.

Lin Yiyang put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked up to see the cars coming and going in the distance.

In the past ten years, he has worked hard because of a sentence from his teacher who taught him: You, Lin Yiyang, don't even have a family. If you leave this golf club and don't have a club, you are nothing.

Now, he's standing right here. Whatever you want is what you want.

If you can pick up the club and put it down, you can live no matter what.

"It's not easy these years, right?" Jiang Yang looked at himself as a junior.

Lin Yiyang turned his head and smiled easily: "Will there be any difficulties for me?"

Still the same as back then.

Jiang Yang was amused, took another puff of his cigarette, and patted him on the shoulder: "That's right, for us little Yang, there is nothing we can't handle."

Lin Yiyang squinted at the electronic cigarette in his hand. Jiang Yang got his idea, took out a pack of cigarettes he just bought from the pocket of his padded jacket, and stuffed them with a lighter together with him: "I'll switch to smoking, I'm quitting smoking."

Lin Yiyang lowered his head, tore off the plastic film of the cigarette case, and felt that it was boring, so he stuffed the film, cigarette case, and lighter back into Jiang Yang's pocket.

"Why?" Jiang Yang smiled, "It's not like you anymore."

"How many years have you not seen me?" Lin Yiyang asked back.

While the two were talking, they entered the ball room.

When the boss saw Lin Yiyang, he smiled and turned around, took a large ice bucket, filled it with seven or eight bottles of beer, put the ice bucket in front of him, and pointed to a billiard table inside.

Lin Yiyang picked up the ice bucket, walked to the table he often went to, put down the bucket, opened the wine without picking up the clubs, and took a sip: "You can drink as you like here, smoking is not allowed, keep yours—"

He wanted to say, e-cigarette like a motherfucker, hold back.

"Pick a club." He tilted his head, pointing to the clubs on the shelf.

Lin Yiyang raised his head, took another sip of wine, put down the bottle, saw that Jiang Yang had picked out the club, and he was not picky, so he picked up the one on the far right.

Jiang Yang arranged nine balls in a diamond shape on the blue table.

Lin Yiyang found the white ball, and heard Jiang Yang casually asking, "Last night, I saw that Wuxiang posted something."

Lin Yi raised his hand and stopped.

"What girl? What country? What kind of skin race?"

Lin Yiyang pointed to his dark pupils: "Chinese."

The white ball was bouncing in his hand, and he said again: "I just met, it's not as mysterious as what Wu Wei said. Besides," he bent down from the side of the table, put the white ball on the line of scrimmage, "he It doesn't necessarily look up to me."

"So unconfident?" Jiang Yang smiled unexpectedly, pointing to the white ball, meaning to let Lin Yiyang kick off, "People need to know their strengths and make use of their strengths. For example, for you, of course, sex|seduction saves the most effort, little brother."

Lin Yiyang rolled his eyes at the other party, didn't speak any more, bent down, and straightened the cue.

Aim for the white ball.

With a strong right hand, the white ball was knocked into the air, and the table full of colored balls was knocked away with a slap. With the continuous sound of falling into the bag, there were only three billiard balls left, and finally even the nine balls rolled into the bag in front of Jiang Yang, and fell in response.

The No. 9 ball went straight into the pocket.

With one shot off the tee, he won the first round.

Jiang Yang whistled.

Lin Yiyang stood up straight, picked up a bottle of wine and took a sip, staring at the only two colored balls left on the table, pondering. What news should I send? Chatting with girls... Do you want to make an emoji first?