Chapter 20

In fact, this is a basic skill exercise, and it has nothing to do with snooker, nine-ball, or eight-ball.

It's training accuracy.

But with fifty goals, only three goals can be conceded. Among the people present, including Li Qingyan, no one dared to guarantee that he could do it. In fact, when Lin Yiyang said this, he still felt old. As a teenager, he could not concede a single goal, but unfortunately... the snooker table is still too unfamiliar to him. He has been playing on a small nine-ball table all year round. He dare not say so, so he changed to Snow Ke's big table can not concede the ball.

Li Qingyan searched his memory again for who No. 1 was, but he came to no conclusion.

"He is an expert." Li Qingyan walked behind Nitro and said.

Nitro nodded.

From Lin Yiyang's words "I don't play snooker", everyone guessed that he is not just an amateur, he can only be so calm in the face of a bunch of masters, he can only be the same kind of person. After Lin Yiyang inspected the nine-ball table for a few seconds and refused again, Nitro became even more sure that this person must have a solid heart and something to do.

Nitro picked up the red ball and placed it in the middle, a position without difficulty.

It can be regarded as a simple opening for each other.

Lin Yiyang admired Meng Xiaodong from the bottom of his heart for his ability to lead people well. Even if he wanted to give himself a blow, he placed the first ball very politely. He put the white ball on the serve line and pocketed it with one hit.

with no doubt.

"The second one." Lin Yiyang closed the shot and pointed at the table, letting them continue to set it up.

In the next ten minutes, the red ball was placed in various positions, becoming more and more tricky.

Lin Yiyang didn't slow down even once, he is just like this, the more he feels in his hand, the better he will hit, and the better he hits, the more he will feel in his hand.

As soon as the red ball was placed, the white ball flew towards it, and all of them were pocketed.

For the first twenty, the nitrates were arranged in a relatively conventional manner, and all of them were bagged.

When there were thirty, the nitrous began to move to tricky positions, and all of them fell into the bag.

To forty, still not a single goal.


The young people present were too absorbed in watching. All the thirteen and fourteen year olds were sweating nervously, staring at more than forty snooker red balls flying all over the table. This kind of accuracy is no longer within the reach of these teenagers.


Just as Niazi picked up a red ball, Li Qingyan, who had been watching silently, took it.

Li Qing looked at him strictly: "Is there a problem with specifying the pocket?"

Lin Yiyang didn't care: "Whatever you want."

Li Qingyan placed three balls: 1 white ball, 1 red ball, and 1 black ball.

It's like a restoration of a game fragment.

"You won this before?" Lin Yiyang asked.

"No," Li Qingyan said, "The Welsh Open conceded, three days ago."

Lin Yiyang took two steps around the table and asked again: "Which bag did you want to put in?"

"In the bag." Unfortunately, it failed.

Lin Yiyang nodded, and made a judgment within a second of leaning over. With the club resting on his left hand, he aimed and shot slowly.

With a soft bang, the white ball hit the red ball.

Everyone at the scene thought that Lin Yiyang's shot would hit the red ball to the middle pocket, but the red ball flew to the bottom pocket.

Unexpected blow, extremely difficult angle.

However, the ball went in.

After the red ball was pocketed, Lin Yiyang also pocketed the black ball.

Li Qingyan stared at the table, and after a moment of thinking, he took the lead in applauding.

At that time, Li Qingyan also thought about this plan on the field, but it was too risky. He chose the more conservative route of pocketing, but it was a pity that he made a mistake. Unexpectedly, a few days later in this hotel in New York, the man in front of him solved the situation perfectly.

Including the last black ball, a total of 50 balls were bagged.

Not a single mistake.

The teenagers in Beicheng were convinced and convinced, and they all applauded and paid tribute. No matter what program this man is from, his accuracy is undoubtedly the highest level, professional level.

What is his identity, background and competition experience? Where the hell did he come from?

Too many questions filled everyone's mind.

No one spoke, and even Li Qingyan didn't know how to ask.

In this eerie silence, no one moved.

Time seemed to stand still.

It wasn't until Lin Yiyang handed the cue back to Nitzi that the frozen space was broken.

Yin Guo and a middle-aged man in a gray suit passed through the crowd at the same time. In fact, Yin Guo had been behind the crowd and watched the last few balls with his coach, but he didn't disturb him.

She had seen him play, and was not surprised by his accuracy at all. The game in Flushing was much more exciting than today.

Coach Chen walked to the table, patted Nitro on the shoulder, then picked up a red ball with regret, and said kindly to Lin Yiyang: "I came out late, so I didn't have a chance to join in the fun."

When he first came out, he was still worried, afraid that Lin Yiyang would affect the mood of these children before the game.

By the way, as the coach who has taken Yin Guo for several years, I silently gave this kid the first evaluation in my heart - he has arrogance, backbone, and demeanor.

"This is my coach, surnamed Chen." Yin Guo introduced him.

"Hello, Coach Chen." Lin Yiyang stretched out his right hand, "I'm Lin Yiyang."

Coach Chen handed the ball to Yin Guo, held Lin Yiyang's right hand, and introduced himself: "Chen Fang."

After shaking hands, Coach Chen introduced to everyone: "I also heard about this before coming here, Lin Yiyang, and your sixth brother was a generation of players back then."

Li Qingyan carefully looked at Lin Yiyang's face again. He himself is not a talented player. He entered the industry late and played games late. It is impossible to understand all the players in Meng Xiaodong's entry stage. After the big waves wash away the sand, there are not many people left from Meng Xiaodong's generation, and they are all the backbone of the industry, such as Jiang Yang.

So for that generation, it itself represents two words - seniors.

As the leader of the new generation, Li Qingyan had to do something about the aftermath of today's scene. He walked up to Lin Yiyang and shook hands: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lin Yiyang didn't speak, and after shaking hands with him, he let go quickly.

"Aren't you going to catch the train?" Yin Guo winked at Lin Yiyang.

Lin Yiyang looked at Yin Guo's nervous little eyes and felt extremely cute: "Yes, it's time to go."

"I'll see you off," Yin Guo said immediately, and then explained to Coach Chen, "The subway station is very close, I'll be right back."

"Go." Coach Chen agreed with a smile.

After the two went out, Coach Chen smiled and asked Nitro: "I'm used to being arrogant, did you fall?"

Nitro laughed: "Isn't this just a joke?"

"He's messing around with you too, can't you tell?" Coach Chen said directly, "He's the one who even cuts your sixth brother. If it weren't for seeing that you are all in pre-match form, it would have been really early."


The two were in the elevator, opened the door several times, and got off on the second floor.

Yin Guo waited for the floor to be displayed, it was still level 1, and he was about to leave. Today is all about being watched by people, packing up things in a hurry and coming here, it seems like I wasted most of the day.

"It's going to be dark again when you get to DC," she said.

"Yes." Lin Yiyang was looking at her in the mirror of the elevator with his pants pockets in his hands.

The 1st floor is here, and the elevator door opens.

Lin Yiyang didn't move.

She hurriedly pressed the button to open the door: "Here we are."

The passengers who were waiting outside entered one after another and dragged several large boxes, separating the two of them.

Someone took out the key card and swiped the floor.

"If you don't go out, the elevator will go up," she urged through a Middle Eastern man, looking at him.

Two more people came in, swiped their cards, and chose a floor.

Yin Guo was too embarrassed to hold down the elevator anymore, she felt that someone had already started to stare at her dissatisfied.

A second of silence.

"Which floor do you live on?" Lin Yiyang asked.

"...6th floor."

He nodded: "I'll take you up."

Aren't you going to send him out?

Yin Guo let go of his finger. After the elevator went up, he thought of finding the key card. He swiped the black sensor area under the four rows of floor buttons and pressed 6.

The two were the first guests to get out of the elevator, and there were only two customer service staff in the corridor.

After checking in, Yin Guo went up to put the suitcases away, confirmed the room number on the key card, and pointed to the left. The two of them bypassed a silver customer service car, and passed by stacks of neatly arranged white bath towels.

She walked forward, and he followed.

At the door, when entering, the waiter pushed the customer service work cart and walked over.

Yin Guo almost tripped over the box he threw in the door, but Lin Yiyang saw it first and pushed the box inside. She still wanted to insert the key card, but Lin Yiyang pressed her hand to the wall.

"Sharing with someone?" he whispered, closing the door with his foot.

With a click, the door lock was hung.

Yin Guo's blood was rushing upwards, turned around, and leaned his back against the wall: "Well, there is a child, a girl."

What am I talking about, who will come to the game to share with the men, of course the women.

Lin Yiyang's right hand was on her waist, and his left arm was pressed against the wall above her head. He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her.

"In case anyone comes back—"

"I'll leave in five minutes." He had delayed it until he could no longer delay it. "It's not such a coincidence."

The breath he exhaled was on her forehead... Her heart seemed to have lost the strength to jump, and so did her breathing, until her lips met his. Unlike last night, this time she has experience in kissing, but it is also the same as last night, the experience is still extremely lacking.

Lin Yiyang's tongue brushed over her teeth, and Yin Guoren's legs softened immediately.

Fortunately, there was a wall to support him, and he was hugging himself. His posture of bowing his head was not very comfortable, so he changed the direction and bowed his head again. Yin Guo's lower lip hurt slightly, and she gave a low "hmm". The man in front of her sucked her lower lip and ate for a while, and finally started serious business.

Yin Guo seemed to be able to see every movement, how he turned his head and mingled with the tip of his tongue.

It seems that the brain is completely blind again, and I can't think at all. I just lean against the wall with him and do this kind of intimate thing. She couldn't judge how long five minutes was. In the end, the tip of her tongue was numb, and her lower lip was swollen from being bitten.

It's very itchy, even biting it doesn't work, and it's even more itchy.

Yin Guo struggled to pant for breath, the scene in front of her was a little shaken, big and small.

A man, from the end of January to the end of March, I have known each other for two months.

But the two of them just meet in a hurry every weekend, how did they get together? Her logic was all disconnected, she just had a simple thought, to be with him, to be together like this. It seems a little scared, what if he is a scumbag...

He said he was chasing after him, but what if he actually had a girlfriend? Or step on multiple boats.

I haven't even been to his school, except for a group of friends in the industry here in New York, except for my cousin who knows him, it seems that Lin Yiyang still has many unknown areas for her.

"Same as usual," he whispered in her ear with his face close to hers, "come back on the weekend."

"Yes." She agreed, wandering in her own guesses.

he laughed.

"Except for 'um', can you say two more words, goodbye is next week again." He said.

She blushed from his smile: "We can send messages."

Yes, it is possible.

But I can't touch it, I can't touch it, and I can't hold my hand.

Every time, every week, Lin Yiyang feels something new when he sees Yin Guo, like meeting him on the first day. This is the charm of long-distance love, but it is also torture. In the next four or five days, he was sure that the kiss just now could be recalled many times.

"When I was in junior high school, I often skipped classes, stayed in the billiard hall, smoked in the playground, slept in the bathroom, and wasted a lot of time," he said with emotion.

In the past two days, Yin Guo has made him miss his past self more than once, the good ones, the bad ones, the ones with intense emotions, the bloody ones, and even a person who made mistakes and impulsively from time to time.

"I'm not leaving this week," Yin Guo said, "It's not until early April."

Yin Guo intended to tell him that she was still in March, but after she finished speaking, she realized that this sentence seemed to remind the two of them: soon, the competition in early April is over, and she will return to China.

Both of them were quiet, Yin Guo saw his Adam's apple slipped slightly.

She couldn't guess what he wanted to say.

"Thursday night soon when I get back," she heard him say.

Yin Guo nodded.

Lin Yiyang didn't let her go downstairs, touched her hair at the door, closed the door for her and left. This hotel has already accommodated many players who participated in the Open. Lin Yiyang took the elevator downstairs and met several of them.

The elevator door opened, and there happened to be a familiar face, it was Barry, that Yin Guo friend who met in the Flushing Ballroom. Berry was pleasantly surprised to see him, but Lin Yiyang was in a hurry to leave, so the two quickly changed their contact information and made an appointment to contact each other when Lin Yiyang returned to New York next week. They said goodbye to each other, one left the hotel to go to the subway, and the other went upstairs.

There are people coming and going on the subway platform, there is wind, there is noise, and there are rusty metal shelves that rumble because of the running of the subway, as if they are about to fall apart. Lin Yiyang was on the platform, trying to take out his mobile phone to send her something, but finally gave up.

When he got in the car, before he could think of what to say, Yin Guo sent a voice first.

Click on it and listen: "Well, let me think about it, how can I ask you," coughed twice, as if hesitating, "You... To be honest, do you have any other girlfriends? In Washington?"


Yin Guo was in the hotel room, and after sending that voice, she began to fidget.

Long time no reply.

It's actually not long, only five minutes, but five minutes is too long for this kind of problem. She did a lot of things in these five minutes, opening the box, looking for clothes, washing her face...but she didn't care.

The heart is all in the mobile phone, in WeChat.

When she was drying her face, WeChat suddenly vibrated.

Yin Guo hurriedly opened it, nervous as if he was looking at his final grades.

Lin: What do you think?

Short, Lin Yiyang's style of answer, she could imagine his tone of voice and funny eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yiyang sent four messages, but changed his tone more cautiously.

Lin: Just on the subway, no signal.

Lin: Trust me.

Lin: I'm serious about you, very serious.

Lin: Trust me.

She held a soft white towel in her hand, and she had a small pimple in it.

Soon I received another one, which was still the same repeated and cautious sentence.

Lin: Trust me.