Fist Fight

The van then came after them even faster. As he passes the accident he then swings the car onto the correct lane and began to shift gears.

"Are you insane swinging Into the Incoming traffic" Jossie screamed.

"Is that your major Issue, would you rather I stop and say hello?" John asked.

They then open fire at them smashing his rear window

"Goddamn I just got this" John said as he took a left turn Into the woods, the van did the same.

John took another left and pulled up behind few trees and shut the car engine off. The van then speeds pass them.

He sighs and said "Get out"

She did as he said and follows him to the back of his car. He popped the trunk "It's a bit small but It will work, If anything happens to me you'll be safe" he said.

She got upset and whispered "I'm your boss's wife, you will not leave me In your trunk"

John smiled and said "I thought you might say that. I'm glad I never leave this"

He pulled a duck tape from his car. He then tapes up her mouth, hands and feet. He then placed her In the trunk gently and said

"I'm sorry about this but I promised I'm not the violent type" he slams the trunk shut.

The van came back full speed ahead, he then ran across the dirt tracks into the bushes. The van stopped and two men jumped out as the driver went around trying to cut him off.

As John hid in a tree and sat to catch his breath. One of the man stood under the tree and radio to the man saying "Bruno come In, did you find the woman at the car"

"That's a negative she's not here Valtos Is going to be pissed" the other said.

John then jumps down behind the man and stabshim in the neck. Blood gushes out as the man falls to the ground.

"Shit this Is not like dissecting a frog" he said as he puked. He pulled out his knife and dash towards the car.

On his way he saw the other man strolling to the woods, he reached into the fanny pack for his Glock.

"Shit I left It In the car" he said.

He then hid behind trees and quietly sneaks upon the man. When he was at good position he jumps out swinging the blade stabbing the man in his arm and knocking his gun out his hands.

"You dumb bastard" the man said as he pulled out the knife and holding it to attack John.

John reached for his brass knuckle "Fist fight, really I have a black belt" he said as he attack the man by throwing punches at him.

The man then blocked his attacks and kick him in the chest, as John was being pushed away by the kick, the man then swings the blade at John's throat. John raised his hand blocking it.

John yells in pain "You cut me you piece of shit I'm going to kill you" John said.

He then charged at the man in rage landing a left and right hook combo to his jaw, the man fell to the ground. As he struggled to rise to his feet, John took up his gun and hit the man in his head.

He then duck tapped the man's mouth, hands and feet. He sat under a tree and looked at his hand "Aw man this shit Is deep" he sighed as he duck tapped his wound.

He looked around as he saw a rope, he then used to bind the man feet, he then draws the man to his car.