Dirty Cops

An hour to 7 John gets a text message saying "We are around the back with your package"

John walks to the back yard and opens the gate and a black van pulls in. Two men jumps out and opens the back door a took a chopper out and a crate.

"This Is It, total Is 100 grand but because we go way back with Quaver we decided to take 95 grand" One of the man said.

John hands them 80 grand and said "You want to come In here and try to scam me ha ha, I know your boss, He's also my boss, so I get a family discount but If you want me to call up Mr Hughs"

The men laughed and replied "We are kidding"

John took his Glock out and said "Hand me the silencer so I can get a test run" They hands him a silencer.

John smiles as he equips the silencer on the gun and open fire on both of the men killing them in cold blood.

John then place their bodies in the back of the van, and pushes the motorcycle beside them.

He then hops in and drives to an empty barnyard who's owners were murdered. He then removes the motorcycle, after he begins to pour gas on the van.

He looks up and said "I've headed down a dark path haven't I? Well It can't be helped, that's the only way to my goal. Just don't hold It against me, I'm still the same" He then flicks his lighter and throws it on the van.

He looks on his watch and realize that it's 15 minutes to 7. He pulls over his hoodie and jumps on his bike "OK time to realize my wrath" He starts the bike and yelled "Yah!" he speeds of to the club.

He pulls up across from the club, he then walks in and slips the bouncer a hundred dollar bill to enter.

He walks in and sits at the bar looking at the dirty cops. A girl approaches him and asked "What's your poison"

John looks at her and smiles saying "I don't drink but I'll have anything your having"

She smiles and orders two shots of whiskey.

John downs the shot and said "I'm John Keen by the way"

She then replies "Emily, Emily Valtos"

John takes her to the center of the room to dance even though he knows that Valtos is after him.

After about an hour of having fun the cops were leaving with a package.

John whispers in Emily's ear saying "I have to go, but can I get your number to keep In touch" She then enters her number into his phone, he then rushes to the outside. As he exits the club a cop looks back and recognizes him.

John pulls his gun and shots the cop in his forehead. The other cop opens fire at John while running to his car. John jumps behind a car for cover. The cop then speeds off down the highway. John runs to his bike and started chasing the cop.

He opens fire into the car. The car began swerving across the road. John increase his speed and as soon as he was close enough he jumps on the top of the car.

He then opens the passenger front door and enters the car. He points the gun at the cop and said "Throw your gun out the window now and turn the car around"

The cop tosses the gun out the window and turns the car around. As they where approaching the motorcycle John tells him to pull over.

As the car comes to a stop John said "Throw the key out and get out"

Again the cop did as he was told, John hops out with the package, as he hears siren coming towards them, he then said "I'm glad you remember me, I want to beat you to a pulp so bad but there's no time, so on your knees"

The cop starts begging "Please no kid I'm sorry just don't do it"

"HA your a funny guy. Aren't you the same douche bag who tried to get me killed?" John asked while putting on a bikers mask and pulling the hoodie over.

The cop laugh as he sees about five police car heading his way "You won't get far If you kill me, but If you let me go they'll stop to help me while you escape" he said.

"I guess your right, I'll let you go this time" John said as he hops on his motorcycle and starts it up.

The cops grins as he whispers "Yes kid go, the next time I'll be on the other end of the gun and I won't hesitate"

John moves off then stops and calls out "Hey dip shit" As the cop turns around John let loose five rounds into his face and said "I don't forgive or forget bitch" He speeds off down the road.

The cop cars chase after John as he swings around cars and enters the Junk yard.

The cops came rushing in after him, they came to an halt as they had no idea where the bike went.

The cops exit their cars.

As they spread out across the junk yard, John quietly pushes the bike out the junk yard. As he pushes bike few meters away from the gate he starts it and rides to Mr Calvic's house.

As he enters the house he notices a huge gathering of old people in the living room while the back yard was filled with younger people.

A man walks straight to him and grabs him by his arm and pulls it.

"How many time do I need to tell you kids to stay outside there's a pool and another house back there filled with food" the man said as he tightens his grip on John's arm.

John then grabs his hands and twist it before punching him in his lower stomach. The man falls to the ground coughing, John looks around as he realizes all eyes were now on him.

Suddenly the man pulls a knife at him and said "Come to think of It your not supposed to be here, your dressing tells It all"

John pulls out his Glock and said "Take seven steps back I don't give a damn If you were Invited, I'll start squeezing"

The other guest the pulls there guns and aims at John. "You were saying?" the man asked John.

Mr Hughs shouts "Wait you trigger happy bastards! That's John the kid I was telling you guys about"

They lowered their guns and apologize to John.

"Hey John CC Is with his wife so you gotta wait, so let's go meet Jossie" Mr Hughs said.