Old faces

John rides for about an hour to an farm house where he stops and gets off the bike.

John walks over to Hope as she parks and said "Stay here this guy doesn't like new faces"

John then walks to the door and rings the doorbell. A man then came to the door with an hunting rifle. His face lights up as he saw who it was he then said "John what a surprise I haven't heard from you since you left the Keen's house"

"Well Mr Brody I didn't think you would be happy to see me since I'm not a Keen anymore" John said.

"No such thing John your like a grandson to me" Mr Brody replied.

John laughed and said "You're like an Grandpa to me Mr Brody"

Mr Brody laughed and said " That's great to hear my boy, so what's your Issue son"

"I'm here to buy the house In Garanda Hills" John said.

Mr Brody laughed and said "I did tell you It's yours not like I've changed my mind"

John then said "Your a life saver, wait It's really quiet, where's the grand kids and the Mrs?"

Mr Brody replied "There's a school concert they headed out before me"

John smiles "Let's go then" he said and signals to Hope to come.

"Is this your girlfriend John?" Mr Brody asked.

John laughed as he hops in the van back.

"I'm Hope Jones, John's roommate"

Mr Brody replied "I'm Brody Mayer, Nice to meet you. We are going to a concert are you coming or staying" She nods as she hops into the van.

A couple hours later John was at a table at the concert eating some tacos when his eyes sees the reflection of his mother walking straight towards him.