
As they were now at the house John parks the motorcycle into the garage. Raven looks at him and sighs as the rain suddenly starts to fall.

John looks at her and said "Don't worry I'll talk to them, so lets go" She nods and follows him inside. They all were waiting in the kitchen as John and Raven enters.

Emily gets up and ask "John what's she doing here?"

John looks at her "It's Thorn now and she's here with us now to over throw your brother" he replied as he and Raven headed up the stairs.

He walks to the last room and said "Raven this Is your room so we'll go shopping soon so get what you need then"

John walks into his room, locked the door and jumps onto his bed and passes out. Few hours passed and John was still asleep on his bed until his phone rings.

"Thorn speaking" John answers.

"Thorn nice name John Ha ha" a woman said.

John flies up and asked "Who Is this and how did you get this number?"

The woman laughs and answered "Jossie but It has been a while so I doubt you'll remember me"

John laughs "Well of course I remember you Mrs Hughs"

She laughs "Well that's good to know you remember me"

John asked "So what's the problem"

She sighs and replies "Meet me at the junk yard downtown at Midnight" she then hangs up.

John looks at the time and saw that it was an hour to midnight. He walks and knocks on Raven's and Emily's door and whispers "Suit up and meet me outside In five minutes" As they both where outside John pulls the Jeep out the garage.

"Emily your driving and Raven your riding shotgun" John said as he took the seat in the back. As they were on the road John hands them a mask and filled in the details. As they pulled up into the Junk yard.

John said "Masks on now" the car then came to an halt.

Mrs Hughs walks to the car with a bag into her hands and a smile on her face. Raven came out and searched her before placing her on the back seat.

Mrs Hughs then said "I see you made friends John and your living like the a king now, even though your broke" she laughs.

John then said "Cut the shit Hughs and get to the point. Also the names Thorn now"

"I see your still the same weirdo like before. I need you to take my sister Anna under your care I'll pay you one million dollars" she said.

"And why would I do that and why ask me I'm a wanted man by the cops and some cartels" John said.

"John you've saved my life and my child once I have faith In you, basically the only person I can trust at the moment" She said to him.

John laughs and replied "Yea right! So why does she need my protection?"

"She witnessed Talic killing a man and she went to the cops and now he's after her and my husband nor his friends won't help her because they don't like snitches. I asked my husband to help and his words were snitches gets stitches" She said.

John said "Actually It's more like snitches ends up In ditches. So I'll take her"

Jossie looks on John and said "She's a good girl don't make her Into a criminal John"

She then hands him a bag with the money.

John smiles "Mrs Hughs nice doing business with you and remember to watch you six" he said.

She exited the car and signals her sister to come over and then placed her into the car and kissed her good bye knowing that this might be the last time she hears from her. She shuts the door and went over to her car and speeds off.

Emily did the same speeding off in the opposite direction.

"So Anna, I'm Emily and you'll be bunking with me until Thorn decides on setting up another room" Emily said.

"Don't get friendly with me, your all criminals like Talic and I have no Interest getting to know criminals" Anna said.

"HAHA that shits funny the last time I checked your family runs the mafia" Raven said.

"So I'm not like them I work for what I want the right way something you guys will never understand" Anna said.

Raven laughs and said "Yet your here rolling with criminals and the only way your going to survive your gonna need to be able to protect yourself"

"That's why you were paid a million dollars to protect me from all harmful hand" Anna said.

Emily then pulls up into the garage and shuts the car off.

"We are having a tenant meeting at 6 a.m so Emily tell the other two and this includes you Anna" John said as he exited and enters the house.

Anna laughs and asked "Who does this guy think he Is?" as she exited the car.

Emily replied "He's the man keeping us all alive, now follow me or sleep outside In the car but the moment Raven reaches In the moment the house Is under lockdown"