Surviving the cold night

Few hours had pass and the girls were In the cave waiting on Maxi to return before the storm hits. They both knew It was a matter of time for the storm to emerge due to the strong winds and the sound of thunder In the sky sounding like drums playing repeatedly.

They look and saw the rain and lightening heading towards them and in front was Maxi running with what appears to be three dead foxes on his back. He came diving Into the cave land at Anna's feet and sighs.

"Are you stupid It's just water not acid falling from the sky" Anna shouts at him.

"I Know that I just thought It would be cool" Maxi replies while smiling.

As they all were busy skinning the foxes in silence while they listen to the storm. Anna then breaks the silent by asking "Was John all ways like this crazy person?"

Maxi replies "No he was always a weird kid but he was also a cool kid who loves adventure. I think he flipped when his parents turn their backs on him"

"So what's the deal with his weird name he calls himself?" Anna asked.

Maxi replies saying "It's the shortening for Thornton, which Is his middle name"

Anna starts laughing and said "Now I see, his parents obviously hates him from birth If they named him John Thornton Keen"

"Hey don't let him hear you say that" Maxi said.

Hope giggles and said "I kinda agree with Anna for the first time and maybe this Is the last time that she say something worth agreeing to"

"What does that suppose to mean" Anna yells at Hope

"Well to be honest his name does lack originality" Maxi said.

After they had completed the process of skinning and pulling out the foxes guts, Maxi placed them over the flames and starts cooking them. Anna places the foxes fur somewhere that they could dry while Hope joins the huge leaves together.

Anna then looks at her with this dreadful look and asked "Why are you placing the leaves so close together"

Hope sighs before replying "So that we don't freeze to death, as you can see all we have on Is our under wears"

"Oh but isn't that why we made a fire?" Anna replies.

Hope sighs and nods while Maxi was laughing at her. About an hour later they started to eat the fox meat. When Anna looks at Maxi and ask "Why catch three? It would've been OK If we shared one and catch another day than eat and let more than half waste"

Maxi sighs and said "I think the words your looking for are thank you Maxi for providing dinner"

"Well I am grateful but you do know we're out here for a month and we need to conserve food" Anna said while Hope nods in agreement.

"OK next time I go hunting I'll catch one and share It equally between me and Hope while you get the fox's head" he bursts out in laughter while saying this.

"HA HA, your so funny Maxi but what I want to know Is why your here Isn't John like your cousin or something" Anna asked Maxi.

Maxi then replies "Best friends actually we aren't related to each other, we just grew up together and the reason we are here Is because we opposed his actions and denied being apart of his plans.

Anna laughs and the asked "So Hope how did you meet John, are you like together or something?"

Hope replies saying "No we are not together and I brought him to the hospital after I found him passed out on the streets with a gun shot wound. I then brought him to the hospital, the short story after Is that he re-payed me by giving me a place to stay, food to eat and a car"

"What he bought you a car, took care of you and yet your against him" Maxi said.

"I'm not saying I'm not grateful It's just that I don't agree with killing people" Hope said.

"Well I agree with you Hope. By the way what's up with the other girls? Anna asked.

"Well Emily Is apart of a mafia family just like you and her brother Is trying to end her to remove the competition. So she came for protection from John" Maxi said.

"Now Raven was sent to kill her and John killed her partner, kidnapped her and she then escaped and called for backup. When they came they tried to kill her and John saved her and from then she's loyal to him" Hope said.

As they were finish eating they curled up together and went to sleep.