Bitter Sweet time

For the rest of the drive they were both silent and Jossie kept glancing at him hoping he would be the one to break the awkward silence. She sighed as she gave up on him breaking the silence. When they started to drive up the hill where John had left his friends, he realized that the car was now surrounded by people in masks.

A person walks forward and yells "Step outside the vehicle before we fill It up with metal"

"Stay low Jossie I don't recognize this voice" John said as he stepped out with his hands up.

The person then said "Number two go search him"

Number two lowered his weapon and approached him. As he begins his search John smiles and grabs him by the neck before placing his back on the car.

"Listen If you don't want him to die drop your weapons or I'll be forced to take out the trash" John shouts.

The previous person replies "Your out numbered one of us will take you out"

"I see your the type that runs his mouth too much. This Is your last chance" John said.

The person laughs and said "Bring your best"

John glares at them and shoves number two on the person in front him. He then dives off into the bushes where he formulates a plan on how to stop eight men, armed with assault rifles. The others came around and stopped at the car looking over into the bushes.

Number two then yells out "Well now I'm going to take your friend as my hostage"

He opens the front passenger door and held Jossie by the hair. He started to pull her from the seat, Jossie starts screaming as she grabs the seat trying her best not to get pulled out. Her voice was suddenly covered as a shot was fired. Number two falls to the ground and started screaming as he held on to his leg.

The others turned and open fire into the bushes. Two others went over to grab Number Two to draw him to safety. As they started to reload their guns John emerges from the bushes behind them. He quickly disarming them one by one and knocked them to the ground. John grins as he points his pistol at them.

"I cannot and I will not ever be stopped" John said.

As John ready his weapon to fire Maxi runs out and said "Thorn wait!"

John looks up at him and smiled as he walks over greeting him with an hug.

Maxi said "Your free, how's that possible?"

"That's a story for another time. Do tell me who these jokers are?" John said as he points at them.

Maxi sighs and replies "After you left, we decided to take In trouble kids and train them"

"Sounds good are they full fledged assassins yet?" John asked.

Maxi replied in a deep tone "NO! we're done with those games John see what happened to you"

"Where are the others?" John asked as he walks towards the house.

Maxi replies "They're Inside doing usual stuff and Asuna went back to her home country with the kid"

John smiles and runs into to the door smashing it down. Everyone turned with their pistols pointing at the door.

John laughs and said "Knock knock bitch am kicking In the front door"

Everyone face was filled with joy as they rushed to greet him except Hope who stood a far and held her head down.

"I see your a free man now John" Raven said as she had a smile on her face.

Emily gave him a kissed on his cheek and said "Glad to see you again old friend"

"How Is It that you don't look like crap Thornton?" Anna said as she giggles.

John started to blush as he said "I'm still a wanted man Raven, Emily I'm glad to be back, Anna I see your still asking those stupid questions and Hope come here don't be shy"

Hope looked at him and started crying. She then said "I'm sorry John I failed you, It's all my fault"

"Nah I'm the one who made myself got caught" John said.

Hope replies "It's not that"

Before she could finish the sentence Maxi interrupted her saying "Hope now Is not the time, so John leave It for now you'll know after we done celebrating your return"

At the same time Quinns and Scott entered the house.

"Well whatever just bring me to my Idiotic brother who never came to welcome me home"

John said as he folds a fist and kept rubbing it.

Hope cried even more as John said this, while the others held there heads down.

Maxi sighs and replies "We'll talk about this later John"

"What happened to my brother?" John said.

Maxi replies "I'll talk about It later"

"What did you just say, you'll tell me what I need to know now" John yells out.

Maxi replies angrily "You have no power here John, I do so cool It"

John them shoves him to the wall "Your talking about power, what happened to my brother?"

The others rushed in and aimed at John while the girls kept yelling "Stand down"

"Listen John he died, so let him go so we can talk about It" Raven yells.

John released him and walked over to the table where he stood into a corner with tears runs from his eyes.