Operation Stripclub

After a few months had passed, the business was running smoothly and the Specs were nowhere to be found until today when they finally decided to make a move on their operation.

They went and robbed the second branch, they also killed few of the employees and destroyed machines. John had sent Quinns and Mifflin to check it out. He then sent Jordan to Investigate the Specs HQ.

The next day they were all in a room discussing their next move.

Hope said "Thorn we need to handle this fast and quietly"

"John we lost a whole lot of products and machinery" Quinns said.

Anna replies saying "Product! we lost nearly a million by trying to cover it up, not to mention the things you listed and the building.

"Specs HQ Is well guarded but the boss there Clark has a fetish for strippers. Every night he and his right hand man Pablo goes to the club downtown called Moonlight Spades" Jordan said.

Scott then asked "Should I send few guys to pay them a visit?"

"I'll handle this myself. Scott and Q tighten security here. Jordan work with the girls and get a budget we can afford. Mifflin and Adriana get the workers here and screen them. Raven your with me" John said before heading to the garage"

In the garage two guards were waiting on them to arrive. "What's this?" John asked.

A guard then said "Ms Q said not to let you guys go out alone sir"

"It's fine we can handle this ourselves" John said as he started walking pass the guards, he was stopped by Raven.

Raven said "I know back home you did everything on your own but now we run a business and many people wants to hurt you"

"You know we can handle this by ourselves Raven" John said.

The guard then yells at John saying "Thorn sir we want In and you can't stop us. We lost friends and family In the attack we want blood for our brothers. We can either come with you or the whole security team are going to war"

John stares at them and said "They're my family too and since you feel so motivated let's start a war"

The guards smiled as they hopped up into the van with Raven and John in the back. As they pulled up at the club the guard said "What's the plan?"

"I don't know. Do we kill their boss or just go In there to wage a war" John asked.

Raven replies "Either way you guys take it, there's gonna be a war so bring his head to our people"

The four then enters the club and bribed the hostess to let them into Clark's room. As they entered Clark and Pablo got up holding them at gun point.

"Your out numbered, I would suggest that you guys take a seat and not escalate this any further" John said.

Clark then lowers his gun and said "Thorn your here not to kill me? How amusing"

"A full out war would lead to us both loosing too much" John said.

Clark replies saying "So what are you thinking of then?"

"An old fashion blackmail. You'll leave us alone or I'll tell your wife about you being here. Lastly I'm sure you don't want your mother to hear about you being the head of a criminal organization" John said.

Clark then replies "The family trick how cold of you kid"

"The truth Is Clark you're the least of my problems, I got hugher ups hunting me. The reason I'm telling you this Is because I want you to get Involve" John said.

Clark asked"Why Is that?"

"I know for a fact they don't want people knowing about them" John replies.

Clark then said "So If I go to them I'll be killed"

"YES and also If you kill me" John said.

Clark said "OK I'm In but this Is the last time we meet"

"One more thing you'll need to pay me for the damage" John replies.

Clark rushes closer to him and said "You stupid bastard I'm not giving you a dime. We have a deal so let's stick to It"

John then points a pistol to his chest and said "Well I wished this would work out but either way I'm getting what I want"

He then hits him across the head knocking him out, while Raven did the same thing to his bodyguard. They dragged them both out through the back exit and followed the ally way that leads to the parking lot.

After loading them into the trunk, they made a call to HQ to set up a meeting. As John enters the building everyone had a confused look on their faces.

Jordan approaches him and said "J the workers are asking why they are here this late, hell I'm wondering why I'm here"

Raven and the two guards then enters with the two men and tosses them down the stairs.

"We got the scum who hurt us and the outcome depends on you all" Raven yelled.

The workers begins cheering an shouts "Let us have them".

"Wait a moment we can't be like them, we should show them mercy" John said.

All looked at John with a surprise look on their faces. John then laughs and said "You should see the look on your faces, like who am I kidding. Screw mercy, they're all yours" John then tosses them into the crowd.