
As he regains consciousness he realizes that he was in the living room and was surrounded by everyone. He then said "I see I failed to stop him.

"Failed! you got humiliated so badly bro, two hits and you were knocked out, look" Anna said as she shows him a video of the fight.

Jordan then said "You video the fight instead of trying to help me stop him"

"Are you crazy? I'm not a fighter." Anna replies.

Jordan then said "What! You, me and Scott have been trained in self defense"

"Exactly that's for defending you fool" Anna said while laughing.

Jordan was now filled with rage and yells "I still think we would've made a difference"

"No you both would've been laying here If she had intervene" Quinns said.

"Exactly, don't throw yourself In front of a speeding car trying to stop it" Anna said as she shakes her head.

Emily then said "At least he tried to stop him while you were just recording"

"Don't act like we all didn't play a part In pushing him away" Anna replies.

Jordan held his head and said "Everyone except Raven"

"Well enough of this, we got a business to run" Quinns said as she tucked her pistol into her jacket. The others did the same and went to work.

A few months later, while everyone was at a beach-house celebrating a successful business term. The beach-house was filled with workers, new business partners, dirty police and Politicians that they had in their pockets.

Adriana walks up to a podium and said "Can I have everyone's attention" She pauses a few seconds and wait until everyone was fully attentive.

She then continues by saying "When we just started this, we had no Idea on how to run a business. But we had the most important thing any great leader could have and that's Trust. We place all our trust in you our employees, to provide the best service and product. Now here we are stronger and even better than how we were before"

She then takes a sip of her wine and continues "I was always told not to settle for anything less than the best. So my colleague will be informing you all how we're going to move from better to the best. Mifflin the floor Is all yours" She then walks off.

The lights dim and Mifflin came from the back, as he slowly walks to the podium he said "Thank you Adriana and thank you all for being here. As you all now know I'm Mifflin and I'm here to tell you our future plans for this organization. At the end you all will get new roles and task but for now let's get started. He was now at the podium.

"So we all know that our organization Isn't a legal one but that's all about to change. That doesn't mean that we'll abandon our current operations, that would be crazy. We've already venture into legal businesses like Restaurants, Car Marts, clothing store and so on. Some of you will be trained to fit in with other workers there and don't worry you'll be paid the same what you make here plus the work you put in the area you were placed" Mifflin said.

He continues "So the cops here have more of our businesses to protect and our partners have to start investing more to help us grow. So when your all done having fun, check your email and see what area your going to be placed"

"So what about the politician" A man yells out from the back who was in a hoodie.

Mifflin then said "That's for us to decide at a later time"

"Your saying they're useless at the moment" the man said.

Mifflin then ask "Are you doubting us?"

"Just that we're siding with politicians who doesn't input noting" John said as he took the hoodie off.

The others were all shocked.

"None of you politicians will leave here without handing me $20000" John said.

A politician got up and said "Who Is this piece of shit that thinks he runs this goddamn business"

John then pistol whipped him and took off his hoodie. As everyone who knew him was shock at his appearance. He then said while walking to the podium "Seal the doors and don't let a single politician escape"

The security guards look at him like he was crazy before pointing their guns at him. A politician then asked "Who is this crazy man?"

"Crazy huh! I'm Thorn of Jongstrom, the reaper's death scythe and the Hit-man" John said as he turns to the crowd.

Emily then rushes over to him and leaped into his arms crying. Raven then said "For those who don't know him, this is the man that made everything possible. So make this the last day any of you disobey his order"

Falcon a new member that they added then said "John what are you doing, don't kill the politicians we need them"

John glares at him with a homicidal look on his face and said "Who are you to address me by first name like I know you"

"I'm Falcon I was recruited by your team and now I know It was to replace you" He said. The others jaws dropped in shock.

John laughs and kissed Emily on her forehead before saying "Politicians your all scums that can't be trusted, so in order to keep your heads you'll be paying a fee of $20000, all of you except that guy who just got pistol whipped. You have to pay $50000"

"This is bullshit after everything we did for you" A politician yells.

John then said "Just know I've got sleeper agents everywhere, laying low and ready to kill everyone you know if you decide to betray me"

"Your a scum and your going to die" A politician yells.

"Is that a threat?" John said before pulling a machete from his hoodie. He rushes towards the man and raised to swing, suddenly John felt a tight grip onto his hand. He turns and sees Falcon.

Falcon then said "I've told you, don't be making decisions"

John then lan8d a punch to his jaw with his right hand, Falcon then retaliates by landing a kick to his stomach after which he lands a punch to his nose bridge. As John fell to the ground he pulls out another machete and jumps up. He rushes in swinging as the other yells for them to stop. Falcon started ducking and dodging, he then runs up on a wall and flips landing behind John who was chasing him. He lands another kick to his back, which sent John crashing into the wall.

Falcon laughs as John slowly turns looking at him, John then drops the Machetes and lands a left, right,left combo to his face. As he was dressing back John grabs him by the shirt and pulls him in and gave him a knee to his stomach.

John continues by repeatedly punching him in the face. Falcon reaches into his pocket for a knife and stabbed John in his lower stomach.

John stepped back and held onto his wound. Emily rushes out and hugs Falcon and said "Babe please no more"

John eyes widened in shock, he then asked "What do you mean by babe"

"I'm sorry John I moved on, you left me broken" Emily said.

"Told you that I was your replacement in many ways" Falcon said as he laughs.

"YOU! You stab me" John said.

Falcon replies "Don't cry just go to the infirmary round back the doc will help you"

John the started to laugh insanely before pulling out two pistol from underneath his hoodie.

Hope then yells out "John enough I think you need to leave and don't come back till your sanity returns"

John looks around at everyone and saw that they all wanted the same thing. Raven then rushes over to John and said "This Is how your going to treat him again? John you'll be alright"

"Raven enough you can't always protect him from the truth that he's a grown ass man now. Just leave him and worry about your health. Jordan said.

Hope then said "He's right Raven, John go to the doc and then leave"

John then yells "I swear to god I rather die than disgrace it" He started walking towards the door, he started singing "Stuck here, in the same place, everyone a fake" he then exited the building.