An Accident

It was a normal sunday. No, rather is was good sunday. I didn't have any work that day, i also had a good amount of money left from the rest of the month and payday was comming soon.

Such a good day it was, that I, the antisocial NEET decided to go for walk, a decision that I have yet to make up my mind on whether is was good or bad.

I put some normal clothes, not very eye-catching but very comfortable, a perfect much for a casual stroll in the sun.

After i make sure to at least not look like a clown by washing and tidying up a bit a proceded to exit my apartment. But i don't why, i just had the sudden need to take a last look before leaving for the stroll. The apartment itself was neither big or small. It had a kitchen, a bath, and two rooms. I used one as a bedroom and one as an office. As for elecronic devices, other than the kitchen appliances, i had an internet router, a rather good laptop, and my phone. Did i mention that i worked as a part time novelist, because i did.

After taking a good look, i close the door and make sure to lock the door, you see, there had been an increase of crime in my area so i was a little extra careful while locking the door.

My destination was a park. It was far enough for it to be quite the task to get to, but not far enough to make me completely exhausted.

As i was walking to the park, i started thinking about my life.

I was raised in an orphanage. I am still not quite sure whether or not my parent were dead or just abandoned me at birth, the orphanage refused to answer any questions and i wasn't that intrested in my parents either way. I mean, everyone can make a child, that's the easy part, but raising a child is where you truly get the title of the parent.

In school, i was average enough to never have any trouble passing a grade but at the same time not good enough to go study at a good university, so i decided to pass on further education after highschool.

After i became of age, i was kicked out of the orphanage, at the time, it was a little rough having to get a job and study enough to finish the final grade of highschool but i managed to pull it of somehow. I got an afternoon job as a library clerk, the pay was good and as an added bonus i could study when someone was not in need of help.

After i finished highschool i also started writing novel as a hobby, but they turned out rather popular, nothing spectacular, but good enough to make some spare change here and there.

I didn't have friends. With that i dont't mean i didn't talk or know people, i just didn't have any real friends. As for a girlfriend, i never had one, i don't know why, but i kinda like it this was, it's more peaceful this way.

If i had to say any redeeming qualities about me, it would be that i know how to play the piano quite well. I would use the pocket money that the orphanage gave out every month for my lessons, that and with a little bit of talent i managed to somehow learn to play the piano quite well.

All in all, life is going well, rather, it's going too well, i was kinda feeling somthing bad is going to happen soon, but the idiot that i am, i decided to ignore my gut feeling and continue on with my stroll.

Almost halfway there i saw a figure, i know what you are thinking, you are on your way to the park on such a good day, other could have the same though as well. If it was any other situation i would 100% agree with you but this is a very unique situation. How do i know that, well that very simple, you see, in all my life which is almost 21 years now i have yet to see a more SUSPICIOUS person than the man in front of me.

He was wearing black pants, a black shirt, a black jacket, black shoes, a black mask, no not a surgical mask, it was from a halloween costume and a black gentleman's hat. If that didn't do it for you, he was also looking around nervously with his right hand in his jacket looking as if he was holding something.

Now, i would never boast being smart, but even if you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed, you could figure out that something is seriously wrong with him. I tried to look around for anyone else, only to belatedly realise that there was no one near me other than that man. At this point i started to, very slightly, panic. I tried to avoid eye contact and walk slowly away from the man, at least until i found some more people, but to my utter dismay he seem to pick up on that fact and started coming agresively towards me. As a NEET i figured i didn't have the stamina to outrun him so i stoud my ground and got ready for impact.

When he stoud just infront of me, he pulled out his right hand which, surprise surprise, had a huge knife. He switch hands with his weapon and then grabed me with his now empty right hand, while of course, not forgeting to point his knife at me.

"Ha...hand o...over anything valuable and i will not h...hurt you"

A pretty typical mugging, the problem was it that he is stuttering. No i am not making fun of stuttering people, but that together with the fact that his hand is trembling made me aware of something that i would rather not know. He is panicking, meaning he has no experience in mugging, meaning that i am the first person he mugging in his life. Now, for anyone that didn't know, out of all that crimes of this sort, 80% of the fatal accident happen when the robber has no experience in said crime.


"Ok, Ok, i will give you whatever you want just don't hurt me"

For anyone that is currently mocking me, i have to remind you that he is armed and i am below average when it come to any shape or form of body movements, not that i am fat, i am just below average when it concerns fitness.

"Hurry up!"


I pulled out everything with monetary value on me and, very slowly, tryed to hand it over.

He seemed aware of the fact i am not going to pull of any funny business, so he too put the knife away and was getting ready to accept my stuff.

Everything was going well until...


A very loud shout broke all my hopes of getting out of this unscathed.

A police officer saw us acting suspiciously and after coming closer he realised what was happening.

The mugger panicked and pushed me away with increadible strength, and before i could relise it, i was laying down in the midle of the street. I was not realy worried though, i was now away from the knife, with a police officer on his way and on a road with very little traffic, everything was going well.

All that calmness went away the moment i heard honking.

I quickly turn my head to my side only to see, the one, the only, truck-kun and before i could let out a wry laugh for the situation that i was in, i felt a huge blow and lost consciousness immediately.