Magic Was Supposed To Be A Rare Thing

After i got my 2 new skills clearing away monsters became much easier.

'Genius' doesn't help all that much but it will periodically give me a gread idea that will save me a lot of trouble.

'Weak faster thinking' on the other hand is already one of my best skill, originaly it would have been only an ok skill unless you evolve it further but my situation is very unique.

Unlike normal skills this one works of your base stats!

I am getting 7 points of intelligence each and every single level, this is far more than an average person could ever hope to get!

This skill together with my 'mana manipulation' make the casting speed of my spells close to none.

Actualy i can cast 2 'weak light arrow barrage' spells at the same time, it also made my action of compressing gluttonus aura into a spear and bomb far faster than before, to the point that i no longer have to prepare it in advance.

And as this was not enough it helped me accomplice another thing that is very crucial in battles which is to be able to cast spells without making it obvious.

Denizen of this world do not need to speak out the name of the spell to be casted nor do they need to have a magic wand or something like that, the only thing required is to think of the spell in your mind.

This looks easy but it's actualy pretty hard, i mean look at my situation, my intelligence is 250+ and i still need to make a body movement to cast my spells like waving my hand.

It was beginning to bother me since the monsters were becoming more and more intelligent as it could lead to a dangerous situation.

Now with just a bit of effort i am able to truly 'silent cast' all my spells, it's still not perfect but i only need to either level up my skill or myself a couple of times and everything will be fine.

On another note, i have taken control of 60% of this dungeon floor over these past few days.

The bees didn't lose all that much ground, spiders on the other hand are practically on the verge of extinction.

This can't be helped, the bees are organised way too well and i would need many times the effort to take over their ground, i am planning to completely take out all extra dangers before going after them.

Spiders as the second strongest group are in a completely different league form when compared to the ants and the centipedes.

Every spider sub-nest has at the very least a spider close to the level of strength of the white centipede which is honestly both very impressive and very alarming at the same time.

I had severely underestimated the strength of the spider group, if this keeps going like this then the spider queen might be almost at the level of the drake i had previously fought with.

But at this point it's not all that scary of a thought, i have grown incredibly since my fight with the earth drake.

I am not saying that it is going to be a super easy battle but as long as i pay attention i should finish the battle relatively unscathed.

RIght now i am on my way to clear out the last sup-nest of the spiders, from what i have see this should be the closest one to the nest thus there is a good chance that it is going to be relatively harder.


I have yet to enter this sub-nest but there are already noticeable difference.

The number of normal spiders is way lower than it should be but the number of purple-human sized spiders are more than ten time larger than what i have previously seen.

Not only that but there is also a white spider on the periphery.

This is mind boggling level of information, the stronest ones are always deep in the nests, if such a strong monster is just guarding the surroundings what exactly was waiting on the inside.

I shake my head to rid all the distracting thoughts of my mind before i sprung into action.

A gluttonus spear to the white spider and spam casting 'light spear' to the purple while at the same time spreading deluted gluttonus aura to the surounding.

Previously, so many and precise moves would have either been impossible or would have left me in a very vulnerable situation but now all this is done with room to spare.

'Hmm, i could should probably start leveling up the 'weak light arrow barrage', it will be way easier to clear out all those purple spiders'

Like this inner monologue that is aimed to maximise my spider clearing efficiency.


The sound of breaking flesh sounded all around and it came from none other than that white spider.

The previously dangerous spiders now had a pitch black spear stuck right at it's abdomen, knowing full well that there is no recovering from such damage she started to sprint towards me at full speed.

Unfortunately for it, the piercing damage was the least damaging part of my attack.

WIth a 'band' the black spear exploded and with it the spider as well.

This is how i could clear out all these nest so fast, this is of couse a new implementation made to insta-kill relatively stong targets without wasting so much time.

By exploding the spear i no longer have the option to let it spread to my target and 'eat' it from within but this is unnecessary for most situations.

It's only worth it to let the spear slowly kill the my target when it's either way stronger than me or way tankier than me.

For situations such as this, killing it of quickly without giving it time to cause trouble is the ideal thing for me to do.

Without a white spider to take command there was no hope for the rest of the spiders to even do any damage to me since i am always casting 'weak stone skin' when i do a nest raid.

All thing were going as planed until two new spider popped up.

One of them was no different from the white spider i had previously killed.

But the second one was completely different from any spider i have seen before.

It was around the size of a teenager with vibrant lilac colour!

My eyes widened for a bit not from fear but from happiness.

If this is anything like the bees, then this lilac spider should be able to cast magic.

This would be an excellent addition to my skill collection before i faced the spider queen since i highly doubt that all these incects that have never seen the light all their lifes can cast light magic.

Before they could even begin to aproach i send a gluttonus spear to the white spider.


The lilac spider let out a loud screech but somehow it felt as if this thing was mocking me.

It the starting waving it's front little feet around it the air, i don't know if it is because i haven't seen anyone in more than a month but i somehow fund that action cute.

With a light buzz sound a dark light started going at the front of the white spider before before it transformed into some kind of shield.

'Is this some kind of weak barrier, or perhaps the unevolved version?'


The lilac spider let out another screech bofore it jumped behind the white one.

'So these two are a tank/damage dealer and support/mage combo, impresive!'

I haven't seen something like this since my fight at the ape nest on the first floor and it got my blood boiling.

This was going to be no doubt one of the most fun and interesting battles i have ever had!

...or not.


With a single attack the barrier was completely destroyed and the spear pierced through the white spider and the lilac spider at the same fucking time before it exploded.

Staring blankly at the rather gruesome scene in front of me i could help but want to facepalm from disappointment.

Shaking my head i aproached the corpses or rather some parts of them since it is now all over the place after the explosion and used gluttony while praying to Theresia that this actualy give me what i hope to get.


[User has aquired skill 'Dark magic']


[User has aquired skill 'Weak dark shield']


My scream ,which by the way at this point extremely loud do to my 'bronze body' having tempered my vocal cord, resounded throughout the whole dungeon.

What i am very happy about is not dark magic but rather the dark spell called 'weak shield'.

While dark magic is pretty cool it is not going to make a huge difference in me clearing the dungeon but that spell on the other hand is honestly a game changer.

If i were to stuck all my defenses up then i would end up with 3 different thing at the same time if you were to include my tempered body.

Thinking of this i was so pumped up that i went strait to the last spider nest.

I managed to clear some of the smaller spiders but just when i was about to get any closer almost 7 lilac spiders popped out and were staring at me.



With that single word out of my mouth o began to, tactically, retreat.

'Wasn't magic supposed to be a rare thing? What in the actual fuck is going on here?!@'