As It Would Turn Out, All Monsters In This Floor Are Bosses! (2)

I quickly took out an almost 2 meter long spear, making the situation a bit comical since it almost double my size, and took a defence stance.

The spear in question had a pale yellow colour with hive-like paterns adoring it all around making it way too eye catching for a stealth mission so i had to keep it in the inventory until now, this was one of the very few good drops in the second floor and was as one might expect dropped by the queen bee boss.

After the chaos of the second floor all my weapons were either completely destroyed or on the verge of collapsing and this spear was the only thing can be used for combat, i wanted to make some more weapons but i realised that i have no good meterials so i left it alone for the time being.

Honestly getting out of this situation without using magic might be a bit troublesome, especially since i don't know if there are more reinforcement on their way.

Just when i was getting ready to attack the wolf closest to me i sensed a very vague sense of threat only for it to disappear instanly and at the same time the wolf that was right in front of me was sliced in half and taken away.

The attacker was translucent creature that looked very similar to praying mantis, albeit hundreds times larger with a size at about 5 meters.

I don't even need to look further because i know full well what that monster is.

'Head hunter' a being whose only purpose is to hunt and kill so it can became stronger.

Although head hunter is a very scary name reality is very distant from that, at least most of the time.

They are also know by another name which is far less domineering, 'self propelling fireworks'.

This is a well known joke by low level adventurers and for good reason, head hunters are beings born for the sole purpose of battle and slaughter leaving body fortification or defence of any form and focusing only in strength and speed as well as senses and camouflage in other words they are your typical glass cannons.

This is both the boon and bane of their species since they are so fast and strong that they can kill creatures many time their level but at the same time so very fragile that they can only use one attack with each claw before they break which forces them to kill their target with a single hit and take him back to their hideout where they will eat and regenerate their limbs while at the same time increase their strenght.

Because monsters aren't born with such information, many time newly created head hunters inside dungeons would attack head first their enemy which would lead to their body exploding, making a mess out of everyone in a 30 meter radious.

Jokes aside, head hunters in high level dungeons can be the scariest monster that you can encounter since they can make quick work of anyone that isn't a tank and this isn't even the worst part.

In very rare occasions they will have they ability to work together with one another to the point of even sacrificing themselfs just to injure their prey for the rest of the team to have, there are many manes to call this phenomenon by the most usual ones are 'orchestra' or 'death sentence' depending on whether or not you are the person being been hunted down.

As you can understand, the chances of me NOT being hunted down but an orchestra of head hunters is slim to none as this dungeon is complete bullshit!

Seeing that most of the wolf are distracted i started going towards the head huntet while it is still injured while at the same time stabbing and slashing at nearby wolf.

This would have been originaly been a very tough battle to win with just martial arts but this is only the case when they would be working as a team, individually wolf are weak enough that i could probably be able to take down dozens of then before i even needed to use gluttony for energy and mind.

The head hunter had cut of the head of the wolf and had started to make of with the rest of the body, unfortunately for it i was there.


A single stab was all that it took and the head hunter was no more.

After finishing of the rest of the wolf, with the exeption of the magic wielding one, i put the all in the inventory and rushed back at full speed to the safe-zone, well as fast as i could while maintaining 'hide' and 'weak weaken presence' at maximum output.

As it would turn out that was the right choice since on my way back i spotted over a dozen different battles taking place.

All these battles had the same thing in common, it was only between cyclops and minotaur.

Sometimes it was 10 or more minotaur teaming up on an already injured cyclops and other times 2-3 cyclops making quick work of 5 or so minotaurs.

Just when i was beginning to wander why no other type of monster was fighting i saw a head hunter cut down one of the minotaurs.

This battle was pretty even with 20 minotaurs one the one side and 2 cyclops on the other but the moment the head hunter attacked all fighting stopped and both sides just stared at the head hunter for a second before attacking it together.

As you can imagine the head hunter was first neatly dissected by the minotaurs before being made into meat paste by the 2 cyclops.

'Ok, these monsters are becoming smarter and smarter as the floors go by!'

Putting aside all my inhibition i finally arrived at the safe-zone and the first thing i did was to take out the head hunter corpse.

Previously the head hunter was blending in with the background making it seem translucent but after it's death it regained it's real form which is actualy pretty cool-looking.

It had no skin and it's flesh was like glass, completely see though, with the only difference is that it's far more flexible.

It had organs same as a human being, albeit many times bigger, and it blood had a light blue colour, honestly it kinda reminded me of the leve lamps in my previous world.

Shaking my head, i took out the wolf corpses as well as all the drops, which were 2.

Drops are dependant on the individual strength of the monster, meaning that in the last floor i pretty much got nothing.

The drops were a pair of boots and some type of magical grass since i can feel mana emanating from it.

Leaving the grass inside the inventory i proceeded to study the boots, as the first piece of armor i got from a drop i realy wanted to examine it but i realy didn't have the skills nessesary.


A single sound registered in my head before a huge amount of pain came from my abdomen, to utter astonishment there was a single translucent limb sticking out from my stomach.



Completely ignoring the system notification i attempt to get a better hold of the situation.

But just as i was beginning to turn around my head to see what exactly was going on i heard the sound of the air being pierced and a sense of threat coming towards my neck.

Without even thinking i casted 'weak dark protection' and the 'weak stone skin' while at the same time rasing my hand to block the blow.

With a 'crack' the protection broke within seconds but i never was pinning my hopes to fully block the attack, instead that single second gave me more than enough time to properly block the attack.


The moment the limb came in contact with my hand it exploded in blue bloody mist.

I gave no other chances and started casting light spears right behind my back.

The attacker, who is obviously the head hunter, started to remove his hand that was stuck in my stomach to flee away from me or at least it attempted to do it since i was already holding it with my other hand.


The battle cry was cut midway together with it's skull, next followed a thud as the 5 meter tall creature fell to the ground.

The wound wasn't that bad, pain of this magnitude is no longer enough plus i am pretty sure that my 'effect resistance' also got a level during the battle.

Now, how to deal with this.

I had indeed seen the limb sticking out from my stomach but i didn't have enough time to see just how much the damage was.

Almost half of my stomach is completely destroyed, although i should be getting mad for being so injured i couldn't help but to feal a bit pity for the head hunter since he struck the single place in my body where such a large wound wouldn't be able to infuence my actions or even worse!

This also reminded me of the reality i had begun to forget, i am just a 5 year old child smaller than most humans let alone for these behemoths.

Just when i was thinking of all of this i noticed my image reflecting from a pudle of blood a bit farther away.

There was a young boy wearing mismatched clothes and armor while a scythe like limb almost as long as his whole body was piercing his stomach with a huge creature sprawled behind his back.

But this isn't even the weirdest part, the boy had a smile on his face and an extremely sinister one at that!

I raise my hand to check by gently touching my cheek and it was indeed true.


[User has aquired skill 'Killing intent']

[Killing intent: User has become accustomed to killing, while in battle pain will be reduced and strength shall increase.]

[Warning: Usage of this skill might lead to undesirable consequences, users discretion is advised]

" would seem that my mental state isn't as good as i had previously thought."