Issei Beelzebub POV
I yelled when i look around. I don't recognize this area! Where the fucking hell is this?!
I turn when some weak voice call my name. I see a a young woman who appears to be in her late teens with a buxom figure, a light skin tone, and blue-green eyes. Her most distinctive feature is her long, crimson red hair that reaches down to her thighs, with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. She wearing some.. School uniform? Yeah right. Seeing her condition she seems badly hurt though its not threatening his life i wonder who doing this? Wait her face is familiar! Crimson hair and blue-green eyes.. Is she related to Sirzechs?
"Excuse me young woman may i know where is this?"
I try to be polite though she direspectful by call me by my front name
"Eh? Ise? What are you talking about?"
She seems confuse by my question, i was about to repeat my question but i stopped when i heard someone laugh
"Hahaha! What this? Are you stand up to get beating again?! You could rest with peace right now but seems like i have to beat you once again"
I turn and see a man around 20 with blonde hair. A Phenex? What the hell happening in here?! Calm! Calm! I need to calm first! I take a deep breath and let it out slowly
"Young woman. I guess right now you fight with him right?"
I turn and ask the crimson haired woman, she seems hestitant but she slowly nodded. I about to ask again but suddenly i feel some heat from my back i quickly turn and repel it with my demonic energy make the fire disperse
The blonde seems surprised when i doing this
"Attacking people when they talk is not gentle young man. For that i will give you some lesson"
No one mess with Issei Beelzebub and not wounded! Especially the one who attack me from behind!
"Ha! What are you talking about?! Are you going to-!"
He didn't finish his word since i send him fly and fall from the building with my energy force. There are 2 woman with him. The one with eye-patch get ready to battle while the blonde girl with swirling hair is only look with shock
"I take it you two is with him? Well if you excuse me i have someone to teach manner"
The eye patch woman send a demonic energy to me, a explosion? Pathetic. I raise one hand and
I repel her energy with my energy and then make the explosion hit herself i also add extra energy on it
(Raiser Phenex sama Queens retire)
Retire? So this is Rating Game huh? Well that's explain why there aren't single human in here
I heard the blonde girl murmur, she seems shocked i was about to call her but the blonde man is fly and approaching me
"You beat Yubelluna?! Impossible! You just low-"
I use my energy and slam him to the ground
"Shut up. You dare to call me low? You direspectful scum! I don't care if this is your battle with that woman or not. I will show you the power of true Devil!"
I then blur and appear above him and stomp his head. I then grab his head and throw him from the roof and he fall to the ground, after that i approach him, when i near him he already stand and have rainbow aura around him. Flame of Feng huang huh?
"Perish you low devils!"
He shot me with fireballs. I smirked and when the fire approaching me i only backhanded it like is merely ball
His expression filled with shock, weak! I never knew a Phenex clan have someone weak like this! I blur again and pierce his stomach with my hand, he about cough some blood but i hit his face so his blood didn't dirty my cloth
"I don't want my cloth dirtied by your filthy blood"
My voice is cold and held no emotion, i then pull my hand and backhanded him sending him to the ground
"Weak! You are disgrace for your clan! If you think your regeneration ability going to safe you think again!"
I grab his throat and broke his neck! He scream in pain as i torture him. I throw him to the ground and then kick him in guts, face, groin. He try to fight back but i stomp his hand
I kick his face so he shut up. Each kick i add my demonic energy so it broke his bone, i also add some poison so he can suffer more. I keep stomp, kick and trample him. From the face, hand, and feet. He keep regenerating and i keep stomping him
"Weak! Hahaha! Weak! What this?! Is this the power of almighty Phenex?! You are pathetic! I will keep torturing you until your soul is unable to regenerate!"
"S-Stop... P-"
I keep stomp on him and didn't let him to talk, i then rise my hand to the left and grab someone throat. I turn and see is the blonde girl
"P-Please! Stop! He can't fight anymore!"
Her tears rolled and wet my hand, i only stare at him with cold
"If you try to stop me again you will be the next person to feel my wrath!"
I throw her to the ground and look into the blonde man again
"Shut up"
I stomp him without mercy, i kick him in the face hand. I try to kick him again but this time i being grabbed by someone. No 2 person. I turn and see the crimson hair woman and blonde see me with tears
"Please stop Ise! This is not like you!"
"I-I beg you please stop! I know my Onii-san is stupid please forgive him! Please! I beg you"
I frown a bit seeing these two usually i going to blast these two but something inside me telling me to stop. I sighed and then followed the voice inside me
"Surrender... I won't ask twice"
I said as i rise a dark green flame on my right hand and ready to burn him and his soul
"I-I s-s-sur-ren-der.."
With that his body disperse into particle light
(Raiser-sama retires. The King of the Phenex group has retired, victory goes to Rias-sama and her team.)
The next thing i know before i engulfed in light is the crimson woman cry
Third Person POV
We found Ise Beelzebub sit on the roof at Kuoh Academy. Rias and the other is being treated because their injury
"By environment i'm on Japan... And this area is belong to Gremory and Sitri... Maybe i should call Ddraig, i'm not talk to him since i arrive"
Ise close his eyes and then began to meditation
'Oii Ddraig!'
[Partner?! Glad you able to contact me at least! I try to call you but i can't. Seems like it must you the one who start the contact]
'Love you too Ddraig. Do you have any idea what is going on with me?'
[I have checked about it Partner. I have a bad news.. Looks like Great Red really try to piss you off]
'Tell me about it'
[Well.. You see... You are on other world]
[Partner you okay?]
[Damn it Partner! You not need to shout like that!]
'Explain it Ddraig! Explain it to the DETAILL!'
[You see... I can say like that because i see my other self sleeping... So that mean you in this world also Sekiryuutei but you not Devil. You are reincarnated Devil... The name is Hyoudou Issei. And by seeing his body you can say you in this world VERY weak. Really WEAK weaker than that bird that you just defeat]
'Now wait a minu-! We will talk again later, i can feel someone present nearby'
"Hyoudou Issei?"
Ise turn and see some crimson haired young man with silver haired maid
'Sirzechs and Grayfia' thought Ise
"Yes? Who are you?" Ise ask as he rise his brow and act clueless
"Ah? My apologise. I'm Sirzechs Lucifer and this is as you know my Queen Grayfia" greet Sirzechs politely
'Sirzechs "Lucifer"? I know Sirzechs Gremory and he turn into Sirzechs Asmodeus. Are this the same Sirzechs except he turn into Lucifer? Where is Vali then?' Thought Ise
"Sirzechs Lucifer? The descendant of Lucifer?" Ask Ise, Sirzechs blinked he didn't expect this boy going to ask him that question
"No. I'm originally Sirzechs Gremory, but my last name changed into Sirzechs Lucifer" reply Sirzechs with smile
"I see... And what business that Lucifer has with me?" Ise ask with curious tone make Sirzechs rise his brow seeing this boy manner
"I just want to say thank you that you have helped my sister. Now she free from marriage arrangement with Raiser"
"Oh about that? Don't mention it is not a big deal anyway though i was hoping that i could kill that Phenex but because your sister and her sister i cancel my mind to kill him*sigh*"
"You do realise that if you kill him the Phenex familiy will after you since you kill their heir right?" Sirzechs asked in challenge tone
"Oh please. That bunch of bird? I will cook them all before they know who they face with" reply Ise arrogantly make Sirzechs chuckle a bit
"Pretty cocky aren't you? I know you strong Ise. I don't know what happen with you during the game but i assure you Phenex familiy is very strong"
'Ha! I obilerate more than thousand Devils, Fallen Angel and Dragon! Do you really think those Phenex will stand a chance against me?!' Thought Ise
"Well let them come then if they want. I will gladly accept it. They can bring their entire clan and fight me" Ise grinned make Sirzechs flinched for second but he smiled
"You are intresting person Ise-kun. I hope i can see you in action again soon" said Sirzechs as he turn and leave followed by Grayfia
'Wait! I have to confirm one thing!' Thought Ise
"God is dead..." Ise said suddenly. Sirzechs and Grayfia flinched for a moment when hearing this which is not go unnoticed by Ise. Sirzechs slowly turn around to Ise
"What do you mean Ise-kun?" Ask Sirzechs, Ise mentally smirked so the fate of God in this world is same with his world huh?
"For me God is dead... If he alive he won't let my comrade hurt like this" Ise quickly change the topic so he not look suspicious
"I see... I don't think God will care to devils Ise-kun. I need to leave since i have job to do" with that Sirzechs turn with Grayfia and leave
'Ha! Looks like God really suck! Even in this world he also dead! Anyway now they are gone. Let's continue our talk Ddraig'
[I know myself in this world also awesome! Though we tired because fight each other we still manage to kill God and Satan! Ha! And i see your arrogant still there! But be careful maybe this Sirzechs is stronger than our Sirzechs]
'Pfft yeah whatever and thanks for you idiotic you trapped in me. And don't worry about Sirzechs no matter how strong he is. I'm stronger than him when i not using you. With you our power can rivalry 2 Heavenly Dragon' reply Ise with smirk
[Hahah true it is! Only Vali who can stand against us. Anyway as you can see that Gremory woman before is your King and this Issei is consume her 8 pawn. So in other way... You become SERVANT!]
'FUCK NO! I'm not going to be her servant! I have reputation! I'm Issei Beelzebub! The Dai-Maou! I won't bow to some stupid devil who can't defeat Yakitori!' Thought Ise furiously
[I afraid it can't be helped Partner. Seems Great Red lock your soul with her pawn. So you will be her pawn except you dead or you have to wait for 6 year until you finish from your vacation! Hahahaha! But don't worry too much. That 8 Pawn is also increase your Devil being. Right now your Devil blood is 60, Human 20 and Dragon 20]
'*sigh* i guess it can't be helped i should enjoy it anyway. Oh what happen to Hyoudou Issei? And how about history in this world?' Thought Ise with irritated though he upset he knew Great Red is very strong no matter how angry he is he can't blame on everyone in this world since is he idea to have vacation
[About that, his body is very weak. Right now your demonic energy try to heal him. There are 2 possibility going happen. One. He will be healed and then you will have dual personaility. Two. Your demonic energy going to merge with him then both of you become one, when you leave from this world he will remain same like you but his power will be reduce to 50 percent and need a years so he can return to his original state.. And the history it seems same with us, i manage to see the memory from Ddraig from this world...]
'Ooookayyy doesn't sounds bad... I was prefer none of them anyway... Anyway i need to find my King... I don't believe i become SERVANT!' Thought Ise sadly as he stand and walk down from the roof with desperate aura
Ise turn and see Rias who seems hestitate when calling him
"Err Rias Gremory i presume?" Ask Ise. Rias face show confusion, what's wrong with Ise? After the battle Ise become different persont. Gone perverted Ise and his usual behavior. Right now Ise seems like a cool type person not to mention his cruelity which he show when he beat Raiser into pulp and don't even care to his sister. Right now the Ise that stand in front of him is not her usual Ise
"Yes i am. What's wrong Ise?" Ask Rias, Ise only rub his temple and sighed
"Where you entire peerage? Gather them i need to explain something" said Ise. Rias only nodded since she also curios what is really happening
[Are you going to tell them the real partner?]
'No Ddraig. I will tell them that i has seal on my body and the seal is broken by your power then all of my memory and power is return to my body' reply Ise
[That seems fine but you know you have to tell them one day]
'I know. But not yet. I don't trust them that much'
Soon everyone gather in old house with Ise who stand in the middle
"So Ise.. Care to explain why you gather us?" Ask Rias
"First Rias. I want to reintroduce myself, as you can see when fighting that yakitori Ddraig power manage to overwhelm my aura and then break the seal on my body. And the result is boo! My memories return, my real power and soul also return" explain Ise
"Wait a minute! Seal?! What kind of seal? And who plant it on you? And what you mean by soul?" Ask Rias again
"I was getting there. I don't know who put the seal but that seal make me very weak... And i really mean it! I life for this 17 years in this WEAK FORM because of that damn seal! And about soul is when Hyoudou born my soul is reincarnated and mixed with his body however someone put seal and seal my soul" explained Ise
"A-Anoo... Ise-san.. Does that mean you not remember all of us and anything that we do?" Ask Asia
"Mmm you could say so. The seal is messed my brain but don't worry Ddraig is working on it. I ask him to give me the memory since i enter the highschool. But for now why don't we reintroduce ourself again?" Ask Ise with smile
"Sure! Why don't start from you Koneko?" Offer Rias
Koneko stood up "Hello, my name is Koneko Toujou, first year student at Kuoh Academy, you can call me Koneko" Then Kiba stood "I'm Kiba Yuuto, I'm a second year, nice to meet you Ise-kun, call me Kiba"
"I'm Akeno Hajime, I'm a third yead, nice to meet you Ise-kun you can call me Akeno or Akeno-chan fufufu" Said Akeno while smiling making Ise blink for a second
"Umm umm my name Asia Argento, I'm second year, nice to meet you Ise-san" said Asia with bowing down
Finally Rias stood "My name is Rias Gremory, I am a high class devil. and the master of the people in this room, I'm also third year"
"Well for me. I'm the descendant of Beelzebub. My name Issei Beelzebub" Ise said with bow like gentleman style as he spread his 12 devil wing