Chapter 9

"Hey, girly." Chani smiled at me as she pulled up in front of me. "Get in."

I walked around the black Corolla and crawled in. "Nice to see you again. How're you?"

"I'm doing well. Enjoying the weekend for sure." She laughed, before driving off, towards our destination: the mall. "You had a date last night, right? With the sugar daddy guy."

"Yeah." I nodded. "It went well. He's handsome and nice, and he even offered to help me pay for my tuition."

"Damn, aren't you lucky?"

"I just feel bad for taking his money…he gave me two hundred dollars for dinner alone."

"Mali, he knows what he's doing. You're not scamming him or anything. Plenty of people that have money just stash it or spend it on stupid shit. At least he wants to do something good with his."

"I guess you're right."

"And you need it, don't you? If you're going to be a psychologist, you're gonna need to pay for medical school."


"Then let him help you, Mal." She looked over at me at the red light. "Come on."

"Fine, but it'll take some time for me not to feel bad about it."

"At least it's a step in the right direction." She shrugged, looking back at the road.

"I'm really nervous about what our relationship means. I feel like, eventually, he'll want sex."


"And I'm scared of that. The most I've done is kiss and hold hands. I never even had a boyfriend, much less someone who wants to sleep with me."

Chani raised an eyebrow.

"Other than you." I laughed.

"Well, you don't have to sleep with him, Mali. Plenty of sugar babies don't. But…if you want to feel better about it, I can help you out."


"Well, we can always experiment. That is what college is about after all." Chani shrugged. "Or…I can just give you advice. I've only been with women, but I've used plenty of toys along the way. First thing you need to do is feel good about yourself. Why don't we get you some lingerie while you're out?"

"I guess…I don't know how much it'll help." I admitted. I didn't hate my body, just didn't really want anyone to see me naked outside of Alice. Alice and I were at that comfort level like no one else was.

"You'll see."

We arrived at the mall and headed straight toward the Victoria's Secret. Chani and I picked out a handful of lingerie sets before going into the changing rooms to try them on. Even just after the first one, I could tell Chani was right. I felt hot as fuck in this lingerie, more so than ever.

I peeked my head out to see if Chani was still around to find her sitting in one of the chairs in front of the changing rooms. I waved her over and huddled her into the dressing room.

"Damn, girly. You're even hotter than I thought." She looked at me with a smirk, her eyes roaming over me. For once, I didn't feel self-conscious, but instead proud of her looking at me like that. "You've got some curves." She looked back into my eyes and smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Like I'm hot."

"You are!"

"I love how it looks." I looked back over towards the mirror. The mesh showed my nipples but in an elegant kind of way.

"I told you."

"You were right." I nodded with a smile. "I've got to hand it to you."

"Hand it to yourself, girly. You look killer. I'll leave, and you can try on the rest. Even if this one leaves little to the imagination." She winked, causing me to blush, and then left the dressing room.

I looked over to the mirror and then to my purse, coming up with a naughty idea. I pulled my phone out and snapped a few pictures that I could send to Arthur later.


Chani and I had returned to the dorm rooms to do some homework. We were currently working, listening to Pierce the Veil.

"Your roommate seems to live at her boyfriends'." I spoke, my eyes still trained on my papers.

"He has a house nearby, so I don't blame her." Chani responded casually. "I can't complain. It's nice having the place to myself. Especially since now, there's room for you."

"Fair 'nough." I shrugged.

We continued working until we got to a stopping place and began chatting.

"I wanna show Alice one of the sets of lingerie I got. Which one do you think?"

"The velvet corset top and garters, for sure."

"Awesome." I stood up and started to dig through the bags. I had spent all of the money Arthur had given me and then some on the lingerie, but it felt like it was worth it. "Do you mind if I…?" I looked up at Chani.

"'Coruse not." She shrugged, before smirking. "I just might peek through."

I rolled my eyes, before turning around and beginning to change. Just in case she was watching, I stripped slowly, making sure to do it with exaggerated care. I finished and turned back around to see her looked away, causing me to smile.

"How do I look?"

"Like a snack." Chani laughed.

I winked at her before twirling.

"Girly." She lowered her voice, almost a growl. "You're taunting me."

I turned back to face her with a smile, titling my head to the side slightly. "No I'm not."

Chani stood up out of her chair and took a step forward and then another, until she was chest to chest with me. Her hand steadily raised until it touched my cheek, cupping my face. Her eyes were staring into my soul, begging for more. I didn't need experience to know that much.

"Just tell me yes, girly."

"Yes." I whispered, anxious for her lips to touch mine again.

She leaned in, tilting her head to the side the slightest bit. Her lips touched mine, and just like last time, it was electric. Her lips were so soft, like the silk of a dress on your lips. Chani's other hand moved up to plant itself on the back of my head, entwining with my hair. Her minty tongue dipped inside my mouth once more. She pulled back after a few moments, desire in her eyes. "Take it off." She demanded.

"I-" I was interrupted as someone pulled the door open. I quickly hid behind Chani, seeing that it was Nicole who had opened the door.

"I'm so sorry." Nicole squeaked. "I need to grab some clothes."

"Go ahead." I could hear the smile in Chani's voice as she continued to shield me from Nicole.

Nicole rummaged around the room before finally leaving, after giving us a small apology.

"I should go." I stepped back around Chani.

"If you're sure." She shrugged slightly, seemingly disappointed.

"I'm just not ready." I admitted.

"That's fine, Mali." She smiled. "We can always continue when you're ready."

I picked my clothes back up off the floor and pulled them on before making my way toward the door. I looked back at Chani and waved. She waved back with a small smile. "No hard feelings, Mali."

"Thanks." I nodded, before leaving the room. I walked a few doors down to my room and entered. Alice was nowhere to be seen, leaving the room to me. My mind drifted to Arthur, where I considered sending him the photo before deciding he'd probably appreciate them as much as Chani.

I sent various pictures of the lingerie sets, and within a few minutes, he responded with a message.

"Goddamn. You look stunning, Malia. You're just amazing."

"Thank you. :) I can send you some more if you'd like."

"Yes, please!"

I set the phone down and began to strip down to the lingerie once more. I felt so sexy getting these compliments. Wanted. After stripping, I began taking some provocative pictures, each increasingly risqué.

"Damn… I don't even know what to say. Absolutely gorgeous. Will you allow me to send you some money as a thank you? I know you said previously you were uncomfortable with the idea, but I feel like I need to do something."

"I guess."

"I'll pay for the lingerie. How about that?"

I sighed. "Yeah. That's fine. I'll send you the receipt."

"Thank you again, Malia. You're a wonderful woman. I would love to have another date. When are you free?"

"Sunday works for me. I have plans with my friend on Saturday."

"How about dinner and a movie?"

"Sounds great!"

"I'll see you there then. Have a good night, Malia. I have…some things to take care of." Along with that he sent a winking emoji. I laughed. He uses emojis like an old man.