Chapter 14

After classes, Alice and I met up in the dorm room and drove to a nearby salon to get our nails done. I told her about Arthur's plan to get us the hotel room for the night to make the night special.

"What's the damage?" Alice asked, looking over at me.

I glanced over at the lady who was doing my nails, before talking again. "He, uh, asked me to strip for him. I--I don't mind, but he also said that I don't have to strip fully since we haven't gone there yet. I've only sent him lingerie pictures."

"Not so innocent anymore, are you?" Alice smirked, looking me up and down. "Good for you. I'm proud."

"It's not like anything has changed." I looked down at the table.

"That's not true. I heard about your little kiss at the party too. You're really growing up." She nudged me gently. I know she meant it as a good thing, but it didn't make me feel any better.

"Who told you?"

"One of my girlfriends." After sitting in silence for a bit, she tilted my chin up, forcing me to look in her direction. "Don't be so embarrassed, Mali." She pouted.

"I'm not embarrassed." I shook my head. "I just don't want you to think I'm changing or anything. I'm still the same girl; things are just different in my life." I shrugged slightly.

"Sensitive, much?" She rolled her eyes.

I shrunk down in my seat slightly. We sat in silence until I finally spoke up. "I wanna get my rook pierced while we're out. If you're okay with that."

"Sure." She shrugged.

"Okay." I nodded weakly. The rest of the appointment turned out to be mostly Alice talking at me. She didn't seem phased by our little disagreement, but I couldn't be the same. After getting my piercing, she asked to get dinner together.

We went to a nearby ramen place.

"So, tell me the tea. Are you two dating?"

"Oh, you mean Chani?" I looked up from my bowl in surprise.

"Who else?"

"No, not yet. I'm…not sure how she'd feel about Arthur and me if we were."

"She'd probably not be okay with it." Alice shrugged casually. I hoped that if Chani and I continued to grow closer that we could work that out. "Are you two just friends for now? Friends with benefits?"

"Just friends. We've kissed a couple times, but nothing more than that."

"She seems…fine, I guess."

"You barely even know her."

"Exactly. She hasn't made an effort to be my friend."

"You've been busy, Alice…" I didn't understand her issue. It's not like she had made any effort to befriend Chani either; she's been too busy buddying up with the sorority girls.

"Anyways." She rolled her eyes dramatically. "I've been talking to some sugar daddies myself. I've made over four grand already just sending them nudes."

"Wow, Alice." My eyes widened. "How many are you talking to?"

"Like five." She shrugged, before pouting. "None of them seem to care about me as much as your Arthur does."

"Well, it seems like we're building more of a relationship than anything."

"And I'm not?" She scowled slightly, only enough to show her anger.

"I didn't say that. I'm just saying…" I trialed off. "Maybe I'm just lucky." I finally settled, not wanting to continue to argue with her. I'm not sure why, but she seemed combative today.

We finished our meals, and after driving me to campus, we split ways. Admittedly I was thankful to get away from her. I'm not saying Alice is the nicest person out there, but at least most of the time, she doesn't direct it toward me, but today that didn't seem to apply. I wanted to talk to Chani, to get her opinion, but I was too tired and decided to just head off to bed. All I could do was pray that tomorrow night would go better.