Chapter 25

Chani and I spent the day before yesterday exploring abandoned structures, including a mine, around the area. We had talked some about Alice and her lack of care in her and my friendship. It was nice to get it off my chest, to finally admit that she hasn't treated me the best throughout the years and especially now. How she seems too busy making new friends to care about me, though admittedly, I'm not too surprised. I didn't expect to never see her, but I'm not surprised that she's busy with other people, as she's always done this to a certain point.

I also told her how much she really has meant to me. How good of a friend she has been and how happy I am to have her in my life. We both exchanged our feelings for one another and agreed on the word 'love' to cover it.

Currently, Chani and I were headed on our way up to Aspen. We agreed to go and shop around for a while today, as we had no other plans than hanging out around the cabin and watching TV, which he has already done yesterday for Thanksgiving. We both had agreed it was a pretty great Thanksgiving, though, just being together.

"What're you thinking 'bout?" Chani finally broke me from my thoughts.

"Oh, just what we've been doing the last few days." I shrugged.

She smiled. "I've enjoyed them a lot. This whole time with you, really. I'm glad we got to come up here."

"Me too. Thanks for inviting me." I reached over to the console and squeezed her hand gently.

"Of course, Mali." She squeezed my hand back.

We drove for a while since we couldn't go up Independence Pass, so we had plenty of time to chat and listen to the music Chani was playing. But eventually, we got to Aspen, found a parking spot, and got out. We walked around, going into some stores and buying a few things before getting some lunch.

"Chani." I looked over at her from across the table. "You're so pretty."

A smile grew on her face. "Aww, thanks, Mali." She tossed her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "You better not be buttering me up just to get into my pants, though."

I laughed. "'Course not. Never."

"So, what do you wanna do next? After we finish eating, of course."

"I…saw a tattoo parlor, I was wondering if we can see if they have time for something."

"Sure, I'm fine with that. Maybe I'll get one too. What do you want to get?"

"A jack-o-lantern next to one of my little ghosts."

"Cute." Chani smiled, tilting her head to the side slightly. "So, how do you like Aspen so far? I've only been up here once before."

"I like it." I nodded. "I'm sure Arthur has come up here before, but I think he'd like it a lot."

"Your man seems to have a taste for the highlife, so I'm sure he'd fit in here."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Facts."


I was in the bathroom of the cabin, checking out my new tattoo. We had gotten back an hour or so ago and were lounging around. I had slipped out of the bedroom to use the restroom. I smiled at my growing collection of tattoos before stepping towards the door and out of the room. I walked back into the bedroom, before stopping in my tracks, my eyes widening.

"Holy shit, Chani." My eyes scanned her dark brown skin, the bare bits beneath the lacey lingerie.

"You took your time." She smirked at me, running her hand down her propped-up hip.

"I…was looking at my Instagram…" I admitted as I couldn't tear myself away from looking at her stunning body.

"What's the problem, Mali?" She raised an eyebrow. "Something the matter."

"I think I'm in the presence of a goddess."

"I think you might be. Approach the goddess." She waved me over. I walked and stopped at the edge of the bed, kneeling down next to it. "My love, you came to see me?"

"I did, my lady." I reached up to touch her gently, a smile on my face.

"Have you come to worship?"

"You know it." A subtle smirk formed on my face. I ran my fingertips along her skin, feeling the slight stubble on her legs.


"Oh-oh. I mean. Yes, my lady. I have come to worship you" I sat up on my knees, moving closer to her. "Let me, please."

"Come." She ran her finger under my chin, controlling me to come closer for a kiss. Her lips were soft, like silk against them. Our kiss deepened as we exchanged our tongues. I moved onto the bed on top of her, our lips meeting once more as our tongues danced against each other.

Chani's hand ran under my shirt, cupping my bare breast as she moved us, so she was now on top, as the dominant one. She kissed down to my cheek and then back up to my mouth once more before moving fulling to the bottom of the bed. "Can we?"

I nodded, promptly pulling my shirt over my head. Chani undid the bow of my pants before pulling them down and off of my frame. She moved closer again, this time rubbing gently through my underwear. After a few moments, she stripped me of those, too, leaving me bare. She began to rub my clit, eliciting some moans from me as I pushed my head back into the pillow.

"Are you ready?" Chani asked gently, making sure I was okay with anything before proceeding.

I nodded, lifting my head to look up at her. She lifted her fingers to her lips and licked them before inserting them between my lips. She began fingering me, causing me to arch my back and toss my head back once more. She removed her fingers, leaving me begging for her to continue. Chani moved closer once more, her breath against my skin, causing goosebumps to form.

Her warm tongue grazed my clit, causing me to tense up and grab onto the sheets beneath me.

"You taste so good, Mali." She spoke, her voice muffled by my flesh.

After time she picked up the pace, causing me to wonder how her tongue didn't grow tired. My hand moved to the top of her head, gently holding onto her, but keeping her in place still. We continued like that for some time until she shifted, getting up despite my pleas for her to continue.

"I've really got you under my finger, huh, Mali?" She taunted, before moving back down, this time her tongue stimulating my clit while her finger dove inside me, rubbing up the ribs of my insides.

"Fuck." I yelled out as a wave of pleasure washed over me, leaving me limp as my hands fell back to my sides.

It took me a while to recover as Chani crawled back up in the bed next to me. She held me, stroking my hair gently until I finally did.

"Chani." I looked over at her.

"Huh?" She smiled at me softly.

"Can I do something for you?"

"Next time, alright? Just go to sleep now."

I nodded, closing my eyes.


I slowly woke up, realizing what had happened the night before. I smiled to myself slightly, before rolling to the side to see Chani resting peacefully. I poked her in the side a few times before she finally woke up. She smiled as she saw me.

"Good morning, Mali."

"Good morning, beautiful." I reached up to brush a piece of hair out of her face.

"Mali. I love you."

"I love you too, Chani." I rested my hand against her face.

"We're going home today. You sad?" Chani yawned and put the back of her arm on her head.

"Yeah. I guess. But as long as I still get to spend time with you, I'll be happy."

"Plus, you have a date with Arthur, right?"

"Yep." I nodded, smiling over at her. "He said we're going somewhere fancy too."

"I'm jealous." Chani laughed. "Other than the fucking some old man part."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. If it's anything like last night…" I tilted my head to the side slightly.

"I'm sure it won't." She smiled, shaking her head. "Come on, Mali. Let's go take a shower."


"Hey." I smiled widely as I slipped into Arthur's car. I leaned over to kiss him, receiving a kiss in return, before moving to my seat fully.

"It's nice to see you again, Malia. You look great as always." His eyes lingered on me as he spoke.

"Thank you, thank you." I pushed my hair behind my ear with a smile. "So," Arthur pulled out of the parking lot, "where are we headed?"

"The Four Seasons Hotel downtown. They have some pretty good food. I think you'll like it."

"Sounds nice." I nodded, excited to see what the menu would be.

It took us a little bit to get downtown and to the hotel. We got our seats and ordered our food, before the waiter left, leaving us to our conversation.

"How was your trip with your friends, Malia? Did you have a good time?" Arthur took a sip of his Old Fashioned. He had told me that I could order an alcoholic drink if I wanted, as they won't ask for my id, but I only really drink when I wanna get drunk, admittedly.

"Good! Chani and I are dating now." I smiled widely at the thought, before realizing it may be awkward for him and rubbed my neck. "She said she's okay with us continuing things as long as I'm open and honest with her."

Arthur didn't show much emotion towards the news, other than maybe a bit of relief on his face after I mentioned the second part about using being able to continue. "I'm glad to hear that, Malia." He smiled at me softly. "She seems to make you very happy from what you've told me. That's important."

"Does it…feel weird to you? Knowing I'm kinda in a relationship with the both of you?" I looked down at the table for a few moments before looking back up at him.

"Not really. As long as both your girls are comfortable with it." He shrugged.

"That makes sense." I nodded.

"I just want you to be happy, Malia. You deserve it." He reached over and squeezed my hand gently.

"Can I stay over at your place tonight?" I smiled. "I'm not ready to have to go back to my dorm yet."

"Of course." He chuckled. "You're always welcome."


I rolled over in the bed onto my back and stretched out. I always like sleeping over at Arthur's place. He has a nice place and an even nicer bed. Plus, he usually makes me breakfast, which I can only assume he's doing now as he's not in the bed right now. Eventually after I finished enjoying the warmth of the bed, I got up and headed out to where Arthur was.

"Good morning, beautiful." He flashed me a smile as I walked into the kitchen.

"Mornin' handsome." I smiled back at him, making my way to the stools on the island. I pulled one out and jumped up to sit on it.

"Breakfast's almost ready." He returned his attention to the stove. After a few minutes of idle chatter, he had prepared a couple platefuls of food. He took a spot next to me, and we began eating.

"What are your plans for Christmas, Malia? Are you planning on going home?" He turned to face me.

"I don't know." I admitted after swallowing my mouthful of food. "I don't really want to, honestly. I wanna do something special, but I don't know exactly what. I'll probably just end up staying here with you and Chani."

"If you let me," he smiled sweetly as his eyes lit up with mischief, "I can figure something out for us."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Of course you could." I looked at him again. "But seriously, I'd love that. It doesn't have to be something big, but to have Christmas be special again would be nice."

"I'm sure I can figure something good out." He smiled, chuckling quietly.

"Thank you, Arthur. You're…really amazing."

"Anything for you."