Stealing Soul

Translator Note: The author and characters refer to Li Xing Yun as Li Xing He. He didn't change names, he apparently goes by both according to what I looked at in future chapters. I will use both names as they are written to remain faithful to the text.

Li Xing He changed clothes as fast as he could. (TL: Xing is star, same as Xing Yun, 'He' means river)

Then, arrived at the depths of the manor.

"Patriarch, Xing He has arrived."

He very lightly knocked on the door, with great effort suppressed his stirring emotions, and said:

"What is your command?"

"Come in to speak."

Li Wu You's voice could be heard clearly, but also sounded beat and exhausted.

This was not an act.

His entire spirit and soul had already condensed at the point between his brows, his body's lifespan was rapidly depleting.

What remained would be measured in hours, days at most.

"Lord, you…"

The door creaked as it slowly opened, Li Xing He saw the wiped out Li Wu You.

His eyes immediately shone, but he quickly concealed his ecstasy.

His mouth had even begun to salivate.

And then, he put on his most convincing facade of concern and worry.

He went straight to the bed Li Wu You was leaning on, and nervously asked:

"What is all this? What happened to you?"

"I've already reached my limit."

Li Wu You's brows furrowed in exhaustion, and in a low voice, said:

"From this day onwards, I will hand off the Li family's matters to you."

"Lord, you are still in the prime of your life, you can't die, The Li family still needs you… we all…"

Li Xing Yun's eyes turned red, grabbed Li Wu You's wrist, his voice was also heartbroken and sorrowful.

"Your performance so far has been not bad."

Li Wu You could see within the depths of Li Xing Yun's pupils was excited expectations, his heart let out a could laugh, shortly after, he said:

"Check under the bed for a black box, help master open it up."


When Li Xing He heard these three words, the excitement on his face became heavier, almost nearing a sense of impatience.

He crouched down and found a black box under the bed.

This was a metal box.

It had no locks, but 9 mechanisms on the outside.

With one look it was obviously precious.

"Top: three four two, middle: five eight seven, bottom: nine six one"

Li Wu You told Li Xng He the correct method of opening it.

At the same time, he was careful not to let him see him raise his right hand, sticking out his first two fingers like a sword.


Li Xing He's hands both trembled.

He was just too emotionally moved.

If only he could obtain the Li family's patriarch title, he would legitimately be the Li family's true master.

From then on, vast wealth, obscure martial arts texts, miraculous medicines, they were all able to be enjoyed as he wished.

Additionally, Li Wu You's first lady.

Xu Shi Qing Hua (TL: Xu Shi means her maiden name was Xu. Qing Hua, her given name, means blue-green flower).

They could also justifiably be together.

They wouldn't have to sneak around.

"You are already this sick. I will not look at your deprecated face anymore."

Li Xing He's face had turned red.

His pulse quickened.

Very quickly, he moved the last copper mechanism in place.

*Pa Ta*

The small metal box made crisp clicking sounds from within, the lid had loosened up.


Li Xing He's eyes peered inside.

Inside was the very desire of his dreams, the family patriarch title.

His future.

"Open it, from this point onward, you are now the Li family's master."

"I hand over the Li family to you."

Li Wu You took in Li Xing He's look, his heart full of disdain only deepening in intensity.

With that kind of temperament it was difficult to achieve great things.

However, speaking of his own goals, this was actually quite beneficial. Stealing his soul ought to go pretty smoothly.

"Yes. Many thanks Lord Patriarch."

Li Xing He did not notice Li Wu You's change in expression at all. He was solely focused on the metal box.

He swallowed, and carefully opened the lid.

His eyes contained a blazing, fortuitous look as he peered inside.


The metal box sprayed out a bit of white smoke.


Li Xing He's complexion had changed.

In the next second, he could only feel that his entire body had become stiff and rigid, his mind was consumed with a feeling of dizziness, he was about to pass out.

The feeling surged like a tidal wave, there was nothing he could do to resist.

Li Wu You had placed inside the box the most concentrated, most powerful intoxicant powder.

Ordinary people who smelled this would immediately lose consciousness.

Even if Li Xing He was "Learned Power" first stage and also had the bone and bloodline power, he still could not resist.

For fifteen minutes he would not be able to move at all.

His state of mind would also be sluggish and confused!

Perfect for soul stealing!



Not waiting for Li Xing He to react, Li Wu You's dilapidated body got off the bed, heading towards Li Xing He's to take it over.


His right hand's first two fingers went right for the space between Li Xing He's brows.


Li Xing He was in a trance.

He forcefully opened his eyes, his pupils brimming with fear and panic, and also a sense of incredulity.

How could this be?

"From now on, I am Li Xing He"

"You, go die!"

Li Wu You coldly grinned.

With the wrinkled corners of his mouth, his withered skin, and the scarlet pupils of his eyes, he truly looked like a devil.


Soul stealing was in full effect.

The condensed spirit and soul that was ready to burst at any second from the middle of his brow from earlier surged up like a torrential rush.

Due to his predatory attack, his white shirt fluttered against the air.

And then, his mighty soul, appearing like the coursing Jiang He River, crass and harsh, as well as cruel and berserk, suddenly entered Li Xing He's mind.

"You.. .no…."

Li Xing He's head felt immediate pain, like it was on the brink of explosion.

At the same time, his consciousness was ever rapidly weakening.

It was like he was being completely erased.

His memories were fading away.

His connection to his body was also fading.

Li Xing He's eyes bulged, his final gaze was indescribably fearful.

His open mouth, locked in place, let out a bitter, painful sound.

Despite it all, he recoiled back, seemingly to escape this dreadful invasion.

But, there were no ways out.

Because his mind was too weak.

Additionally, he was also affected by the intoxicating powder.

At this moment, against Li Wu You, it was like an ant trying to shake a tree.


A little bit of energy was released, expanding and rolling over everything in the room before fading away.

Everything had returned to its tranquil state.

*Hua La*

Li Wu You's withered body had fully dried up, like a lantern without fuel, and fell to the ground.

Li Xing He's body stood in its place.

His face's paralyzed horror and his fearful eyes gradually relaxed.

Possession was one of many unfathomable profoundities.

He was also especially excited.



Li Wu You's mind and spirit had completely overtaken Li Xing He's body.

Although, due to the intoxicating powder that he used, he still couldn't move, but the true, genuine feeling of being in control, it was unmistakably clear.

"The feeling of a healthy, strong body, and majestic bloodline…it's pretty comfortable."

Li Wu You's Adam's apple bulged a bit. His heart expressed some thoughts.

It's been so many years since he's had this kind of feeling.

"Now I can start again."

Along with the effect of the medicine gradually fading, Li Wu You licked his lips, and then, slowly lifted his right hand, clenching his fist tightly.

The intersection between his bones and joins let out crisp sounds.

Although the power is still weak, but, by using my innate talents along with my diligence, in less than three years, my name will spread to all parts of the world.


Li Wu You did not hold back any more, he let his laughter form freely.


After laughing a bit, Li Wu You returned to his calm and collected self.

And then started tidying up the room's affairs.

Although he had successfully swapped souls, he needed time to break in his new body.

At this time, he could exhibit strength that was only slightly more than the average person's.

If other people were to find out about the stolen soul, they would suddenly understand his wicked heart. He had no way to deal with it if it were leaked.

So, he definitely needed to wipe his traces.

"Lord, Qing Hua is seeking you."

He had just tidied up when a voice belonging to a warm, tender, stunningly sweet married woman emerged from the doorway.

Shi Xu, Qing Hua.

It was Li Wu You's first lady.

However, because of Li Wu You's body, besides the night of their wedding, there was seldom a time where they were actually together as husband and wife, ever since, they had not interacted much.

This Qing Hua could not stand the loneliness, on the down low she had been fooling around with Li Xing He.

She had severely cucked Li Wu You. (TL, Lit: She gave Li Wu You a HUGE green hat to wear)

"This bitch!"

Sinister thoughts flashed through Li Wu You's mind.

He definitely disliked this woman, but, he can't quite back stab her.

So for now, he will need to keep his murderous intent in his heart.

"However, right now isn't the time to kill her."

Li Wu You considered his own circumstances, his brows furrowed and his murderous intent slowly dwindled.

His heart let out a disdainful moan.

"Fine, I'll first play her little games."