Chapter 3: The New Faces

[??? POV]

I had a dream

I very terrible and confusing dream

I dreamt of being in an unknown space

A space devoid of any life and structure

It is simply just an endless plain of nothingness

The only lifeform I saw in the dream

were silhouettes of what I assume were people

They were covered with ominous dark matter from head to toe

I, as well, were covered with the same dark matter

I tried to comprehend what was going on in that dream, but...

every scene in the dream were fragmented and misunderstood

and everything was lost within my empty and incomplete mind...


That was what I told the person who saved me after asking what I can remember

"And that's what I can only remembered ever before I came here" I said apologetically

" I see, I'm sorry to hear that" The man said looking at me with pity


Ever since I was rescued from drowning in the lake, I am currently resting in a room

I woke up from my sleep and I was confused on where I am

I could only look around my surrounding and tried to understand my current location.

The whole room is made of fine wood materials and the walls were filled with sliding doors.

The furniture in here were quite oriental and simple

As I was observing my surrounding, the sliding door opened

I was startled but I calm down when I saw a familiar face.

It was the man that saved me along with another person behind him

Now that I can see his appearance with better lighting

The man has black hair and black eyes.

He has a refined masculine built and he is wearing a white loose clothing

The other person is a woman with blue hair

She has the same lose clothes as the man, unfitting for her beautiful appearance

The two approaches me and sits beside me in Seiza.

Then the man spoke in a gentle voice "Are you feeling well, little one? Does your head still ache?" I then shook my head and the man sighed in relief.

"Where am I?" I asked the man to where am I right now

"You are in the land of Far East, little one. Currently you are in the shrine of the Takemikazuchi Familia" I nodded in understanding in the confirmation of my whereabout.

"Let us introduce ourselves, my name is Tsukuyomi and this man's name is Takemikazuchi. We are both Gods of this place" The woman introduced herself and the man, then she also said they are gods, in which I can only nod in understanding

"Can you tell us your name, little one"

I tried to recall my name in my mind, however, I can't remember who I am and I can't find the memory of my identity.

"To be honest, I can't remember" I said while lowering my head

"I see, but is there anything else you can remember? like your homeland or the reason why you're here in the first place?" I can shake my head to their questions. Then I suddenly remembered something, it is only vague and it appeared in my sleep before waking up.

"But there's one thing I remembered, and it's a dream"

"Oh? A dream you say? Can you tell us what you dreamt about" Tsukuyomi asked me to tell them about the dream. I nodded and started to narrate my dream.

[Several minutes have passed]

After narrating my dream for several minutes and I ended it in an apologetic tone

They seem to pity me because of my current predicament

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that" Takemikazuchi said in understanding while he looks at me in pity.

"Now that told you two what I know, I want to know what will going to happen to me from now on" I asked the two people in front of me.

"Well, little one, it's best for you to rest here in our shrine and stay here for a while" Tsykuyomi answered and she then added "How about you meet the others, they surely want to play with you"

I nodded, wanting to know more about this place from other people, as well as knowing the basic knowledge I need to learn in order to live properly in the shrine.

"Well then, now that settles it. I guess we will take our leave then" Takemikazuchi said as the two of them stands up and were exiting the room, then looks back and said "If you need something, please find us and tell us about it" He then closed the door and left.

I was then left alone in room trying to process the information that was said earlier.

'It seems that I am in a new land that I never heard before, as well as people who called themselves Gods of this place. It seems there are a lot of things I need to know about' I thought and decided to get up of the bed.

I just then noticed something strange about my appearance.

I seems I just only realized that my body is somewhat small in stature and my limbs that covered with bandages are quite short in length.

I then patted my face and felt that it was silky smooth and plump

Next, I patted my entire head and felt two pair of long animal ears on my head. As well as bandages around the head.

My hand then feels the hair of my head, I comb it with my fingers and saw that my hair quite long and pink in color.

I then patted the rest of my body to check my appearance.

My chest was small and I am currently wearing the same clothes as those two gods but only smaller that fits my size.

I then I look at my rear and was shock to see something that is out of place.

I seem that I have a tail, wait no, more than that, I have.. NINE?! I have nine tails attached at my rear area?

I was shocked knowing that I have nine fluffy animal tails. All of them are huge and fluffy, and they all have the same color as my hair.

After assessing my appearance and comprehend my features, I walk towards the sliding door and left the room.


I am currently walking on a long hallway that leads to what assume is the outside of the shrine.

When I saw an opening, I saw a bunch of children that are playing outside

There were several boys and girls that are chasing each other and playing tag.

Then one of them noticed me and call the others to look at my location

I was startled when they look at me but I calm down and walked towards them

"Hey, you are that kid that Kami-sama that saved from the lake" a girl with black ponytail said while pointing at me

"Yeah, we're so worried that you might be injured from that fall" a girl with short girl added

"It's okay, I'm fine now" I reassured them and the two girls relaxed a bit

Then boy approached me and scrutinize me

"You look like Haruhime-san" He answered after observing my appearance

"Now you mentioned it, she looks like a fox renard like Haruhime-san" the girl with ponytail said after realizing my appearance.

"Are you perhaps related to her by any chance" the girl with short hair asked me but I shook my head as my answer.

"I don't know who is this person called Haruhime, who is she and what's does her family do in this place?" I asked as I want to know the family of people of this place.

"Sanjouno Haruhime is a dignified lady of the noble Sanjouno family, her family are in charge of divine affairs related to Amaterasu-sama" the boy explained to me precisely and I nodded in understanding

"Then how about you? What's your name? My name is Kashima Ouka by the way" The boy introduced himself while asking my name. I then look at the two girls waiting to introduce themselves

"Ah, my name is Yamato Mikoto" "mine is Hitachi Chigusa" The two introduced themselves respectively.

"To be honest with you all, I don't have a name" I lowered my head apologetically

"You don't have one?" Yamato tilted her head in confusion

"I have no recollection of my name and identity. Please forgive me for not able to introduce myself" I lowered my head even further while my body is trembling as if I am going to cry.

The other noticed me trembling and tried to comfort me. Then Hitachi accidentally touched my tail, sending a tingling sensation to my body.

"MIKO~?!!" I made a weird moan unintentionally and I blushed in embarrassment holding my tail

"Ah, I'm sorry" Hitachi became flustered and apologized to me for touching my sensitive tail

"Miko? Hey, that's a good name. Let's name her Miko then" Yamato declared to name me Miko

"I see, then how about we also add a last name to her name" Kashima added

"Well, since her hair and tail are color pink, then her last name will be Momochi" Yamato also declared the name Momochi as my last name

"Momochi Miko? Hmm, it's sounds nice. I like it" I approved of the name they gave me and they were very happy from my approval.

Then Tsyukuyomi comes out of the shrine to check on what the children are doing.

"Ara, you little ones seem to be enjoyed playing with your new friend" Tsyukuyomi said happily on the sight of the me with the children.

"Tsukuyomi-sama! We met her just a whil ago and we also named her because she doesn't have one" Yamato explained to Tsukuyomi as she is grinning to her explanation.

"Ara? Then, what name did you gave her?"

"Momochi Miko!"

"Ah, such an adorable and lovely name" She approved of the name as well

"Then how about we come all come inside, I made lunch for all of you" She then invited us to come inside and eat lunch.

We all nodded and followed her to the shrine.

'Momochi Miko.... Umu, that's it. I am Momochi Miko. That's my new name'

I thought to myself as I followed them as well.