Chapter 13: Accused, Betrayed, and Dishonored

[Miko's POV]

Me and father are walking home after we left the Royal Court city.

However, we didn't walk peacefully though because I had a handful of scolding from father. He scolded for separating from him in the crowd plus the scene I made in front of Amaterasu-sama.

I told him that the reason why I was in front of Amaterasu-sama was because someone molests me, I stomp on their foot but I was kicked forward. Father showed a bit of concern with that but he went back scolding me again saying it is still my fault for separating from him. *sigh*

He kept on talking and talking, but I can't be disrespect him because I made an oath to honor mother's death by respecting and loving father. I just walk silently while he blows some steam through scolding until we reach our residence.


[Next Day]

When I woke up early in the morning and got up from the bed.

Usually, I head straight to the courtyard to train with the sword, but today, we are doing that today. It is because me and father are preparing on what we are going to bring for the grand party in the Royal Court city.

We make rice cakes and heso-dangos as our offering. I took me a whileto make the rice cake and dangos properly. Fortunately, I made twenty of them and ten dangos before the sun goes down.

Once we secured the offering and we move on to getting dress for the occasion. I wear the same formal white robe, red overcoat and accessories from yesterday. Father then gave me something again, and this time is a perfume. He said it was my mother's. I asked him on why he keeps on giving all of mother's belongings to me. He just smiled and said that I was reminding him of mother when she was a teenager. I blush on what father said and took the perfume from him. When I tried some on me and I smelled a very pleasant and calming cherry blossom aroma.

After father was done getting dressed, we carried the offerings and walk at the path towards the Royal Court city. While we are walking, we came across group of renards. They are the Sanjouno family, which means...

"Miko-san!!" I heard a cheerful gentle voice calling for me, I saw the person who is calling me. It is Haruhime-san and she is wearing a very elegant looking robe and a silky coat.

"Ah, Haruhime-san, good to see you" I gently smiled at her

I also saw Haruhime's father being haughty and still hates my guts as always. He snorted when we meet eyes together and he looks away while moving ahead of us.

*sigh* "Your father is the same as always, he still hates me like there's no tomorrow"

"Heheh... I'm sorry about my father's behavior, Miko-san" Haruhime-san laughed awkwardly as she apologizes for her father's grumpy attitude.

"No, it's okay, I got used to it"

We continued walking towards the Royal Court city together.


Once we arrived, we head towards Amaterasu-sama's castle tower.

On our way there, we noticed a lot of families are also heading at the same destination. They wear fancy and colorful robes and expensive accessories. Their servants carried the offerings they brought with them.

Among with the crowd of people walking towards the castle, I saw the black-haired girl that helped me convincing the crowed back then. What's her name again...uhh.... Ah! That's right, that Kaguya girl. She and her family are also participating the party.

Once we are inside the castle, I was surprised on how wide the space of the room is. There are many low tables lined up across the room. Each table have two pillow sits on the ground. At the farthest side of the room is an elevated floor with stairs and at the middle of that is Amaterasu-sama sitting cross-legged while resting his chin on his arm.

We distributed the offering to Amaterasu's servants and they take them away to another room at the back.

But then I saw something strange, I saw Haruhime-san standing on the middle of a hallway. She looks at me with a weird expression her face. Then turned left and walks toward that direction.

I decided to follow her and check what is going on.

Little do I know a bizarre thing has happened. It is because another Haruhime-san, or should I say the real one was sitting with her father on the other side of the main room and the one I followed is not the one I exprected.


[Haruhime's POV]

I am currently sitting with my father on one of the tables of this place. We waited for the event to begin.

I am currently reading the book that Miko-san owns. It is a strange looking book with an unknown language I didn't know. However, Miko-san taught me how to read the unknown language and I understand the text immediately.

While I was reading, father suddenly stood up.

"Haruhime, I am going to talk to someone important, just stay here, understood?"

"Yes Father, I understand"

Father then walks away from the table and the walks towards a crowd by the entrance of the building.

I waited at the table for a few minutes while reading the book. But then I saw Miko-san walking towards me. Somehow, she feels quite different, as if she is a different person.

"Heya, Haruhime-chan!" She greeted at me with a quite childish manner

"Ah, Miko-san. What are you doing here?"

"Ah, I just to see my adorable friend, you see" she says while rubbing her hands together, which is an odd behavior for her to do,


I observed her appearance carefully and she looks the same, but at the same time does not.

"Ne ne, do you want to come with me? I want to show you something. " Miko-san strangely invites me to come with her.

"But father said I should stay here" I tried to refuse at her request

"It's fine Haruhime-chan, I think Haruno-san will allow it" wait, Miko-san never calls my father with his first name before. What's going on?

"O-okay then" I reluctantly accept her invitation and we walk towards a hallway on the side of the main room.

My father noticed that I am walking away with Miko-san from a distance, he followed our direction along with his servants.


Miko-san is acting strange, like she is not herself.

"Umm... Miko-san, where are we going?"

"Hmm? Ah, we are going to see a surprise"

"a surprise?"

"Yeah, it will be fun if you saw it"

We continued to walk at the halls and arrived at a seemingly large door.

"Try going first, I will follow behind"

"o-okay then" I followed her instruction and opened the door.

I peek at the room and it is quite dark.

"It's dark in here, where are the lights"

I kept walking forwards and I will I bump into something on the floor.

I look down and I saw... Miko-san?!

She is on the ground unconscious and has food stains on her clothes

"Wait, if this is Miko-san, then the one-"


I turned around and I saw a Pellum outside of the room shouting at me.

Then father and the others followed to see what happened.


I turned around and saw Miko-san waking up and see is groaning in pain.

"Urgh, dammit. What the hell was that?'



See looks around and saw the people outside the room.

"How dare you! You two ate the offerings that should be given to Amaterasu and the others!" Father angrily exclaimed while pointed at the both of us as he accuses us of eating the offering.

"Wait, we didn't eat the offering! This is just a big misunderstanding!"

"Hmph, speak for yourselves, that one over there is covered with food stain. It is clearly that she ate the offering" The Pellum shrewdly said as her haughtily points at Miko-san

"Huh?! What the heck are you talking about, I didn't eat anything, I was knocked out" Miko-san tried to explain herself.

"Enough!! This deserves a proper punishment for your crimes. Apprehend those two" My father said as the guards approaches us and arrests us

"HEY! Let me go, I am innocent you hear!" Miko-san resists while she was being arrested by the guards.

I was too being apprehended by the guards as well. I looked at my father for help, but he just stared at me looking disappointed and mad.

"Father, please help. I didn't do anything. I only found Miko-san unconscious on the fl-"


I was silence by father while i was explaining myself.

"You had disgraced our family's name long enough. It sickens to me to say this but, you are no longer considered a part of our family due to your poor misconduct"

I was shocked and heartbroken by what I just heard


[Miko's POV]

"Misconduct?! You don't even know the whole story and you are already jumping to conclusions without any further evidence. Not to mention, disowning your daughter is the worse decision you ever made" I blurted out in disdain while looking at the failure of a father.

He approaches me and slaps me at the face. The flap is firm and hard. However, the pain wasn't a big of a deal. I looked back at him looking smugly.

"That didn't hurt. would you care to try again. This time on the right cheek" I cheekily mocked his weak attempt to slap me. He starts to turn red to the face and slaps me even harder.

"There you go, much better."

"You insolent wretch, you have given us trouble for all those years and you tainted my daughter with your bad influence"

"Who me? Bad influence? Pffthahahaha! Really then, the one who's the bad influence here is YOU! Sanjouno Haruno!" I yelled at him very irritated and angry for the fact that he blames me for everything misfortune happened to him.

"What's going on here?" A new voice enters the room of the crime scene. It was father who looks at the place with confusion and concerned.

"Hakuro-san, look over here. Your brat daughter ate all of the food offerings with my daughter Haruhime"

"What?" He looks at me like he doesn't want to believe what the renard said.

"Father, don't believe them. They are trying to frame me from their crime. There is an imposter in this room!!" I tried to explain myself to my father.

"Is that so? Then who is the imposter then"

"I am not sure yet, but the imposter has the ability to change their appearance of other people, in order to do their crime while framing the person they are disguising as" I carefully analyzed and hypothesized the culprit of the crime.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you are just making alibi to pretend you are innocent" A pellum smugly dismissed my claims.

I look at him intently and felt that he has the feeling of being a suspect"

"AHA! It was you. You are the shapeshifting imposter!!" I pointed at the Pellum knowing that he is definitely the culprit.

"Who me? I am just your average and humble Pellum of the East" He tried to act innocent, even though it is obvious that he is lying.

"Don't lie to us to midget-sized impo-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH, MIKO!! You have done so much shame this evening. I don't want you to add more any longer"

"Huh, but father it is true, that one there is the real cul-"

"Why can't you just accept your sins, Miko? Repent to your dishonored actions"

"Huh? Dishonored? But father, I-"

"Don't! Just don't do anything stupid okay!"

"ME? STUPID? What stupid is trying to prove oneself they are innocent!"

"Silence! I don't want to hear any more excuses, accept your punishment"


What's this? Father is betraying me? This can't be happening.


[Third POV]

"Haruno-san, Hakuro-san, may I make a suggestion?"

Everyone's focus is on the suspect Pellum as he raises his hand

"What is it Amogo-san?"

"Well, my family is very influential and rich. We can pay you and clear the dirt in your name and position, in exchange for your two daughters"

"Huh? Why would I give you my daughter?"

"You see, if you give me the hands of your daughter, then I can spread my family's fame to yours" The pellum greedily explained

"You as well, Haruno-san, if you give your daughter to us, you can have a huge portion of our money. sounds good, right?" The pellum then advertise at the stoic renard.

"Is that so, then I'll accept. You may have my daughter"

"!!" Haruhime woke up from her deprived thoughts and was confused at her father's decision.

The guard took Haruhime away while tries to squirm and resist from being dragged away.

"Excellent, the how about you, Hakuro-san?" The pellum then turns to Hakuro who is conflicted about his choice.

He looks at his daughter's distraught expression as she pleads to her father to help her.

"Hmm, fine. Take her,"

"WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS FATHER! WHY?!" Miko is filled with negative emotions as she was betrayed by her father

"I am not betraying you. I am setting you an example to would happen if you disobey my commands"

Miko grimace in anger and regret. anger for being betrayed by her only hope and regret that she didn't honor him enough.

"Was my... love for you... not enough?" Miko said as she is about to cry

"No Miko, your love is quite enough, but need to learn from your mistakes and find a solution to avoid it happening again" Hakuro explained to Miko that looks like she had given up.

The guards took Miko away and Amogu is about to leave as well, but Hakuro grabbed his arm and pull him closer. Amogu is confused at Hakuro's sudden action.

Hakuro put his mouth near Amogu's ears and whispered

"If I found out your true motives and Miko got hurt or died, I will not stop until I finish your life"

The pellum was shaken by Hakuro's warning and was released from his grasp.

"coward.." The pellum muttered as he left the room. The other people who is watching all dispersed and they emptied the room.

Hakuro saw Miko's one earring that was left on the floor. He picked it up and looks at it solemnly.

"Tell me Sakura, what did I go wrong?" he muttered at the earring as he grasped it tightly.


Hello everyone, Author-san here

Finally, guys, it is almost here. The finale of the first volume is coming.

Please bear with me with this one, I promise you that this will be worth it.

I am excited to finish it off and get the hell out of the Far East.

I can feel it in my bone!! YES!

Anyways, thank you for reading

I hope you enjoyed today's drama. I hope not all of you hate drama okay.
